Yerel olmayan elastisitede bazı konular
Yerel olmayan elastisitede bazı konular
Altan, Ş. Burhanettin
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Sunulan çalışma sürekli ortamların yerel olmayan teorilerine bazı katkılar amaçlamaktadır. Bu katkılar üç bölümde toplanabilirler. İlk olarak yerel olmayan lineer viskoelastisitenin yerdegiştirme, gerilme ve karışık sınır değer problemleri için iki değişim ilkesi ve karşıtlık teoremi verilerek ispatlanmıştır. İkinci olarak yerel olmayan, homojen, izotrop, lineer elastodinamiğin yerdegiştirme, gerilme ve karışık sınır değer problemlerinin çözümlerinin tekliğini güvence altına alan bir teorem ispatlanmıştır. Son olarak üçüncü mod olarak bilinen bir çatlak problemi yerel olmayan elas- tisite teorisi çerçevesinde çözülmüştür. Giriş bölümünde sürekli ortamların yerel olmayan teorileri üzerinde yapılmış bazı çalışmalar sıralanmış tır. Bu listenin yerel olmayan teoriler üzerinde yapılmış çalışmaların tümünü içerdiğini savunmanın olanak dışı olduğu açıktır. Ama yine de bu liste yerel olmayan elastisitenin gelişimini ve bu teorinin yararlı yanları nı ortaya koyacak çalışmaları kapsamaktadır. Bütünlüğü sağlamak amacını güden ikinci bölümde, ilk olarak yerel olmayan sürekli ortamlar için geçerli temel korunum denklemlerinin bir özeti verilmiştir. Ye rel olmama fikri ilk olarak burada ortaya çıkar ve bünye teorisine eklenen yerel olmama aksiyomu ile birlikte ye- III rel olmayan sürekli ortamların, bünye denklemlerini belirlerler. Bu bölümde ikinci olarak, termodinamiğin ikinci yasasının yerel olmayan biçimi hatırlatılmıştır. Bu bölümde son olarak yerel olmayan viskoelastisitenin bünye denklemlerinin nasıl elde edileceği özetlenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, yerel olmayan lineer kuazi-statik viskoelastisitenin üç tip sınır değer problemi için iki değişim ilkesi ve karşıtlık teoremi verilmiştir. Bu bö lümde ilk olarak yerel olmayan kuazi-statik lineer viskoelastisitenin yerdeğiştirme, gerilme ve karışık sınır değer problemleri tanıtılmıştır. Kısalığı sağlama amacı ile bazı tanımlar yapılmış ve bunun peşisıra karşıtlık teoremi ispatlanmıştır. Bundan sonra yerel olmayan lineer viskoelastisitenin sınır değer problemleri için en genel değişim ilkesi verilerek ispatlanmıştır. Son olarak bünye denklemini, yerdeğiştirme-şekil değiştirme ba ğıntılarını ve yerdeğiştirme sınır koşulunu sağlıyan yer değiştirme alanı için bir değişim ilkesi verilmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde yerel olmayan, homogen, izotrop, lineer elastodinamiğin başlangıç koşulları sıfır, yerdeğiştirme, gerilme ve karışık sınır değer problemlerinin çözümlerinin tekliğini güvence altına alan bir teorem verilmiştir. Bölümde ilk olarak yerel olmayan elastisi- tenin sınır değer problemleri tanıtılmıştır. Bunun ardından, şekil değiştirme enerjisini tüm cisim için pozitif definit kılacak koşullar elde edilmiştir. Son olarak, şekil değiştirme enerjisinin pozitif definit olmasının IV gözönüne alınan sınır değer problemlerinin çözümlerinin tekliği için yeterli olduğu gösterilmiştir. Beşinci bölümde, doğrultusu boyunca sabit kayma gerilmesi ile yüklü çizgisel çatlağı bulunan tüm uzayda çatlak ucu civarındaki gerilmeler yerel olmayan elasti- site teorisi kullanılarak elde edilmeğe çalışılmıştır. Problemin çözümünde rastlanılan dual integral denklemlerin çözümünün güçlüğü karşısında yaklaşık çözümle ye- tinilerek çatlak ucu civarındaki gerilme dağılışı hak kında fikir verici eğriler çizilmiştir.
The scientists try to enlarge the extent of the funda mental hypotheses of a theory as a last resort when the theory proves insufficient in explaining the problems in its field. These efforts constitute one of the main streams of the advancement of science. The enlargements bring a lot of problems, but the efforts go on for the sake of being able to explain more phenomena. In the elasticity theory, there are many researches made in this direction. The nonlocal theory of elasticity differs from the local theory in fundamental hypotheses. As is well known, in the local theory, the fundamental conservation laws are assumed to be valid in any portion to be cut from the body. As a result of this assumption in the local theory the conservation laws are formulated in such a form that they stand valid in any point of the elastic body. In the non local theory, the assumption of the validity of conserva tion laws in any portion of the body has been abandoned and the conservation laws are assumed to be valid only on the whole of the body. These global forms of conservation laws are substituted in global Clausius-Duhem inequality and constitutive equations are obtained with the assistance of some additional hypotheses. These equations are nat urally different from the corresponding ones in local theory. Here the value of the dependent constitutive vari- VI able (e.g. stress) in a point is obtained as a function of all the values which the independent variable (e.g. strain) takes on all of the points of the body. The nonlocal theory of elasticity has become popular and developed in the last fifteen years. The problems which the theory solves are sufficient to display its suitability. The goal of this work is to contribute to the deve lopment of the nonlocal theory of continuous media. The contributions are enumerated in the following : 1) A reciprocity theorem and two variational princip les for displacement-, st res s-and mixed boundary value prob lems of nonlocal, quasi-statical viscoelasticity. 2) A uniqueness theorem for boundary value problems with zero initial conditions of linear, homogeneous, iso tropic, nonlocal e lastodynamics. 3) The solution of a crack problem in third mode The represented work encompasses five chapters. In the First Chapter entitled as "Introduction" after explain ing why there is a need for a nonlocal elasticity theory, a literature survey of the research in the field of the nonlocal theory of elasticity is given with emphasis on the papers which display the suitability of using the theory. In the Second Chapter firstly the fundamental conser vation laws of nonlocal continuous media are given. In the nonlocal theory the conservation laws are kept in their global forms, in opposition with the practice in the local VII theory. The global conservation laws are substituted in the global Clausius-Duhem inequality. As a result the constitu tive equations of nonlocal viscoelasticity are obtained. Se condly, the linearisation is imposed on the obtained equa tions and the stress-strain relations of linear viscoelasti city are found. According to the other works published on nonlocal theory this relation has been written as follows: 8 oo As a special case the equations for the nonlocal elasticity theory are found. In the Third Chapter, two variational principles and a reciprocity theorem for the displacement-, stress-and mixed boundary value problems of linear, quasi-statical, nonlocal viscoelasticity theory are given. In this chapter, firstly the boundary value problems of linear, quasi-sta tical viscoelasticity theory are introduced. To keep the volume concise some definitions are given and subsequently the reciprocity theorem is stated and proved. This theorem can be stated as follows : If P and P are two different regular boundary value problems of a nonlocal viscoelastic body, then between the corresponding regular solutions D and D there is the following reciprocity relation : 8* a S VIII 8 r sd Later the variational principles have been considered. The variational principle coined as "First Principle " is the most general variational principle for the boundary value problems of linear, quasi-statical, nonlocal theory of viscoelasticity. This principle can be stated as follows: For a regular problem of a nonlocal viscoelastic body consider the following functional which is establish ed on the admissible states : Ai W = J$ffi(6i4w*d£w)da(2'; - ^]*<te(*)- B 8 K[(iH +ft j*dut]da +$tt«aûi)ds + $[(Y< -YJ*duJds B Su St The first variation of this functional is zero, if and only if the admissible state is a regular solution of the regu lar problem. The variational principle named as "Second Princip le " is a special case of the first principle and is val id for the kinematically admissible fields. This princip le can be stated as follows : Consider a regular problem whicn-satisfies the dis placement-strain equations, stress-strain relations and displacement boundary conditions. The first variation of the functional IX is zero if and only if the admissible state is a regular solution of the problem. From both of the principles it is possible to obtain principles for nonlocal elasticity and local viscoelasticity as special cases. The Fourth Chapter is devoted to a theorem which pledges the uniqueness for the displacement-, stress-and mixed boundary value problems with zero initial conditions of linear, homogenecus^sotropic, nonlocal elasticity theory. In the beginning of the chapter the work achieved on the subject of the uniqueness of the problems of local elasti city is summarized. In this summary, the main idea inherent in a uniqueness theorem is made clear and the plausibility of using the same concept in the nonlocal theory is explain ed. Later the boundary value problems of nonlocal elastic ity are introduced. Next the conditions for the positive definiteness of the strain energy are determined. Here, as a corollary to a proved theorem, it is shown that for the positive definiteness of the strain energy the inter action kernel must be necessarily symmetrical. Later, with a reference to the theory of integral equations, a theorem is proved which comprises all of the results related to the positive definiteness of strain energy. Following this proof, it is shown that if the strain energy is positive definite, the solution of the mixed boundary value problem with zero initial conditions of homogeneous, linear, iso- tropic, nonlocal elasticity is unique. As a last item in the chapter, a discussion of the results obtained takes place. In the Fifth and final Chapter a crack problem in the third mode is taken into consideration in the frame of nonlocal elasticity. Firstly the nonlocal formulation of the problem is given. As a result of boundary conditions and symmetry properties of the problem a system of dual in^ tegral equations is arrived at which has a prime importance in the solution. For the solution of the dual integral equations two methods are proposed. But unfortunately both of the methods are shown to be ineffective in solving the present problem and instead an approximation method is applied..After choosing the crack opening identical with the one in local elasticity the stress distribution around the crack is numerically computed and the results are shown diagramatically. This chapter ends with the discussion of results and some proposals on the solution of crack problems.</te
The scientists try to enlarge the extent of the funda mental hypotheses of a theory as a last resort when the theory proves insufficient in explaining the problems in its field. These efforts constitute one of the main streams of the advancement of science. The enlargements bring a lot of problems, but the efforts go on for the sake of being able to explain more phenomena. In the elasticity theory, there are many researches made in this direction. The nonlocal theory of elasticity differs from the local theory in fundamental hypotheses. As is well known, in the local theory, the fundamental conservation laws are assumed to be valid in any portion to be cut from the body. As a result of this assumption in the local theory the conservation laws are formulated in such a form that they stand valid in any point of the elastic body. In the non local theory, the assumption of the validity of conserva tion laws in any portion of the body has been abandoned and the conservation laws are assumed to be valid only on the whole of the body. These global forms of conservation laws are substituted in global Clausius-Duhem inequality and constitutive equations are obtained with the assistance of some additional hypotheses. These equations are nat urally different from the corresponding ones in local theory. Here the value of the dependent constitutive vari- VI able (e.g. stress) in a point is obtained as a function of all the values which the independent variable (e.g. strain) takes on all of the points of the body. The nonlocal theory of elasticity has become popular and developed in the last fifteen years. The problems which the theory solves are sufficient to display its suitability. The goal of this work is to contribute to the deve lopment of the nonlocal theory of continuous media. The contributions are enumerated in the following : 1) A reciprocity theorem and two variational princip les for displacement-, st res s-and mixed boundary value prob lems of nonlocal, quasi-statical viscoelasticity. 2) A uniqueness theorem for boundary value problems with zero initial conditions of linear, homogeneous, iso tropic, nonlocal e lastodynamics. 3) The solution of a crack problem in third mode The represented work encompasses five chapters. In the First Chapter entitled as "Introduction" after explain ing why there is a need for a nonlocal elasticity theory, a literature survey of the research in the field of the nonlocal theory of elasticity is given with emphasis on the papers which display the suitability of using the theory. In the Second Chapter firstly the fundamental conser vation laws of nonlocal continuous media are given. In the nonlocal theory the conservation laws are kept in their global forms, in opposition with the practice in the local VII theory. The global conservation laws are substituted in the global Clausius-Duhem inequality. As a result the constitu tive equations of nonlocal viscoelasticity are obtained. Se condly, the linearisation is imposed on the obtained equa tions and the stress-strain relations of linear viscoelasti city are found. According to the other works published on nonlocal theory this relation has been written as follows: 8 oo As a special case the equations for the nonlocal elasticity theory are found. In the Third Chapter, two variational principles and a reciprocity theorem for the displacement-, stress-and mixed boundary value problems of linear, quasi-statical, nonlocal viscoelasticity theory are given. In this chapter, firstly the boundary value problems of linear, quasi-sta tical viscoelasticity theory are introduced. To keep the volume concise some definitions are given and subsequently the reciprocity theorem is stated and proved. This theorem can be stated as follows : If P and P are two different regular boundary value problems of a nonlocal viscoelastic body, then between the corresponding regular solutions D and D there is the following reciprocity relation : 8* a S VIII 8 r sd Later the variational principles have been considered. The variational principle coined as "First Principle " is the most general variational principle for the boundary value problems of linear, quasi-statical, nonlocal theory of viscoelasticity. This principle can be stated as follows: For a regular problem of a nonlocal viscoelastic body consider the following functional which is establish ed on the admissible states : Ai W = J$ffi(6i4w*d£w)da(2'; - ^]*<te(*)- B 8 K[(iH +ft j*dut]da +$tt«aûi)ds + $[(Y< -YJ*duJds B Su St The first variation of this functional is zero, if and only if the admissible state is a regular solution of the regu lar problem. The variational principle named as "Second Princip le " is a special case of the first principle and is val id for the kinematically admissible fields. This princip le can be stated as follows : Consider a regular problem whicn-satisfies the dis placement-strain equations, stress-strain relations and displacement boundary conditions. The first variation of the functional IX is zero if and only if the admissible state is a regular solution of the problem. From both of the principles it is possible to obtain principles for nonlocal elasticity and local viscoelasticity as special cases. The Fourth Chapter is devoted to a theorem which pledges the uniqueness for the displacement-, stress-and mixed boundary value problems with zero initial conditions of linear, homogenecus^sotropic, nonlocal elasticity theory. In the beginning of the chapter the work achieved on the subject of the uniqueness of the problems of local elasti city is summarized. In this summary, the main idea inherent in a uniqueness theorem is made clear and the plausibility of using the same concept in the nonlocal theory is explain ed. Later the boundary value problems of nonlocal elastic ity are introduced. Next the conditions for the positive definiteness of the strain energy are determined. Here, as a corollary to a proved theorem, it is shown that for the positive definiteness of the strain energy the inter action kernel must be necessarily symmetrical. Later, with a reference to the theory of integral equations, a theorem is proved which comprises all of the results related to the positive definiteness of strain energy. Following this proof, it is shown that if the strain energy is positive definite, the solution of the mixed boundary value problem with zero initial conditions of homogeneous, linear, iso- tropic, nonlocal elasticity is unique. As a last item in the chapter, a discussion of the results obtained takes place. In the Fifth and final Chapter a crack problem in the third mode is taken into consideration in the frame of nonlocal elasticity. Firstly the nonlocal formulation of the problem is given. As a result of boundary conditions and symmetry properties of the problem a system of dual in^ tegral equations is arrived at which has a prime importance in the solution. For the solution of the dual integral equations two methods are proposed. But unfortunately both of the methods are shown to be ineffective in solving the present problem and instead an approximation method is applied..After choosing the crack opening identical with the one in local elasticity the stress distribution around the crack is numerically computed and the results are shown diagramatically. This chapter ends with the discussion of results and some proposals on the solution of crack problems.</te
Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1982
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1982
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1982
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