Maya Proses Atıksuyundan Anaerobik Membran Biyoreaktör İle Uçucu Yağ Asidi Üretimi
Maya Proses Atıksuyundan Anaerobik Membran Biyoreaktör İle Uçucu Yağ Asidi Üretimi
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu çalışmanın amacı, endüstriyel kaynaklı bir atıksu olan maya proses atıksuyunun anaerobik arıtma ile uçucu yağ asidi üretimini araştırmaktır. Çalışmada kullanılan atıksu, İzmit Pakmaya fabrikası maya üretim prosesinin konsantre akımından temin edilmiştir. Maya atıksuyu polisakkarit ve organik polimerler, tuzluluk ve sülfat konsantrasyonlarını içeren yüksek KOI’ye sahip bir atıksudur. Başlangıç KOİ’si 60 gKOİ/L, sülfat konsantrasyonu ise 3,8 g/L’dir. Sistemde hidroliz ve fermentasyon proseslerinin gerçekleştiği tam karışımlı fermentör ve vakum çekişli harici bir membran ünitesi bulunmaktadır. Bu ünitelerin etkili hacimleri sırasıyla 5 ve 4 L’dir. Hidroliz reaktörü hidrolik alıkonma süresi (HBS) 10 ve 5 gün olacak şekilde termofilik sıcaklıkta (550C) işletilmiştir. Membran ünitesinde 6 adet ultrafiltrasyon membran modülü kullanılmıştır. Sürekli işletim prensibiyle işletilen sistemin pH’ı nötral (7-7,5) seviyede tutulmuştur. Sistemin asitleşme derecesi HBS 10 ve 5 gün için sırasıyla %50 ve %54 olarak gözlemlenmiştir.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of an industrial wastewater; yeast wastewater; to anaerobic treatability and produce volatile fatty acid production. The wastewater used in this study is gathered from the concentrated flow of İzmit Pakmaya Yeast Factory’ s production process. Yeast wastewater is a wastewater with high COD that contains polysaccharides, organic polymers, salinity and suphate. Has an initial COD of 60 gCOD/L and sulphate concentration of 3,8 g/L. System consists of a completely mixed fermentor in which the hydrolysis and fermentation reactor and vacuum pulledexternal membrane unit. The volumes of the units are 5 and 4 L respectively. Hydrolysis reactor is operated with HRT of 10 and 5 days under thermophillic temperature (55oC). The pH of the fermentation reactor operated continously is held at neutral (7-7,5) level. Acidification level of the system is observed as 50% for the HRT 10 and HRT 5. The distribution of VFA produced in the system for HRT10 is as follows; 61% acetic acid, 20% propionic acid, 12% butiric acid and trace amounts of valeric acid, iso-valeric acid, iso-butiric acid, heczanoic acid. For HRT5 is; 49% acetic acid, 28% propionic acid, 16% butiric acid and trace amounts of other acids.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of an industrial wastewater; yeast wastewater; to anaerobic treatability and produce volatile fatty acid production. The wastewater used in this study is gathered from the concentrated flow of İzmit Pakmaya Yeast Factory’ s production process. Yeast wastewater is a wastewater with high COD that contains polysaccharides, organic polymers, salinity and suphate. Has an initial COD of 60 gCOD/L and sulphate concentration of 3,8 g/L. System consists of a completely mixed fermentor in which the hydrolysis and fermentation reactor and vacuum pulledexternal membrane unit. The volumes of the units are 5 and 4 L respectively. Hydrolysis reactor is operated with HRT of 10 and 5 days under thermophillic temperature (55oC). The pH of the fermentation reactor operated continously is held at neutral (7-7,5) level. Acidification level of the system is observed as 50% for the HRT 10 and HRT 5. The distribution of VFA produced in the system for HRT10 is as follows; 61% acetic acid, 20% propionic acid, 12% butiric acid and trace amounts of valeric acid, iso-valeric acid, iso-butiric acid, heczanoic acid. For HRT5 is; 49% acetic acid, 28% propionic acid, 16% butiric acid and trace amounts of other acids.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013
Anahtar kelimeler
uçucu yağ asidi,
anaerobik arıtma,
anaerobik membran biyoreaktör0,
volatile fatty acid,
anaerobic treatment,
yeast wastewater,
anaerobic membrane bioreactor