Açık Deniz Rüzgar Enerjisi, Fizibilite Adımları İle Bozcaada Ve Gökçeada Örnek Çalışması
Açık Deniz Rüzgar Enerjisi, Fizibilite Adımları İle Bozcaada Ve Gökçeada Örnek Çalışması
Güzel, Barış
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Cilt Başlığı
Enerji Enstitüsü
Energy Institute
Energy Institute
Bu tez çalışmasında öncelikle rüzgar enerjisinin tarihsel gelişimi ile birlikte rüzgar enerjisi hakkında temel bilgiler verilmiş ve rüzgar enerjisini etkileyen temel faktörler detaylıca ele alınmıştır. Rüzgar enerjisinin Dünyadaki ve Türkiye'deki güncel durumu ortaya konduktan sonra Açık Deniz rüzgar enerjisi açıklanmıştır. Açık deniz rüzgar enerjisindeki temel faktörler incelenmiş ve Dünya'daki güncel durum belirtilmiştir. Türkiye'de açık deniz rüzgar tarlası bulunmamaktadır ve kurulması düşünülen bir tarla için yatırım öncesi yapılacak olan fizibilite çalışmasında ele alınması gereken konular ve izlenilecek adımlar detaylıca ele alınmıştır. Bu adımlar eşliğinde iki adet örnek çalışma yapılmıştır. Örnek çalışma alanları belirlenirken Elektrik Üretim A.Ş.'nin hazırladığı Rüzgar Enerjisi Potansiyel Atlası göz önünde bulundurularak rüzgar potansiyeli yüksek deniz üstü bölgeler belirlenmiş, bunlardan Gökçeada ve Bozcaada'ya ait deniz sahaları seçilmiştir. Bozcaada ve Gökçeada örnek çalışmalarında WaSP (Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program) programı kullanılmıştır. WaSP'ta analizi yapılmak üzere Devlet Meteoroloji İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü'nün Gökçeada ve Bozcaada meteoroloji istasyonlarına ait 1999-2010 tarihleri arasındaki saatlik rüzgar hızı ve yönü verileri temin edilmiştir. Türbin yerleşimi ve ileri analizler için adalara ait sayısal topografik haritalar Shuttle Radar Topography Mission dosyalarının Global Mapper programında vektör haritasına dönüştürülmesiyle elde edilmiştir. WaSP Map Editor programında sayısal haritalar pürüzlülük, batimetri ve harici alanlar bazında işlenmiştir. İşlenen tüm veriler WaSP'a aktarılmış, rüzgar atlası ve veri haritaları oluşturulmuştur. Fizibilite çalışması için 20m'den sığ, ve 45m'den sığ tüm derinlik kategorilerini kapsayacak şekilde 2 farklı derinlik senaryosu ve her derinlik senaryosunda uygulanacak 4 farklı türbin senaryosu hazırlanmıştır. Her senaryoya göre Bozcaada ve Gökçeada'nın veri haritasında türbin yerleşimleri yapılmış, WaSP aracığıyla üretilen toplam enerji elde edilmiş, sonrasında kapsamlı bir maliyet çalışması ile fayda-maliyet analizi yapılarak en uygun senaryolar belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak bölgede bir Açık Deniz rüzgar tarlasının uygun olup olmadığı ve uygunsa hangi koşullar ve senaryolar altında olduğunun tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Energy has been a phenomenon that shapes the World and life since the beginning of time. In earlier times, humans used energy just for survival and basic needs. However in our energy driven modern world it is the cornerstone of civilization with a growing necessity. Rapid and continuous increase in need of energy and the inevitable negative effects on nature has caused renewable energy technologies to gain greater importance and to compete with mainly used energy sources, over the last 50 years. Among the renewable energy technologies, wind energy is proven to be the locomotive. With free fuel, being environment friendly, having competitive and progressive technology, and with esthetic look wind energy is the renowned symbol of renewable energy. Having much more growth rate than onshore and with numerous advantages, offshore wind energy is believed to be next step in wind energy and the energy solution of the future. There is no installed offshore wind farm in Turkey. This thesis focuses on the most suitable areas for an offshore wind farm installation and tries to guide near-future investments on the subject. First, the historical evolution and the basics of wind energy are handled. After examining the key factors that effect wind energy in detail, the trends and current situation both in the world and in Turkey are discussed. Offshore wind energy is addressed with key factors and current situation in the world. The feasibility guidelines of pre-investment period are pointed out with detail in case of an offshore wind farm is planned to be installed in Turkey. Within the guidelines, two case studies are planned to be worked out. While spotting the areas for case studies Turkish Wind Energy Atlas is consulted and offshore areas having high wind potential are marked out, of which Bozcaada and Gökçeada are chosen. In the case studies of Bozcaada and Gökçeada WaSP (Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program) software is used. The wind speed and direction datas between 1999-2010 years are provided from General Directorate of State Meteorology and analysed with WaSP. For the turbine siting and advanced analysis, digital topographic maps are acquired by Global Mapper Software which converted the Shuttle Radar Topography files into the vector maps. These digital maps are processed in WaSP Map Editor software wtih roughness,bathymetry and exclusion areas. All of the processed datas are imported to WaSP so that wind atlas and resource grids are developed. For the feasibility study, two different depth scenarios; depths shallower than 20m and 45m and four different turbine scenarios that will be applied in the both depth scenarios are prepared. In each scenario, turbines are sited on resource grids of Bozcaada and Gökçeada, total energy production is calculated with WaSP, a detailed cost analysis is worked out and after considering cost-benefit analysis, the most feasible scenarios are chosen. In the end, the aim is to check the suitability of an offshore wind farm in the areas and if so, determine the feasible scenarios and the conditions required.
Energy has been a phenomenon that shapes the World and life since the beginning of time. In earlier times, humans used energy just for survival and basic needs. However in our energy driven modern world it is the cornerstone of civilization with a growing necessity. Rapid and continuous increase in need of energy and the inevitable negative effects on nature has caused renewable energy technologies to gain greater importance and to compete with mainly used energy sources, over the last 50 years. Among the renewable energy technologies, wind energy is proven to be the locomotive. With free fuel, being environment friendly, having competitive and progressive technology, and with esthetic look wind energy is the renowned symbol of renewable energy. Having much more growth rate than onshore and with numerous advantages, offshore wind energy is believed to be next step in wind energy and the energy solution of the future. There is no installed offshore wind farm in Turkey. This thesis focuses on the most suitable areas for an offshore wind farm installation and tries to guide near-future investments on the subject. First, the historical evolution and the basics of wind energy are handled. After examining the key factors that effect wind energy in detail, the trends and current situation both in the world and in Turkey are discussed. Offshore wind energy is addressed with key factors and current situation in the world. The feasibility guidelines of pre-investment period are pointed out with detail in case of an offshore wind farm is planned to be installed in Turkey. Within the guidelines, two case studies are planned to be worked out. While spotting the areas for case studies Turkish Wind Energy Atlas is consulted and offshore areas having high wind potential are marked out, of which Bozcaada and Gökçeada are chosen. In the case studies of Bozcaada and Gökçeada WaSP (Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program) software is used. The wind speed and direction datas between 1999-2010 years are provided from General Directorate of State Meteorology and analysed with WaSP. For the turbine siting and advanced analysis, digital topographic maps are acquired by Global Mapper Software which converted the Shuttle Radar Topography files into the vector maps. These digital maps are processed in WaSP Map Editor software wtih roughness,bathymetry and exclusion areas. All of the processed datas are imported to WaSP so that wind atlas and resource grids are developed. For the feasibility study, two different depth scenarios; depths shallower than 20m and 45m and four different turbine scenarios that will be applied in the both depth scenarios are prepared. In each scenario, turbines are sited on resource grids of Bozcaada and Gökçeada, total energy production is calculated with WaSP, a detailed cost analysis is worked out and after considering cost-benefit analysis, the most feasible scenarios are chosen. In the end, the aim is to check the suitability of an offshore wind farm in the areas and if so, determine the feasible scenarios and the conditions required.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Enerji Enstitüsü, 2012
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Energy Institute, 2012
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Energy Institute, 2012
Anahtar kelimeler
Enerji analizi,
Enerji kaynakları,
Enerji santralleri,
Rüzgar atlası,
Rüzgar enerjisi,
Rüzgar türbinleri,
Yenilenebilir kaynak,
Energy analysis,
Energy resources,
Power plants,
Wind atlas,
Wind energy,
Wind turbines,
Renewable resource,