Gamification design principles in healthcare: A study on vital signs measurement in pediatrics at self-service health kiosk

Gökgür, Eren
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Institute of Science and Technology
Studies on improving user experience through gamification have gained importance. Different sectors have been practicing with game-like factors to be successful in their sectors for many years. With the aid of digitalization in recent years, new possibilities raised in terms of seeing examples of gamification in various industries that have no game-related origin. We may give an instance, where we are witnessing the practices of the gamification field in Healthcare. Even there are focused studies taking advantage of gamification in particular health fields. Specifically, medical examination for pediatrics is an open area that may yield promising outcomes once enhanced with gamification. Medical examination, which is not part of children's daily routine, may often be associated with uncertainties, and thus with worrying experiences, and is one of the areas which can be improved through a gamification design approach. This research examines the gamification design of a self-service health kiosk prototype to get vital signs measurements in pediatrics. Analysis of the effect of gamification design on the accuracy of the vital signs measurements while providing the child with a comfortable experience with playful design is the goal of the study. This thesis begins with the industrial origin of gamification, the theories that gamification is derived from, the disciplines that gamification taps into and its positive effect on children's health by promoting adherence, increasing the accuracy of the vital signs measurement and reducing stress. The methods regarding testing our hypothesis involve an application, vital sign measurement devices in a self-serving health kiosk, analyzing of the results, comparison of the results with normal values and our observation on the participants as well as the participants' remarks. As we are in pursuit of observing the positive effects of gamification of vital sign measurements on children's health, we would like to observe three things, those are, promoting adherence, increasing the accuracy of the vital signs measurement and reducing stress. With the data at hand and relying on our observations, we may come into some preliminary facts that in the healthcare domain, by using gamification design principles we can promote adherence, increase accuracy and reduce pediatric patience's stress. Exceeding the patient interests, healthcare providers can also gain from gamification technology through gathering insights into patients, pulled from usage data, a better comprehension of preventive care requirements.
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2020
Anahtar kelimeler
gamification design, gamification, healthcare, gamification and health, self-service health