Yüksek Konsantrasyonlarda Florür İçeren Endüstriyel Atıksuların Fizikokimyasal Yöntemler İle Arıtımı
Yüksek Konsantrasyonlarda Florür İçeren Endüstriyel Atıksuların Fizikokimyasal Yöntemler İle Arıtımı
Samuk, Beyza
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu çalışmada, yüksek florür içeriğine sahip atıksuları temsil etmek üzere, alüminyum yüzey işleme endüstrisi alüminyum yüzey temizleme ve durulama banyosundan alınan numuneler üzerinde, elektrokoagülasyon, kimyasal çöktürme, koagülasyon ve adsorpsiyon ile florür giderimi ile birlikte organik madde, alüminyum gibi kirleticilerin arıtımıyla ilgili deneysel çalışmalar yürütülmüştür. Alüminyum yüzey temizleme banyosundan, hidroflorik asit (%19), fosforik asit (%8.5) ve tensit (noniyonik) kullanılmasından dolayı, pH’sı düşük, florür başta olmak üzere alüminyum, sülfat, fosfat ve organik madde konsantrasyonları yüksek atıksular meydana gelmektedir. Bu nedenle elektrokoagülasyon prosesi ile florür gideriminin incelenmesinin yanısıra ortamda yüksek konsantrasyonda bulunan diğer kirleticilerin de uygulanacak alternatif arıtma prosesleriyle giderimi önem kazanmaktadır. Florür giderimi yaygın olarak kimyasal çöktürme ve adsorpsiyon prosesleri ile gerçekleşmektedir. Son yıllarda bu iki prosesin birlikte kullanıldığı elektrokoagülasyon uygulamaları da florür giderimi için potansiyel bir arıtma yöntemi olarak gündeme gelmektedir. Bu noktadan hareketle, anılan tüm arıtma yöntemlerinin söz konusu atıksular üzerinde uygulanabilirliğinin araştırılması hedeflenmiştir Birinci bölümde, çalışmanın önemi vurgulanmış, amaç ve kapsamı ifade edilmiştir. İkinci bölümde, florürün tanımı, insan ve çevre sağlığı için önemi belirtildikten sonra su ve atıksular için arıtma ihtiyacı saptanmıştır. Elektrokoagülasyon, kimyasal çöktürme, koagülasyon ve adsorpsiyon ile giderim mekanizmaları ayrıntılı olarak incelendikten sonra bu proseslerle florür gideriminin gerçekleştirildiği çalışmaları kapsayan literatür incelemesi yapılmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde, alüminyum yüzey işleme endüstrisinde uygulanan prosesler ve bu proseslerden kaynaklanan atıksular ile ilgili bilgi verilmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde, kimyasal çöktürme mekanizmasının daha iyi anlaşılması için CaF2 katı fazının tanımı, kristalizasyon yapısı ve çözünürlüğü ile ilgili ayrıntılı bilgiler verilmiştir. Beşinci bölümde, CaF2-H2O sistemi için teorik bir model kurulmuş ve bu modelin matematiksel çözümü yapılarak pH’a bağlı olarak florür çözünürlük diyagramı elde edilmiştir. Aynı kapsamda yürütülen deneysel çalışma ile kurulan teorik modelin kullanılabilirliği tahkik edilmiştir. Altıncı bölümde, alüminyum yüzey işleme endüstrisi atıksularında florür ile birlikte diğer kirleticilerin de giderimi için yürütülen deneysel çalışmalar verilmiştir. Deneysel çalışmalar kapsamında öncelikle, alüminyum yüzey temizleme ve durulama banyolarından alınan numunelerin, 1:1 oranında homojen bir şekilde karıştırılarak elde edilen kompozit numunelerinin karakterizasyonları yapılmıştır. Elektrokoagülasyon uygulamaları, ham ve kireç ile çöktürülerek ön arıtmaya tabi tutulmuş numuneler üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiş, işletme koşullarının proses performansı üzerine etkileri değerlendirilmiştir. İşletme koşulları olarak, akım yoğunluğu, elektrolit olarak kullanılan NaCl konsantrasyonu ve pH ele alınmıştır. Ham numuneler üzerinde alüminyum elektrotları kullanılarak yürütülen elektrokoagülasyon uygulamalarında florür giderme verimleri %95 (~ 100 mg/L) ile sınırlı kalmıştır. Kireç ile kimyasal ön arıtımı gerçekleştirilmiş numunelerde, elektrokoagülasyon prosesi ile florür konsantrasyonu, optimum işletme koşullarında (10 mA/cm2 akım yoğunluğu, pH 4, 1000 mg/L NaCl konsantrasyonu, işletme süresi 30 dakika) 0.5 mg/L’nin altına kadar düşürülmüştür. Ancak optimum koşullarda yürütülen elektrokoagülasyon uygulamasının alüminyum ve KOİ için alıcı ortam deşarj limitlerini sağlayamadığı tespit edilmiştir. Koagülasyon uygulamaları ham numuneler ve kireç ile kimyasal çöktürme ön arıtımı gerçekleştirilmiş numuneler üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiş ve florür ile birlikte diğer kirleticilerin giderimi incelenmiştir. Kireç ile kimyasal çöktürme ön arıtımı gerçekleştirmiş numuneler üzerinde yürütülen koagülasyon deneylerinde florür konsantrasyonun yaklaşık olarak tamamının giderildiği, alüminyum konsantrasyonunun 10-20 mg/L arasında kaldığı, KOİ de ise yaklaşık %30 giderim verimi elde edildiği tespit edilmiştir. Ham numuneler üzerinde yürütülen koagülasyon deneyleri, pH ayarları NaOH ve kireç ile yapılarak ayrı ayrı gerçekleştirilmiştir. pH ayarı NaOH ile yürütülen koagülasyon deneylerinde giderim verimi elde edilemez iken, kireç ile pH ayarlaması yapıldığında daha iyi sonuçlar elde edilmiş ancak alıcı ortam deşarj standartlarına ulaşılamadığı tespit edilmiştir. Deneysel çalışmaların son aşamasında ise, kireç ile kimyasal çöktürme ön arıtımı gerçekleştirilmiş olan alüminyum yüzey işleme atıksularının adsorpsiyon prosesi ile giderimi incelenmiştir. Adsorban madde olarak kil bazlı ağartma toprağı (attapulgite clay), kireç kaymağı ve CaCO3 kullanılmıştır. Adsorpsiyon deneylerinde adsorban dozu ve pH’nın etkisi incelenmiştir. Yapılan ön denemeler sonucunda kireç kaymağı ve CaCO3’ın florür giderimi üzerinde etkili olmadığı tespit edilmiş, buna karşın adsorban olarak ağartma toprağı kullanılarak yürütülen adsorpsiyon denemelerinde florür giderimi açısından tatmin edici sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Deney sonuçlarına bağlı olarak adsorpsiyon izotermleri çıkartılarak sonuçlar yorumlanmıştır. HCl asit ile aktive edilmiş kil bazlı ağartma toprağı ile pH 5.01’de yürütülen adsorpsiyon denemelerinde en yüksek florür giderme verimlerine ulaşıldığı ve florür konsantrasyonunun alıcı ortam deşarj limitlerinin altına (30 mg/L) indirilebildiği tespit edilmiştir. Adsorban olarak ağartma toprağının kullanıldığı adsorpsiyon uygulamasında florürün giderim mekanizmasının hidroksil iyonları ile anyon değişimi esasına dayandığı tespit edilmiştir. Adsorpsiyon denemelerinde florür giderimi için elde edilen dataların Freundlich izotermine uyum sağladığı belirlenmiştir.
In this study, in order to represent wastewaters which containing high amount of fluoride, experimental studies on treatment of contaminants such as organic substance, aluminum and fluoride removal with electrocoagulation, chemical precipitation, coagulation and adsorption were conducted on using the samples taken from aluminum surface treatment industry aluminum surface treatment and rinse bath. Due to the usage of hydrofluoric acid (19%), phosphoric acid (8.5%) and tenside (nonionic); wastewater which has low pH but high fluoride, aluminum, sulphate, phosphate and organic substance concentration are formed in aluminum surface treatment bath. Therefore, apart from the observation of fluoride removal with electrocoagulation process, the removal of other contaminants which are in high concentrations in the environment with alternative treatment processes is also of great importance. Fluoride is generally removed by chemical precipitation and adsorption processes. In recent years, electrocoagulation practices in which these two processes are used together have been employed as a potential treatment method for fluoride removal. From this point, it is aimed to examine the practicability of all the treatment methods aforesaid on mentioned wastewater. In the first section, the importance of study was expressed, its aim and scope were stated. In the second section, after the description of fluoride and its importance for health of human and environment, the requirement for water and wastewater was determined. After removal mechanisms of electrocoagulation, chemical precipitation, coagulation and adsorption were examined in details, a literature review in which fluoride removal studies were conducted with these processes was made. In the third section, information on the processes used in aluminum surface treatment industry and the wastewaters originating from these processes were given. In the fourth section, detailed information on the description of CaF2 solid phase, crystallization structure and solubility were given in order to understand the mechanism of chemical precipitation better. In the fifth section, a theoretic model was developed for CaF2-H2O system and diagram of fluoride solubility depending on pH was obtained by making mathematical solution of this model. Practicability of the theoretical model fixed with experimental study conducted in the same scope was tested. In the sixth section, experimental studies conducted for the removal of other contaminants together with fluoride in aluminum surface treatment industry wastewater were given. In the scope of experimental studies, first of all characterization of composite homogenous samples obtained in the rate of 1:1 of samples taken from aluminum surface treatment and rinse bath were done. Electrocoagulation process was conducted on raw samples and subjected to pretreatment by chemical precipitation with lime, the effect of operation conditions on process performance was evaluated. Applied current density, NaCl concentration used as an electrolyte and initial pH were considered as operation conditions. In electrocoagulation practices conducted by using aluminum electrodes on raw samples, remove efficiency of fluoride was limited to 95% (~ 100 mg/L). Fluoride concentrations on samples pre-treated by chemical precipitation with lime were reduced below 0.5 mg/L by electrocoagulation process performed at optimum operation conditions (10 mA/cm2 the applied current density, initial pH 4, 1000 mg/L NaCl concentration, 30 minutes operation time). However, it was determined that electrocoagulation practice conducted at optimum conditions could not provide discharge limits of receiving media for aluminum and COD. Coagulation-flocculation applications were conducted on raw samples and chemically precipitated with lime samples and removal of other contaminants together with fluoride was examined. In the coagulation-flocculation experiments conducted on using the samples of chemically precipitated with lime, while almost complete fluoride removal was achieved, remaining aluminum concentrations was found as 10-20 mg/L and up to 30% COD removal efficiencies were obtained. Coagulation-flocculation with alum carried out using raw samples were performed both NaOH and lime used as pH adjustment agents. In the case of NaOH usage, coagulation-flocculation was found as to be an ineffective process in removing the pollutants, while usage of lime yielded more efficient removal performance. On the other hand, the receiving media discharge standards were not ensured by this application. In the last stage of experimental studies, adsorption process was applied to pre-treated samples by chemical precipitation with lime. Attapulgite clay, Ca(OCl)2 and CaCO3 were used as adsorbents. The effect of adsorbant dose and pH on removal performance of adsorption process was experimentally studied. The results of primarily experiments indicated that Ca(OCl)2 and CaCO3 were ineffective in fluoride removal, satisfiying results could be attained by using attapulgite clay as an adsorbant in organic matter and aluminum abatements as well as fluoride removal. The highest fluoride removal efficiency was obtained in adsorption experiments conducted in pH 5.01 with attapulgite clay activated with HCl and that fluoride concentration could be reduced below discharge limits. Adsorption isotherms applied to experimental data obtained for fluoride revealed that Freundlich isotherm perfectly fitted the data analyzed for the present study. In the adsorption experiments performed using activated attapulgite clay as adsorbant, the fluoride removal mechanism is principally anion exchange with hydroxyl ions.
In this study, in order to represent wastewaters which containing high amount of fluoride, experimental studies on treatment of contaminants such as organic substance, aluminum and fluoride removal with electrocoagulation, chemical precipitation, coagulation and adsorption were conducted on using the samples taken from aluminum surface treatment industry aluminum surface treatment and rinse bath. Due to the usage of hydrofluoric acid (19%), phosphoric acid (8.5%) and tenside (nonionic); wastewater which has low pH but high fluoride, aluminum, sulphate, phosphate and organic substance concentration are formed in aluminum surface treatment bath. Therefore, apart from the observation of fluoride removal with electrocoagulation process, the removal of other contaminants which are in high concentrations in the environment with alternative treatment processes is also of great importance. Fluoride is generally removed by chemical precipitation and adsorption processes. In recent years, electrocoagulation practices in which these two processes are used together have been employed as a potential treatment method for fluoride removal. From this point, it is aimed to examine the practicability of all the treatment methods aforesaid on mentioned wastewater. In the first section, the importance of study was expressed, its aim and scope were stated. In the second section, after the description of fluoride and its importance for health of human and environment, the requirement for water and wastewater was determined. After removal mechanisms of electrocoagulation, chemical precipitation, coagulation and adsorption were examined in details, a literature review in which fluoride removal studies were conducted with these processes was made. In the third section, information on the processes used in aluminum surface treatment industry and the wastewaters originating from these processes were given. In the fourth section, detailed information on the description of CaF2 solid phase, crystallization structure and solubility were given in order to understand the mechanism of chemical precipitation better. In the fifth section, a theoretic model was developed for CaF2-H2O system and diagram of fluoride solubility depending on pH was obtained by making mathematical solution of this model. Practicability of the theoretical model fixed with experimental study conducted in the same scope was tested. In the sixth section, experimental studies conducted for the removal of other contaminants together with fluoride in aluminum surface treatment industry wastewater were given. In the scope of experimental studies, first of all characterization of composite homogenous samples obtained in the rate of 1:1 of samples taken from aluminum surface treatment and rinse bath were done. Electrocoagulation process was conducted on raw samples and subjected to pretreatment by chemical precipitation with lime, the effect of operation conditions on process performance was evaluated. Applied current density, NaCl concentration used as an electrolyte and initial pH were considered as operation conditions. In electrocoagulation practices conducted by using aluminum electrodes on raw samples, remove efficiency of fluoride was limited to 95% (~ 100 mg/L). Fluoride concentrations on samples pre-treated by chemical precipitation with lime were reduced below 0.5 mg/L by electrocoagulation process performed at optimum operation conditions (10 mA/cm2 the applied current density, initial pH 4, 1000 mg/L NaCl concentration, 30 minutes operation time). However, it was determined that electrocoagulation practice conducted at optimum conditions could not provide discharge limits of receiving media for aluminum and COD. Coagulation-flocculation applications were conducted on raw samples and chemically precipitated with lime samples and removal of other contaminants together with fluoride was examined. In the coagulation-flocculation experiments conducted on using the samples of chemically precipitated with lime, while almost complete fluoride removal was achieved, remaining aluminum concentrations was found as 10-20 mg/L and up to 30% COD removal efficiencies were obtained. Coagulation-flocculation with alum carried out using raw samples were performed both NaOH and lime used as pH adjustment agents. In the case of NaOH usage, coagulation-flocculation was found as to be an ineffective process in removing the pollutants, while usage of lime yielded more efficient removal performance. On the other hand, the receiving media discharge standards were not ensured by this application. In the last stage of experimental studies, adsorption process was applied to pre-treated samples by chemical precipitation with lime. Attapulgite clay, Ca(OCl)2 and CaCO3 were used as adsorbents. The effect of adsorbant dose and pH on removal performance of adsorption process was experimentally studied. The results of primarily experiments indicated that Ca(OCl)2 and CaCO3 were ineffective in fluoride removal, satisfiying results could be attained by using attapulgite clay as an adsorbant in organic matter and aluminum abatements as well as fluoride removal. The highest fluoride removal efficiency was obtained in adsorption experiments conducted in pH 5.01 with attapulgite clay activated with HCl and that fluoride concentration could be reduced below discharge limits. Adsorption isotherms applied to experimental data obtained for fluoride revealed that Freundlich isotherm perfectly fitted the data analyzed for the present study. In the adsorption experiments performed using activated attapulgite clay as adsorbant, the fluoride removal mechanism is principally anion exchange with hydroxyl ions.
Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011
Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2011
Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2011
Anahtar kelimeler
alüminyum yüzey işleme endüstrisi,
fizikokimyasal arıtım,
aluminum surface treatment industry,
phsico-chemical treatment