Mobil Ticaret:mobil Bankacılık
Mobil Ticaret:mobil Bankacılık
Mutlu Aktaş, Şirin
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Elektronik ticaretin giderek yaygınlaşması ve mobil telefonların kullanımının artması ile mobil ticaret ya da m-ticaret adı verilen yeni bir ticaret kanalı oluştu. Elektronik ticaret ile beraber ödeme işlemlerinin dijital ortama geçişi tamamlanmış, müşteri ile satıcı arasında sanal bir bağlantı sağlanmıştı. Fiziksel ödeme yöntemlerinin sanal ödeme yöntemlerine dönüşmesi hem satıcı hem de müşteriye büyük fayda sağlamıştı. Mobil ticaret tüm bunlara el olarak fiziksel ya da sayısal malların “her an, her yerde, gerçek zamanlı ve peşin ödeme gerektirmeden ” yapılabilmesini de sağladı. Bunun sonucu olarak banka , kredi kartı şirketi gibi finansal şirketler ile mobil network operaörleri arasında yeni mobil ödeme servislerini piyasaya sürme rekabeti başladı. Buna rağmen son zamanlardaki piyasa analizlerine göre üretilen mobil ödeme servisleri ne finans şirketleri ne de mobil operatörler için kazanç sağlanan bir rekabet kaynağı oldu. Bunun için her iki aktör de marketteki payını arttıracak ve rekabet gücü sağlayacak yeni, başarılı ve güvenli bir iş modeli yaratmaya çalışıyor. Telsiz bir mobil araç kullanarak ödemelerin gerçekleşmesi anlamına gelen mobil ticaret perakende sektöründe oldukça önemli bir rol üstlenmeye başladı. Gartner araştırma şirketi Batı Avrupada yaptığı araştırmaya göre 2005 yılı sonuna kadar sadece bu bölgede mobil ticaret işlemlerinin getirisinin 15 milyon dolara ulaşacağı tahmin ediliyor. Forrester araştırma şirketi ile bu değerin 26 milyon değere ulaşacağı gibi iddialı bir tahminde bulunuyor. Araştırma şirketinin bu tahmininde her yıl mobil telefon başına 87 dolar ödeme yapıldığı ve müşterilerin sadece %5’inin cüzdan , kredi kartı gibi klasik ödeme araçlarını kullandığı varsayılıyor. Tüm bu iyimser tahminlere rağmen mobil ticaretin ve mobil ödeme servislerinin gelişimi teknolojik ve ticari faktörlerin gecikmesi nedeniyle geri kalıyor. Mobil operatörlerin ve finans şirketlerinin bu gecikmeye karşı çıkarak müşteri ve satıcıya yeni ödeme sistemlerini tanıtıp kulanımını özendirmesi gerekiyor. Mobil ticaretin ilerlemesinin yavaş olmasında daha once elektronik ticaretin de yaşadığı problemlerle birlikte mobil ortamın kendi problemleri olan mobil araç ve network kısıtları, ödeme sistemi çözümlerinin yetersizliği ve müşterinin ilgisizliği gibi problemlerin de etkisi büyüktür. Durclarcher araştırma şirketi de Avrupa’da potansiyel mobil ticaret pazarını 2005 yılı itibariyle 26 milyon dolar olarak tahmin ediyor. Mobil operatörler, finans ve endüstri şirketleri bu potansiyeli değerlendirmek ve mobil ticaretin kabul edilişi ve kullanışını hızlandırmak için mobil ödeme servislere ilgiyi arttırmalıdır. Mobil ticarete potansiyel ilgiyi gösterebilmek için diğer bir istatistik de Batı Avrupadaki mobil telefon kullanıcı sayısının 2003 sonunda nüfusun %7’ine yaklaşmasıdır. Bununla beraber yeni 3G servislerinin ve UMTS teknolojisinin getirdiği avantajlar bazı problemlerin çözümüne yardımcı olmakta ve ödeme sistemleri için yeni mobil uygulamalara olanak sağlamaktadır. Böylece daha fazla kullanıcının mobil araçlarının kullanarak mobil ödeme işlemleri yapması bekleniyor. Batı Avrupada şu anda dahai mobil araç kullacılarının %46’sı mobil ödeme işlemleri yapıyor, fakat bunlar haber uyarı servisleri, logo indirme, zil sesi tonları indirme gibi oldukça küçük işlemler. Mobil ticaret için kullanılabilecek mobil araç türleri sadece mobil telefonlar değil pda, laptop gibi araçlardan buzdolabı, araba gibi değişik araçlara kadar değişebilir. Günümüzde giderek artan “her zaman, heryerde hazır ve mobil olma” gereksinimi, müşteri ve satıcıların “her zaman, her yerde ve her yolla iş yapabilmesi” gereksinimi mobil servislerin önemini arttırıyor. Mobil servisler bu anlamda mobil operatörler için yeni bir ürün haline geliyor. Mobil operatörlerin müşterilerini daha ucuz servis sunan rakiplerine kaptırmaması ve aynı zamanda yeni kazanç eğilimleri yaratması için yeni yöntemler geliştirmesi gerekiyor. Mobil ticaret servisleri de bu bağlamda sunulabilecek servislerin başında geliyor. Mobil operatörlerün mobil servislerin yanında hızla gelişen mobil teknoloji marketinde de rekabete geçmesi gerekiyor. Mobil telefon teknolojileri (örneğin GSM, GPRS, UMTS …) ve veri iletişim teknolojilerinin (örneğin WLAN, Bluetooth, Infrared, RFID …) aynı tür servisleri verebilmesi için ortak bir platform oluşturuluyor. Böylece yakın bir zamanda telekomunikasyon pazarı ses ve veri iletişiminde iyi kalitede servis verilebilecek ve mobiliteyi de sağlayacak bütünleşik network modelleri oluşturuyor. Bazı mobil operatörler hem mobil telefon hem de mobil veri iletişim teknolojileri pazarında yarışabilmek için yarışırken, bazıları sadece biri üzerinde uzmanlaşıyor. Bilinen mobil operatörlerden Swisscom 3G servislerinin verebilmek için UMTS lisansı alırken , aynı zamanda Avrupada oldukça yaygın olan telsiz geniş alan ağı servis sağlayıcılığı servisini de sunuyor. Türkiye’de ise mobil operatörler mobil telefon teknolojileri ile ilgili servisleri sunarken telsiz network erişimleri için telsiz geniş alan ağı servisi veren şirket sayısı oldukça az. Türkiye’de telsiz erişim sadece şirket, mağaza, café ,restoran gibi kapalı alanlarda kullanılıp geniş alanda kullanılacak kalite, güvenlik ve donanıma sahip değil. Bugün mobil telefon ve veri iletişim teknolojileri hem transfer hızı, hem kapsama alanı hem de iletişim protokolleri açısında birbirinin tamamlayıcısı olmaktan çok uzak. Fakat yakın gelecekte bu ikisi arasındaki fark kapanacaktır. Bu tez çalışmasında mobil ticareti ayrıntısı ile anlayabilmek için mobil iletişim sektörü ile beraber hem elektronik hem de mobil ticarette kullanılam ödeme sistemleri modelleri incelenecektir. Böylece günümüzde mobil ticaret servisleri platformunda kullanılan ya da kullanılacak olan mobil iletişim teknolojileri veya iletişim protokolleri, güvenlik ve uygulamalar da incelenecektir. Bunun yanında şu anda varolan ödeme sistemlerinin iş modellerinin oluşturulması için kullanılış şekilleri, sınıflandırılması, uygulama ve servislerin örneklendirilmesi sağlanacaktır. Mobil ödeme sistemleri alanında mobil operatörler ya da mobil ödeme servisi sağlayıcıları dışındaki teknolojik ve stratejik faktörler ile oyuncular da incelenecektir. Son bölümde, tüm bu iş ve teknoloji analizlerinin ve servislerin incelenmesi sonucu oluşturulan “Mobil Bankacılık Servisi Projesi” adı verilen bir örnek mobil ticaret servisi uygulaması yer almaktadır.
With the growing prevalence of the electronic commerce and the widespread use of mobile phones, a new type of channel is emerging, called mobile commerce, or m-commerce. The use of e-commerce has already digitalized the payment process, so physical contact between the buyer and seller is no longer necessary. The conversion from physical to virtual payments has brought enormous benefits to consumers and merchants alike. Moreover, mobile commerce will likely require real-time cashless mobile payments for buying physical and digital goods anywhere at anytime. The immediate consequence is a race between payment service providers such as banks, card companies and mobile network operators to be the first to offer a new successful mode of virtual payments. However, some recent analysis show that mobile payment have not proven to be a source of competitive advantage for neither financial institutions nor for mobile operators. Hence, the current tendency for each actor is to try to pick the right business model to maximize their market share rather than trying to lead the market. Mobile payments, defined as payments carried out wirelessly via a mobile device, are likely to become an important section of the retail payment sector. Gartner Research predicted that the transaction value of mobile payments will expand to $15 billion in Western Europe by year-end 2005. In an attempt to overbid this forecast, Forrester Research, predicted that mobile payments will amount to only €26 billion in 2005 -- €87 per mobile phone user per year -- and just 0.5% of consumer spending, excluding housing and vehicle purchases . However, mobile payment is confronted with technological and business issues that delay its development. The biggest challenge that mobile payment providers face at this time is convincing European consumers and merchants that they need new payment systems . The current slow start of m-commerce can be attributed to the fact that it suffers from the same problems troubling e-commerce, plus a few of its own , such as device and network limitations, maturity of payment solutions, and customers’ lack of interest. Nevertheless, according to Durlarcher Research, the potential of m-commerce remains enormous, predicting that the market could be worth €26 billion in Europe by year 2005. This has prompted many mobile and financial industries to claim that it is time to promote mobile payments in order to accelerate the development, acceptance and use of the m-commerce. Another way to explain the real enthusiasm around m-commerce would be the penetration of mobile phones estimated in Western Europe reached almost 70% by the end of 2003 [10]. Moreover, the arrival of the new 3G services that will be coming with UMTS addressed some disabling problems and deliver more possibilities for new mobile applications, which will need a good payment system. Consequently, we expect that more people might want to make payment transactions over their mobile handset. Some recent Gartner survey data indicates that approximately 46% of Western Europeans already use a mobile device for making some kind of mobile purchase (e.g., news alerts, logo, ringtones).The types of mobile device that can be used for m-commerce range from the classic mobile phone, PDA and laptop, to more surprising devices such as refrigerators and cars. The growing need for ubiquity and mobility promises a bright future for m-commerce, which creates an environment where consumers and merchants are able to conduct business anywhere, anytime and any way they like. Herzberg insists that security and convenience are two essential properties that mobile devices should have . The mobile telecommunication area is subject to an important debate which concerns the current and future successful technology in m-commerce. Mobile voice is quickly becoming a commodity and mobile operators are increasingly looking for ways to reduce the loss of subscribers to cheaper competitors and at the same time open up new revenue streams. Offering mobile electronic commerce services is a way of achieving both of these goals. The enabling technology is rapidly advancing and operators must act now to become central player in this lucrative market.It has been observed that mobile voice telephony (e.g., GSM, GPRS, UMTS, ...) and data communication (e.g., WLAN, Bluetooth, infrared, RFID, ...) are converging to offer the same type of services. Sooner or later, the telecommunication market will change in the sense that one type of network will be able to handle voice conversations and data transfers with good quality of service. The objective is to respond to the desire of increased mobility, whether for carrying voice or data. Some mobile network operators are preparing to compete on both markets. For example, Swisscom bought a UMTS license to offer 3G services, but they are also promoting WLAN hotspots. Today, these technologies are different enough to be complementary, especially concerning the speed of transmission and coverage. However, in the future, we cannot be assured that the distinction will be so evident. In this paper, we give a general overview of the mobile telecommunication sector. In addition,we review different payment mechanisms to obtain a better understanding of the impact of mobile payments. Therefore, the current and emerging technologies behind m-commerce is investigated and the elements needed in an advanced m-commerce service platform is looked at. Also we propose to use some description, classification and decomposition tools for existing payment systems and technology. Furthermore, we identify the actors in the mobile payment arena and the various strategies and technologies that these actors can choose. As a result all this contribution gives an overview of the experiences gained and practically applied in a case study : “Mobile Banking Service Project” ; which presents some results achieved so far.
With the growing prevalence of the electronic commerce and the widespread use of mobile phones, a new type of channel is emerging, called mobile commerce, or m-commerce. The use of e-commerce has already digitalized the payment process, so physical contact between the buyer and seller is no longer necessary. The conversion from physical to virtual payments has brought enormous benefits to consumers and merchants alike. Moreover, mobile commerce will likely require real-time cashless mobile payments for buying physical and digital goods anywhere at anytime. The immediate consequence is a race between payment service providers such as banks, card companies and mobile network operators to be the first to offer a new successful mode of virtual payments. However, some recent analysis show that mobile payment have not proven to be a source of competitive advantage for neither financial institutions nor for mobile operators. Hence, the current tendency for each actor is to try to pick the right business model to maximize their market share rather than trying to lead the market. Mobile payments, defined as payments carried out wirelessly via a mobile device, are likely to become an important section of the retail payment sector. Gartner Research predicted that the transaction value of mobile payments will expand to $15 billion in Western Europe by year-end 2005. In an attempt to overbid this forecast, Forrester Research, predicted that mobile payments will amount to only €26 billion in 2005 -- €87 per mobile phone user per year -- and just 0.5% of consumer spending, excluding housing and vehicle purchases . However, mobile payment is confronted with technological and business issues that delay its development. The biggest challenge that mobile payment providers face at this time is convincing European consumers and merchants that they need new payment systems . The current slow start of m-commerce can be attributed to the fact that it suffers from the same problems troubling e-commerce, plus a few of its own , such as device and network limitations, maturity of payment solutions, and customers’ lack of interest. Nevertheless, according to Durlarcher Research, the potential of m-commerce remains enormous, predicting that the market could be worth €26 billion in Europe by year 2005. This has prompted many mobile and financial industries to claim that it is time to promote mobile payments in order to accelerate the development, acceptance and use of the m-commerce. Another way to explain the real enthusiasm around m-commerce would be the penetration of mobile phones estimated in Western Europe reached almost 70% by the end of 2003 [10]. Moreover, the arrival of the new 3G services that will be coming with UMTS addressed some disabling problems and deliver more possibilities for new mobile applications, which will need a good payment system. Consequently, we expect that more people might want to make payment transactions over their mobile handset. Some recent Gartner survey data indicates that approximately 46% of Western Europeans already use a mobile device for making some kind of mobile purchase (e.g., news alerts, logo, ringtones).The types of mobile device that can be used for m-commerce range from the classic mobile phone, PDA and laptop, to more surprising devices such as refrigerators and cars. The growing need for ubiquity and mobility promises a bright future for m-commerce, which creates an environment where consumers and merchants are able to conduct business anywhere, anytime and any way they like. Herzberg insists that security and convenience are two essential properties that mobile devices should have . The mobile telecommunication area is subject to an important debate which concerns the current and future successful technology in m-commerce. Mobile voice is quickly becoming a commodity and mobile operators are increasingly looking for ways to reduce the loss of subscribers to cheaper competitors and at the same time open up new revenue streams. Offering mobile electronic commerce services is a way of achieving both of these goals. The enabling technology is rapidly advancing and operators must act now to become central player in this lucrative market.It has been observed that mobile voice telephony (e.g., GSM, GPRS, UMTS, ...) and data communication (e.g., WLAN, Bluetooth, infrared, RFID, ...) are converging to offer the same type of services. Sooner or later, the telecommunication market will change in the sense that one type of network will be able to handle voice conversations and data transfers with good quality of service. The objective is to respond to the desire of increased mobility, whether for carrying voice or data. Some mobile network operators are preparing to compete on both markets. For example, Swisscom bought a UMTS license to offer 3G services, but they are also promoting WLAN hotspots. Today, these technologies are different enough to be complementary, especially concerning the speed of transmission and coverage. However, in the future, we cannot be assured that the distinction will be so evident. In this paper, we give a general overview of the mobile telecommunication sector. In addition,we review different payment mechanisms to obtain a better understanding of the impact of mobile payments. Therefore, the current and emerging technologies behind m-commerce is investigated and the elements needed in an advanced m-commerce service platform is looked at. Also we propose to use some description, classification and decomposition tools for existing payment systems and technology. Furthermore, we identify the actors in the mobile payment arena and the various strategies and technologies that these actors can choose. As a result all this contribution gives an overview of the experiences gained and practically applied in a case study : “Mobile Banking Service Project” ; which presents some results achieved so far.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2005
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2005
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2005
Anahtar kelimeler
Mobil Telekomünikasyon,
Mobil Ticaret,
Mobile Bankacılık,
Mobile Telecommunication,
Mobile Commerce,
Mobile Banking