Yemekhane Ve Hayvan Atıklarından Bioenerji Geri Kazanımı
Yemekhane Ve Hayvan Atıklarından Bioenerji Geri Kazanımı
Kasarcı, Ali Onur
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Günümüzde atık kavramının değiştiği gözlenmekte ve atığın sürdürülebilirliği olan, geri kazanılabilir bir kaynak haline geldiği gözlenmektedir. Eğer bu boyutta katı atık ele alınırsa, gerek içeriği gerek özelliği bakımından yüksek verimde geri kazanım söz konusu olmaktadır. İnsanların artan ihtiyaçları karşısında, enerji gereksinimi ve çevre sorunları giderek artış göstermiş ve büyük bir problem haline gelmiştir. Hem insanların ihtiyaç duyduğu enerji gereksinimlerini karşılamak, hem de çevre sorunlarının önüne geçmek, ülkemizi ve dünyayı daha yaşanılabilir bir hale getirmek için katı atıklardan yararlanılmalıdır. Bu nedenle katık atık yönetiminin daha kapsamlı geri kazanımı içeren bir hale getirilmesi söz konusudur. Türkiye’de çok yaygın olarak gözlenen büyükbaş hayvancılığından ve yemekhane atıklarında elde edilen katı atıklar biyolojik olarak parçalanabilir maddeler içermektedir. Katı madde içeren bu iki farklı atık türünün özellikle birlikte arıtılması ile bu atıkların değerlendirilebilen birer atık oldukları ve ayrıca atık stabilizasyonun sağlanabilmesinin mümkün olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Büyükbaş hayvan atığının yüksek tamponlama kapasitesine sahip olup, bir ön arıtım ile hidroliz yapılırsa yüksek ayrışma kapasitesine sahip olur. Yemekhane atıkları ise, düşük tamponlama kapasitesine sahip olup, kolay ayrışabilmekte ve biyogaz elde etme verimi yüksek olmaktadır. Düşük tamponlama kapasitesinden dolayı asitleşme ile karşı karşıya kalınmaktadır. İki atığın bu özellikleri göz önüne alınarak birlikte arıtıldıklarında, birbirlerini tamamladıkları ve sistemin performansını arttırdığı gözlenmektedir. Bu çalışmada hayvan ve yemekhane atığı karışımlarının farklı işletme koşullarında metan ve hidrojen geri kazanımını sağlayacak anaerobik koşullarda arıtımı incelenerek, sistem performansının ortaya konmuştur. Reaktöre beslenen organik atık İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi yemekhanesinden alınan yemek atığından oluşmuş ve atığın beslemeye elverişli olabilmesi ve nispeten homojen olabilmesi için önceden mekanik ön işlemden geçirilerek ezilip karıştırılmak suretiyle partikül boyutu küçültülmüştür. Büyükbaş hayvan atığı direk olarak taze şekilde alınmış ve hiçbir ön işlemden geçirilmeden reaktörelere beslenmiştir. Her iki atık türü de +4 ̊C’de muhafaza edilmiştir. Reaktörlere beslenen atık türü, öğütülmüş yemekhane atığı ve büyükbaş havyan atığı karışımıdır. Çalışmada farklı özellikteki Kent Gıda, Biyometan, Biyohidrojen, Mey içki anaerobik aşıları kullanılmıştır. Kent Gıda aşısı benzer atık tipinin arıtımı için işletilen Kent Gıda şeker ve gıda üretim fabrikasından sağlanmıştır. Biyometan ve Biyohidrojen aşıları ise İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Katı Atık Laboratuvarında işletilen Biyometan ve Biyohidrojen reaktörlerinden alınmıştır. Mey aşısı ise alkollü içecekler üreten Mey içki Sanayi fabrikasından alınmıştır. Bu sistemlerin aşı/substrat oranı sabit tutulup, farklı katı madde oranlarında (%1.7, 3, 6) havyan ve yemekhane atıkları birlikte arıtılarak sistemin performansı incelenmiş, en uygun katı madde oranını saptanmıştır. Ayrıca yapılan diğer bir çalışmada ise; farklı aşı /substrat (1:2, 1, 3:2, 2, 3) ve farklı büyükbaş hayvan-yemekhane atığı karışım (100:100, 75:25, 50:50, 25:100, 0:100) oranları kullanılıp, sistemin performansı incelenmiş ve en uygun karışım ve aşı/substrat oranı saptanmıştır. Bu amaçla atık karışımı iki ayrı akımda arıtılmıştır. Birinci akımda tek kademeli olarak aşırı termofilik (70oC)’de işletilen reaktörden sadece metan üretimi yapılmıştır. Diğer akımda ise iki kademeli olarak 70oC ve 35oC’ de işletilen reaktörlerin, ilk kademesinde hidrojen üretimi ikinci kademesinde ise metan üretimi gerçekleştirilmiştir. BH70 ve BHM35 reaktöründe yüksek verimler elde edilirken, BM70 reaktöründe elde edilen verim ve metan gazı üretim seviyesi istenilen seviyeye ulaşmamıştır. Reaktörlerden her 2 günde 1 numune alınmıştır. Alınan numuneler, reaktörlere giriş ve reaktörlerden çıkış şeklinde olmak üzere iki farklı şekilde, giriş numunesi alındığı gün çıkış numunesi alınmamış, tam tersi olarak çıkış numunesi alındığı gün giriş numunesi alınmamıştır. Bu durumda ise her bir giriş ve çıkış numunesi ortalama 4’er günde 1 numune alınmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonuçlarına dayanarak iki kademeli olarak işletilen BH70+BHM35 reaktörleri ve tek kademeli olarak işletilen BM70 reaktörü ile karşılaştırmalı önemli sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. BH70 reaktörü için en yüksek UKM giderim verimi %2, KOİ giderim verimi %4 değerleri elde edilmiştir. BHM35 reaktöründe ise en yüksek metan gazı üretimi 2397 mL CH4/gün, UKM giderim verimi %20, KOİ giderim verimi %20 değerleri elde edilmiştir. BH70 reaktöründe gözlendiği gibi BHM35 reaktörününde de en yüksek değerler 3. dönemde elde edilmiştir. BM70 reaktöründe ise en yüksek metan gazı üretimi 811 mL CH4/gün, UKM giderim verimi %13, KOİ giderim verimi %14 değerleri elde edilmiştir. Bu değerler, organik atığın metan üretim potansiyeli açısından oldukça düşüktür. Çalışmanın ilk kısmında Aşı/Substrat oranları 1:2, 1, 3:2, 2, 3 olarak hayvan ve yemekhane atığı oranları ise 1:1 olarak alınmıştır. Yine aynı çalışmanın diğer kısmında ise aşı/substrat oranı sabit tutulmuş, hayvan ve yemekhane oranı ise 100:100, 75:25, 50:50, 25:100, 0:100 olarak alınmıştır. 2. Kademe için ise farklı aşı/substrat, oranı için en yüksek verim aşı/substrat oranı 3, yemekhane ve hayvan atığı oranı 1:1 iken elde edilmiştir. BH70 ve BHM35 reaktöründe yüksek verimler elde edilirken, BM70 reaktöründe elde edilen verim ve metan gazı üretim seviyesi istenilen seviyeye ulaşmamıştır. Bu noktada iki kademeli olarak işletilen sistemin, tek kademeli olarak işletilen sisteme kıyasla daha iyi ve yüksek verim alındığı söylenebilmektedir. İki ademeli sistemde eklenen ton UKM başına 88 m3 H2 ve 742 m3 CH4 elde etmek mümkün görünmektedir. İki kademeli sistem ile anaerobik arıtma sürecinin farklı adımlarında gerçekleşen reaksiyonlar, ayrı ayrı reaktörlerde optimize edilmiştir, böylece reaksiyon hızı ve biyogaz miktarı arttırılabilir. Ayrıca iki kademeli sistem ile yüksek oranda metan üretiminin yanında günümüzde temiz enerji kaynaklarından biri olarak adlandırılan hidrojen de üretilerek önemli bir üstünlük sağlanmaktadır.
Today ,the concept of waste has been changing and waste is becoming a source which is sustainable and reusable. High recovery rates are observed in case solid waste recovery due to its propery and energy content. On the basis of growing needs of people, energy demand and enviromental problems have been increased and become a major problem. Solid waste shall be utilized to meet energy needs of people, to prevent enviromental problems and also to make our country and world more livable. Therefore, solid waste management has been more comprehensive day by day. Solid wastes which are produced as result of livestock industry and food wastes produced in cafeterias contains easily biodegradable substances. Treatmenf of livestock industry and food wastes in same system indicates that solid waste can be reused and stabilization of these kind of waste is also applicable. Livestock industry waste has high buffer capacity and when it is treated with acids it has high biodegredability capacity. On the other hand , halls waste which is easily biodegredable has low buffer capacity and high biogas production yield. During biogas production , acidification is one of the problem which is caused by low buffer capacity. The two different property of livestock industry and halls waste eliminates individual disadvanteges of waste and increase in system performance is observed during study. In this study, the treatment of the mixture of cattle manure and halls waste in different operating conditions to ensure recovery of methane and hydrogen under anaerobic conditions is examined and system performance is presented. The organic waste consisted of Istanbul Technical University halls waste was crushed and mixed in particle size by mechanical pre-treatment to make it suitable for feeding to reactor and relatively homogenous. Fresh cattle waste was taken and fed to reactors without any pre-treatment. The type of waste that fed reactors was a mixture of cattle manure and milled halls waste and kept on +4 ̊C . In the study, anaerobic inoculums of Kent Gıda, Biomethane, Biohydrogen, Mey İçki in different characteristics were used. Kent Gıda inoculum was provided from Kent Gıda sugar and food production plant that was operated for treatment of similar waste type. Biomethane and biohydrogen inoculums were provided from biomethane and biohydrogen reactors operated in Istanbul Tecnical University Solid Waste Laboratory. Mey inoculum was provided from Mey İçki beverage plant that produces alcoholic beverages Inoculum/substrate ratios on those systems are kept constant, the cattle manure and halls waste are treated together in different rates of solids (%1.7, 3, 6) to examine the system performance and the most suitable ratio of solid matter is determined. In addition, different inoculum/substrate (1:2, 1, 3:2, 2, 3) and different ratios of cattle manure and halls waste mixture (100:100, 75:25, 50:50, 25:100, 0:100) are used to examine the system performance and the most suitable ratio of mixture and ratio of inoculum/substrate are determined in another study. For this purpose, waste mixture was treated in two separate currents. On first current, only the methane is produced by the reactor operated in extreme thermophilic condition (70oC) as single-stage. On the other current, in the reactors operated in two stage as 70oC and 35oC, hydrogen was produced in first stage and methane was produce on the second stage. High efficiency was obtained from reactor BH70 and BHM35 , but efficiency and the level of methane gas production of reactor BM70 could not reach the required level. One sample was taken from reactors every two days. Samples were taken in two different ways as input and output of reactors, the day input sample was taken, output sample was not taken. And vice versa, the day output sample was taken, input sample was not taken. In that case, every input and output sample were taken in every 4 day average. Based on the results of the analyzes, important conclusions are drawn by comparing BH70+BHM35 operated as a two-stage reactor and BM70 operated as a single-stage reactor. The values for the highest VSS tretament efficiency for reactor BH70 as 2% and COD as 4% were obtained. In BHM35 reactor the highest methane production is 2397mL CH4/day, VSS treatment efficiency is 20%, and COD efficiency is 20%. As observed in reactor BH70, the highest values are obtained on the 3. period in also reactor BHM35. In reactor BM70 the highest methane production is obtained as 811 mL CH4/day, VSS treatment efficiency as 13%, COD efficiency as 14%. Those values are very low in terms of methane production potential of organic waste . In the first part of study, inoculum/substrate ratios are taken as 1:2, 1, 3:2, 2, 3, and cattle manure and halls waste ratios as 1:1. On the other part of study, inoculum/substrate ratio is kept constant , but ratio of cattle manure and halls waste is taken as 100:100, 75:25, 50:50, 25:100, 0:100. For the 2. Stage, the highest efficiency for different inoculum/substrate ratio 3 was obtained while cattle manure and halls waste ratio was 1:1. At this point, it can be said that a system operated in two stage is better in a high efficiency than a system operated in single stage. On two-stage system , it is able to achieve 88 m3 H2 and 742 m3 CH4 for per added tons of . The reactions that occured in different steps of anaerobic threatment process with two-stage system were optimized in separate reactors, so the reaction speed and the amount of biogas can be increased. In addition, it is an important competitive advantage to produce hydrogen called as one of the clean energy sources as today, except to produce methane in high efficiency with two-stage system.
Today ,the concept of waste has been changing and waste is becoming a source which is sustainable and reusable. High recovery rates are observed in case solid waste recovery due to its propery and energy content. On the basis of growing needs of people, energy demand and enviromental problems have been increased and become a major problem. Solid waste shall be utilized to meet energy needs of people, to prevent enviromental problems and also to make our country and world more livable. Therefore, solid waste management has been more comprehensive day by day. Solid wastes which are produced as result of livestock industry and food wastes produced in cafeterias contains easily biodegradable substances. Treatmenf of livestock industry and food wastes in same system indicates that solid waste can be reused and stabilization of these kind of waste is also applicable. Livestock industry waste has high buffer capacity and when it is treated with acids it has high biodegredability capacity. On the other hand , halls waste which is easily biodegredable has low buffer capacity and high biogas production yield. During biogas production , acidification is one of the problem which is caused by low buffer capacity. The two different property of livestock industry and halls waste eliminates individual disadvanteges of waste and increase in system performance is observed during study. In this study, the treatment of the mixture of cattle manure and halls waste in different operating conditions to ensure recovery of methane and hydrogen under anaerobic conditions is examined and system performance is presented. The organic waste consisted of Istanbul Technical University halls waste was crushed and mixed in particle size by mechanical pre-treatment to make it suitable for feeding to reactor and relatively homogenous. Fresh cattle waste was taken and fed to reactors without any pre-treatment. The type of waste that fed reactors was a mixture of cattle manure and milled halls waste and kept on +4 ̊C . In the study, anaerobic inoculums of Kent Gıda, Biomethane, Biohydrogen, Mey İçki in different characteristics were used. Kent Gıda inoculum was provided from Kent Gıda sugar and food production plant that was operated for treatment of similar waste type. Biomethane and biohydrogen inoculums were provided from biomethane and biohydrogen reactors operated in Istanbul Tecnical University Solid Waste Laboratory. Mey inoculum was provided from Mey İçki beverage plant that produces alcoholic beverages Inoculum/substrate ratios on those systems are kept constant, the cattle manure and halls waste are treated together in different rates of solids (%1.7, 3, 6) to examine the system performance and the most suitable ratio of solid matter is determined. In addition, different inoculum/substrate (1:2, 1, 3:2, 2, 3) and different ratios of cattle manure and halls waste mixture (100:100, 75:25, 50:50, 25:100, 0:100) are used to examine the system performance and the most suitable ratio of mixture and ratio of inoculum/substrate are determined in another study. For this purpose, waste mixture was treated in two separate currents. On first current, only the methane is produced by the reactor operated in extreme thermophilic condition (70oC) as single-stage. On the other current, in the reactors operated in two stage as 70oC and 35oC, hydrogen was produced in first stage and methane was produce on the second stage. High efficiency was obtained from reactor BH70 and BHM35 , but efficiency and the level of methane gas production of reactor BM70 could not reach the required level. One sample was taken from reactors every two days. Samples were taken in two different ways as input and output of reactors, the day input sample was taken, output sample was not taken. And vice versa, the day output sample was taken, input sample was not taken. In that case, every input and output sample were taken in every 4 day average. Based on the results of the analyzes, important conclusions are drawn by comparing BH70+BHM35 operated as a two-stage reactor and BM70 operated as a single-stage reactor. The values for the highest VSS tretament efficiency for reactor BH70 as 2% and COD as 4% were obtained. In BHM35 reactor the highest methane production is 2397mL CH4/day, VSS treatment efficiency is 20%, and COD efficiency is 20%. As observed in reactor BH70, the highest values are obtained on the 3. period in also reactor BHM35. In reactor BM70 the highest methane production is obtained as 811 mL CH4/day, VSS treatment efficiency as 13%, COD efficiency as 14%. Those values are very low in terms of methane production potential of organic waste . In the first part of study, inoculum/substrate ratios are taken as 1:2, 1, 3:2, 2, 3, and cattle manure and halls waste ratios as 1:1. On the other part of study, inoculum/substrate ratio is kept constant , but ratio of cattle manure and halls waste is taken as 100:100, 75:25, 50:50, 25:100, 0:100. For the 2. Stage, the highest efficiency for different inoculum/substrate ratio 3 was obtained while cattle manure and halls waste ratio was 1:1. At this point, it can be said that a system operated in two stage is better in a high efficiency than a system operated in single stage. On two-stage system , it is able to achieve 88 m3 H2 and 742 m3 CH4 for per added tons of . The reactions that occured in different steps of anaerobic threatment process with two-stage system were optimized in separate reactors, so the reaction speed and the amount of biogas can be increased. In addition, it is an important competitive advantage to produce hydrogen called as one of the clean energy sources as today, except to produce methane in high efficiency with two-stage system.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2012
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2012
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2012
Anahtar kelimeler
Metan Üretimi,
Hayvan Atığı,
Yemekhane Atığı,
Methane Production,
Cattle Manure,
Halls Waste