Pencere tiplerinin yapılardaki enerji tasarrufuna katkısı

Yılmaz, Levent
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Bu çalışmada ilk olarak yapılarda kullanılan enerjiden tasarruf sağlanabilmesi için mimarlara, inşaat mühendislerine, enerji mühendislerine, merkezi ve yerel idarelere düşen görevler ve yapılması gerekenler üzerinde durulmuştur. Belirlenecek ulusal enerji tasarruf politikası sayesinde nelerin yapılması gerektiği ve sonuçlarından bahsedilmiştir. En çok ısı kaybının ve ısı kazancının meydana geldiği pencerelerden nasıl tasarruf sağlanacağı ve nelerin yapılması gerektiği vurgulanmıştır. Yapılan karşılaştırmalı hesaplarda iyileştirilmiş pencere tiplerinin kendilerini çok kısa bir süre içerisinde amorti ettiği gözler önüne serilmiştir. Ülke ekonomisi açısından iyileştirilmiş pencere tiplerinin sağladığı avantajlar gösterilmiştir.
When energy statistics of our country are examined, it will be seen that in the housing sector energy consumption with heating purpose has a very large share within the total energy consumption. it is clear that when energy consumption with heating aim in scholls, hospitals, social installations and trade buildings are considered, the above mentioned rate would go stili further. When poor quality of the fuel-used for heating purpose is added this sector's contribution to air pollition is quite high. it is observed that in the buildings in Türkiye there is %70 economy potantial in the energy consumption with heating purpose. in order to use this potantial fully improving design and construction of the buildings (to raise the energy productivitiy ) is a inavoideable necessity for improving countn/s economy and the air quality. When past and current situation of USA and European Countries are examined, Türkiye should complete the following vvorks in shortest possible time: Energy consumption of the existing buildings should be determined existing buildings and elemenfs heat secifıcations should be compaired according to measuring results. Passive system tecnics, which may be suitable to Türkiye's climatic conditions should be determined and presented to the use of the appliers as "Passive solar energy manuel". We have to -include in Standart test system (passys test celi) net. For energy analysis from developed computer programs the most suitable öne for Türkiye should be determined, meterological measuring should be arranged in a way to use in these programs and the energy analysis of the buildings should be made with these programs and added to the projects. Existing regulations should be rearranged in order to include provisions limiting the energy consumption deveioping means to allow energy economy of the existing building materials and systems should be searched. New materials should be developed and producing means of them should be searched. When energy consumption are calculated for heat losses realized in building elements heat losses sourced from ventilation and air leakages added. Interior gains and total of solar energy gains are deducted from total heat losses, and so the öne year energy need of the building is calculated. Next to limit the energy consumption of new buildings, in old buildings with restoration projects less energy consumption are promoted and in this fıeld credits with low interests are granted. Further important vvorks are performed, in order to take additional taxes from buildings with high consumption and not to take viii additional taxes from buildings with less energy consumption and to apply tax rebate to buildings with little energy consumption. We may examine in 2 phases the energy economy measures in the buildings. First of these is during the initial building design, second during the selection of the building heating systems. Points are to be observed. During the design of the building it is important to select the direction of the building in a way to benefıt from solar energy, which is the natura! source of heat and light. in the projection phase, according to climatic region located heat loss and heat gain computing should be made, heat loss according to direction of the building should be calculated and interior of the buildings should be place accordingly. For this reason during the design of the building mutual vvorking of architect, building engineer and energy engineer is useful to secure the energy economy during the design phase. İsolation of the building should be secured during the contruction of the building. When heat İsolation measures are considered at project phase, five important economy is obtained in preinvestment costs related to the building. These lessening of radiator strips, diminishing of pipe diameters, smaller central system vessel need lessening of chimne/s cross section even only with this economy, building costs are diminished in a signifıcant extent Therefore ali kind of expanses for heat ısolation will pay off already during the building phase. During the design, points to be observed especially are:. Placing the building. Form of the building its directions. Placement of interior of the building volumes. The determination of the window spaces according to directions. Points to be observed in heating sytems are: Use of natura! gas New systems VVays to use soiled energy Duties of central and loca! administration Heating systems in last years window surfaces rates in building fronts have gradually raised. Surface rate of windows to gross front being % 15 - 25 in conventional building forms, today, this value reached up to % 35 - 90. Which parts of the exterior front will have glass surface is a problem to be determine differentiy according to conditions. it is a mistake to apply too large glass surfaces without shovving any reason and to evaluate only in aesthetic aspect to lat have a modern view. in ix Temperature difference betweenn interior and exterior. Wind's speed Emsivitiy Solar energy Glass Thickness Thickness of the air layer betvveen the glasses Agents causing heat gaîns in occuring in glasses.. Solar heat gain through windows. High outside temperature As seen, in view of the country*s economy preventing heat losses and heat gains in windows construction usage should be wide spreaded m winter months in order to prevent the heat losses glasses with improved heat conduction coefficient should be used and sealed window frarne usage is a must and necessary. This way the energy spent for the heating will be used productively and country economy will benefıt. Whilst in winter in order to get rid of sun energy gain entering from glasses, diverse constructions should be used and solar energy should be reflected from glass surface. Best solution for this work is window films. it forms a confortable medium by not letting enter the heat coming as light and cause secure spacousness wihtout closing the view, You may fınd the benefıts of film applied glasses against other glasses in compairing calculations. Heat conductıng within the giass and vvindov/s construction curs in general because of heat conveying. in order to make a more accurate comporison betvveen the diverse window types K values it is necessary to admit that there is no heat loss through air flows. Air leakages exists both between the window frame and the wall and also within the window construction. it is not diffucult to prevent air leakages between the window frame and the air leakage. Silicons, dilating foams are used this purpose. Situation is a little different for air leakages in window constructions. Lids of the windows in a closed position does not accurately cover the frames and a cavity is left. Because of the pressure difference between the exterior and interior air of yhe volume colder exterior air is leaking to inside. Exterior air leaking in the room, is causing outbond leakage of the warmer interior air. in this case exterior cold air which leaks into the room, have to be heated untill room temperature. Heat amount necessary to warm such cold leakage air is named (infiltration ) heat loss. Inconveniences of window becomes clear, not only in winter by wind leakages but also in summer where the sun radiation is conducted toyhe interior of the structure vvith very little retaining ör with retaining. As known, atmospheric radiation reaching a structure composed of direct, diffuse and reflecting radiations. Direct radiation, is the radiation reaching the world surface from a defmite place of the space. Diffused radiation are created through their dispersion by moleculs, vapor and sand particuls. in practice, distribution field is same as the radiation wave lenght field. But is has not a definite direction and it has the same sizes for ali radiation receiving surfaces. Direct and diffuse radiations meet on the ground ör on structures. There are reflected from there and from reflected radiation. This radiation is in general in fairly low power but in special cases may reach high values ( snow cover, buildings adjecent to water buildings neighbouring reflecting glass ör metal front having buildings.) When sun rays reach a windows, öne part is left inside witout ant hindrance, öne part is reflected remaining part is absorsed by the glass and is given to the room as back rediation ör conducting. Rate of heat left inside is subject to angle where radiation falls towave sizes and kind of glass. Intensity of the radiation for vertical surfaces depends to their situations according to their directions and the season and for horizontal surfaces it depends mosty on season. Exterior walls are subject to most radiation not in summer, vvhere the sun reaches ite highest point, but in spring and autumn. in flat roofs naturally fully in contrary. Warming radiants of the sun belongs to long wave field, out of the light seen. Further öne part of the visible rays and short wavws are heated. Agents causing heat losses in glasses are: xi Temperature difference betweenn interior and exterior. Wind's speed Emsivitiy Solar energy Glass Thickness Thickness of the air layer betvveen the glasses Agents causing heat gaîns in occuring in glasses.. Solar heat gain through windows. High outside temperature As seen, in view of the country*s economy preventing heat losses and heat gains in windows construction usage should be wide spreaded m winter months in order to prevent the heat losses glasses with improved heat conduction coefficient should be used and sealed window frarne usage is a must and necessary. This way the energy spent for the heating will be used productively and country economy will benefıt. Whilst in winter in order to get rid of sun energy gain entering from glasses, diverse constructions should be used and solar energy should be reflected from glass surface. Best solution for this work is window films. it forms a confortable medium by not letting enter the heat coming as light and cause secure spacousness wihtout closing the view, You may fınd the benefıts of film applied glasses against other glasses in compairing calculations.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1996
Anahtar kelimeler
Enerji tasarrufu, Pencereler, Energy saving, Windows