Galvanizli Ve Ostenitik Paslanmaz Çelik Sacların Nokta Kaynaklı Bağlantılarının Yorulma Dayanımlarının Araştırılması
Galvanizli Ve Ostenitik Paslanmaz Çelik Sacların Nokta Kaynaklı Bağlantılarının Yorulma Dayanımlarının Araştırılması
Akkuş, Ahmet
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu çalışmada, çinko kaplanmış (galvanizli) çelik saclar ve ostenitik paslanmaz çelik saclar kendi aralarında elektrik direnç nokta kaynağı ile birleştirilmişlerdir. Kaynak çekirdek çapı ve sac kombinasyonu deney parametreleri olarak seçilmiştir. Kaynak çekirdek çapının ve sac kombinasyonunun bağlantının çekme makaslama dayanımına, sertlik dağılımına, makro ve mikro yapılarına etkileri incelenmiştir. 3 farklı sac kombinasyonuna sahip nokta kaynaklı numune serilerine, uzun ömürlü yorulma deneyleri yapılmış ve bağlantıların S-N eğrileri elde edilmiştir. Yorulma sonrası, yüksek gerilmelerde zorlanan ve koparak hasara uğrayan numunelerin kopma yüzeyleri tarayıcı elektron mikroskobu ile incelenmiş, bunların fotoğrafları çekilmiştir. Yorulma öncesi ve yorulma sonrası kaynaklı bağlantıdaki değişimleri incelemek amacıyla, ultrasonik testler yapılmıştır. Kaynaklı bağlantıda yorulma sonrası oluşan çatlak boyları mekanik yöntemler ve bilgisayar programları yardımıyla ölçülerek, nokta kaynaklı bağlantıya ait malzeme sabitleri (C ve m sabitleri) ve çatlak ilerleme hızını veren bağıntı elde edilmiştir.
In this study, galvanized and austenitic stainless steel sheets were resistance spot welded. Sheet combination and weld nugget diameter are experiment parameters. The effects of the weld nugget and sheet combination on the tensile-shear strength, hardness distribution and macro – micro structures of the welded joints were experimentally investigated. The fatigue tests were applied to the spot welded specimens series with three different sheet combinations, and the S-N curves of the welded joints were obtained. The failure after fatigue tests was seen as rupture in some of the high stresses applied spot welded specimens and those rupture surfaceses were investigated by SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) and taken photographs. The ultrasonic tests were performed to observe the variations in the welded joints both before and after fatigue. The crack lengths after fatigue were measured by mechanically and by using a software program, and at the result, material properties (C and m coefficients) and crack growth rate relation of the spot welded joint was obtained.
In this study, galvanized and austenitic stainless steel sheets were resistance spot welded. Sheet combination and weld nugget diameter are experiment parameters. The effects of the weld nugget and sheet combination on the tensile-shear strength, hardness distribution and macro – micro structures of the welded joints were experimentally investigated. The fatigue tests were applied to the spot welded specimens series with three different sheet combinations, and the S-N curves of the welded joints were obtained. The failure after fatigue tests was seen as rupture in some of the high stresses applied spot welded specimens and those rupture surfaceses were investigated by SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) and taken photographs. The ultrasonic tests were performed to observe the variations in the welded joints both before and after fatigue. The crack lengths after fatigue were measured by mechanically and by using a software program, and at the result, material properties (C and m coefficients) and crack growth rate relation of the spot welded joint was obtained.
Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006
Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2006
Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2006
Anahtar kelimeler
Direnç nokta kaynağı,
paslanmaz çelik,
galvanizli çelik,
Spot weld,
stainless steel,
galvanized steel,