Konutlarda Enerji Yönetimi : Kompact Fluoresan Lamba Kullanımı
Konutlarda Enerji Yönetimi : Kompact Fluoresan Lamba Kullanımı
Emre, Erkin
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Enerji Enstitüsü
Energy Institute
Energy Institute
Tüm dünyada olduğu gibi, ülkemizde de "enerji sorunu" en güncel konu olarak yerini korumaktadır. Kısıtlı rezervlere sahip enerji kaynaklan ile oluşturulabilecek "sürdürülebilir enerji politikaları"nda enerji verimliliğinin arttırılması, alınması gereken önlemlerin başında gelmektedir. Büyük yatırım maliyetleri gerektirmeden bilinçli uygulamalarla sağlanabilen son tüketici noktalarındaki tasarruflar özellikle üzerinde durulması ve başarılması gereken konulardır. Konutlarda aydınlatma amaçlı kullanılan elektrik enerjisi miktarını azaltan enerji tasarruflu kompakt fluoresan lambaların kullanılmasına ilişkin halkı bilinçlendirici ve özendirici çalışmalar tüm dünyada uygulanmaktadır. Ülkemizde de bu tür çalışmaların gerekliliği düşünülerek, Türk Philips'in maddi katkısı, BEDAŞ Çağlayan İşletme Müdürlüğü'nün veri desteği ile İTÜ Enerji Enstitüsü tarafından Eylül 2003 tarihinde bir proje başlatılmıştır. Bu çalışma, konutlarda kompakt fluoresan lambaların kullanımı ile sağlanabilecek enerji tasarrufu oranının ve aydınlatmanın toplam elektrik enerjisi tüketimi içindeki payının belirlenmesi amaçlanarak, pilot bölge olarak seçilen İstanbul - Kağıthane'deki 280 konutluk Terasevler Sitesi'nde projeye katılan 104 konut ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu kapsamda 104 evdeki toplam 27.8 kW gücünde 422 adet enkandesen lamba, toplam 6.7 kW gücündeki eşdeğer KFL'ler ile değiştirilmiştir. BEDAŞ'tan 104 konuta ait, projenin bir sene öncesine uzanan elektrik enerjisi faturaları temin edilmiş ve lamba değişiminden sonraki faturalar aylık olarak takip edilmiştir. Projenin sonunda yapılan analizler ile sağlanan elektrik enerji tasarrufu %9 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Aydınlatmanın toplam elektrik enerjisi tüketimi içindeki payının belirlenmesi için bazı konutlardaki tüm lambalara sayaçlar takılmış ve bir aylık kullanımın sonunda lambaların hacimlere göre kullanım süreleri, dolayısıyla elektrik enerjisi tüketimleri hesaplanabilmiştir. Buna göre lambaların tümünün enkandesen lamba olduğu zaman aydınlatmanın payı %23, lambaların yaklaşık yarısının KFL olması halinde bu payın %10'lara düşürülebildiği belirlenmiştir.
Energy Efficiency has become as important as energy itself where the development of the world needs more and more energy. Increasing the energy efficiency is one of the most important precautions in Sustainable Energy Strategies. The energy savings in the demand-side, which can be done with conscious applications and without high investments are particularly important topics that should be dwelled upon and succeed. This study aims to determine the energy consumption ratio of the lighting in the total electrical bills and the energy savings at the residences by using CFLs. With the support of Philips Turk and Bosphorus Electricity Distribution Company (BED AS), there has been a demand-side project being implemented in 104 residences in a pilot area in Istanbul. Before the project, all residences were visited to get information about the type, the power consumption of the electrical and lighting devices, the approximate usage time and the thought of the residents on CFLs. Then incandescent lamps according to the residents' desire were replaced with the suitable CFLs. By this replacement, 422 incandescent lamps with 27.8kW of total power consumption replaced with CFLs of which total power consumption is 6.7kW. The electrical bills of the residences over one year were obtained from the Electricity Company. After the beginning of the project, the bills were obtained and analyzed monthly in comparison with previous year. In order to determine the consumption ratio of lighting, some residences were chosen to be analyzed intensively. For this purpose, electronic measurement devices such as hour-meters and electronic energy- meters were installed. At the end of the project, electrical energy saving by CFLs over one year is determined as about 9%. On the other hand electrical energy consumption ratio of lighting in total electrical energy consumption at the residences is determined as % 23 with incandescent lamps and % 10 with % 45 of CFL and % 55 of incandescent lamps together.
Energy Efficiency has become as important as energy itself where the development of the world needs more and more energy. Increasing the energy efficiency is one of the most important precautions in Sustainable Energy Strategies. The energy savings in the demand-side, which can be done with conscious applications and without high investments are particularly important topics that should be dwelled upon and succeed. This study aims to determine the energy consumption ratio of the lighting in the total electrical bills and the energy savings at the residences by using CFLs. With the support of Philips Turk and Bosphorus Electricity Distribution Company (BED AS), there has been a demand-side project being implemented in 104 residences in a pilot area in Istanbul. Before the project, all residences were visited to get information about the type, the power consumption of the electrical and lighting devices, the approximate usage time and the thought of the residents on CFLs. Then incandescent lamps according to the residents' desire were replaced with the suitable CFLs. By this replacement, 422 incandescent lamps with 27.8kW of total power consumption replaced with CFLs of which total power consumption is 6.7kW. The electrical bills of the residences over one year were obtained from the Electricity Company. After the beginning of the project, the bills were obtained and analyzed monthly in comparison with previous year. In order to determine the consumption ratio of lighting, some residences were chosen to be analyzed intensively. For this purpose, electronic measurement devices such as hour-meters and electronic energy- meters were installed. At the end of the project, electrical energy saving by CFLs over one year is determined as about 9%. On the other hand electrical energy consumption ratio of lighting in total electrical energy consumption at the residences is determined as % 23 with incandescent lamps and % 10 with % 45 of CFL and % 55 of incandescent lamps together.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Enerji Enstitüsü, 2005
Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Physics, [DATE]
Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Physics, [DATE]
Anahtar kelimeler
Enerji yönetimi,
Kompakt fluoresan,
Energy management,
Compact fluorescent