Betonun Zamana Bağlı Deformasyonlarının Tahmini
Betonun Zamana Bağlı Deformasyonlarının Tahmini
Akbarov, Asgar
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu tez, normal ve düşük dayanımlı, katkısız ve mineral katkılı betonların sünme, temel sünme ve rötre deformasyonlarının incelenmesini; rötre ve sünme tahmin modelleri kullanılarak elde edilen sonuçların, deneysel rötre ve sünme değerlerine uygunluğunun belirlenmesini ve deneylerle belirlenen sünme toparlanma deformasyonu değerlerinin Yaş Ayarlı Etkin Modül (YAEM) Metodu kullanılarak elde edilen değerlerle karşılaştırılmasını içermektedir. Çalışmada, üç mineral katkı; silis dumanı, uçucu kül ve öğütülmüş yüksek fırın cürufu ve dört sünme ve rötre tahmin modeli; ACI, CEB-FIP, B3 ve GL2000 kullanılmaktadır. Mineral katkılı ve referans betonlardan elde edilen deneysel sonuçlar karşılaştırıldığında, mineral katkıların düşük dayanımlı betonların zamana bağlı deformasyonları üzerinde belirgin bir etkisi olmadığı buna karşın, normal dayanımlı betonlarda sünme ve rötre değerlerinde düşüşe neden olduğu belirlenmektedir. Rötre ve sünme tahmin modelleri ile elde edilen değerler analiz edildiğinde, B3 ve GL2000 modelleri yardımıyla elde edilen rötre tahmin sonuçları ile deneysel sonuçlar arasındaki farkların kabul edilen sınırlar içerisinde kaldığı; sünme fonksiyonu tahmin değerlerinin kabul edilir sınırları aştığı görülmektedir. YAEM metodu ile tahmin edilen sünme toparlanma fonksiyonu değerleri analiz edildiğinde, normal dayanımlı betonlarda kabul edilebilir sonuçlar elde edilemediği görülürken, düşük dayanımlı beton numunelerin sünme toparlanma fonksiyonu değerlerinin tahmininde olumlu sonuçlar alınmıştır.
This study incorporates the analyses of the creep, the basic creep and the shrinkage deformations of normal and low strength concretes with or without mineral admixtures; the investigation of the agreement between the results that have been gained using creep and shrinkage prediction methods and the experimental values of creep and shrinkage, and the comparison of the creep recovery deformation values obtained by experimentation and by using the Age Adjusted Effective Modulus (AAEM) method. Three mineral admixtures; silica fume, fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag and four creep and shrinkage prediction models; ACI, CEB-FIP, B3, GL2000 were used in this study. As the experimental values taken from concretes with and without mineral admixtures are compared, it was found that the mineral admixtures did not have a significant effect on the time dependent deformations of low strength concretes, whereas in normal strength concretes they caused the creep and shrinkage values to decrease. The results show that the differences between the experimental values of shrinkage and the values that were predicted by B3 and GL2000 models were within the accepted intervals. The deviations of the values of creep function from the experimental results were found to be outside the accepted intervals. As the creep recovery function values that were predicted by the AAEM method were analyzed, it can be said that the creep recovery function results obtained for specimens of normal strength concretes were insufficient while the results for the specimens of low strength concretes gave satisfactory results.
This study incorporates the analyses of the creep, the basic creep and the shrinkage deformations of normal and low strength concretes with or without mineral admixtures; the investigation of the agreement between the results that have been gained using creep and shrinkage prediction methods and the experimental values of creep and shrinkage, and the comparison of the creep recovery deformation values obtained by experimentation and by using the Age Adjusted Effective Modulus (AAEM) method. Three mineral admixtures; silica fume, fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag and four creep and shrinkage prediction models; ACI, CEB-FIP, B3, GL2000 were used in this study. As the experimental values taken from concretes with and without mineral admixtures are compared, it was found that the mineral admixtures did not have a significant effect on the time dependent deformations of low strength concretes, whereas in normal strength concretes they caused the creep and shrinkage values to decrease. The results show that the differences between the experimental values of shrinkage and the values that were predicted by B3 and GL2000 models were within the accepted intervals. The deviations of the values of creep function from the experimental results were found to be outside the accepted intervals. As the creep recovery function values that were predicted by the AAEM method were analyzed, it can be said that the creep recovery function results obtained for specimens of normal strength concretes were insufficient while the results for the specimens of low strength concretes gave satisfactory results.
Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2005
Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2005
Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2005
Anahtar kelimeler
Zamana bağlı deformasyonlar,
Time dependent deformations