Bac A Mutant Sporları Karakterizasyonu
Bac A Mutant Sporları Karakterizasyonu
Saygılı, Elif
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Yıllardır peptid antibiyotiklerinin sporlanma prosesi için önemli olgular olduklarından şüphelenilmiştir. Önceki bir çalışma basilisinin (L-alanin ve L-anticapsinden oluşmuş dipeptid antibiyotik) sporlanmada kontrol elemanı olabileceğini gösterilmiştir. Bu bulgunun ışığı altında, bu çalışmanın amacı basilisinin sporlanmadaki olası etki bölgelerinin açığa çıkarılmasıdır. Bu amaçla, basilisin defektif OGU1 sporlarının temel spor özellikleri yabanil suş olan PY79 sporlarınınki ile karşılaştırılmıştır.Basilisin biyosentetik operon, bacABCDE OGU1 suşunda, Bacillus subtilis integrasyon vektörü olan PMUTİN T3 kullanılarak bozulmuştur ve basilisin defektif suş olan OGU1(bacA::lacZ::erm) oluşturulmuştur. OGU1 ve PY79 sporları ısı, lizozim ve kloroform dirençlerine göre karşılaştırılmıştır. Spor ceketi proteinleri, SASP’ ler (küçük asitte çözünebilen proteinler), DPA akülülasyonu/ sentez miktarları, çimlenme ve outgrowth profilleri ayrıca hem mutant suşta hem yabanil suşta incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmanın sonucunda, bac operonunun etkisinin spor ceketi proteinlerinde görülmüştür, mutant suşun sporları lizozim ve kloroforma, PY79 sporlarından daha hassastırlar. Bununla birlikte bu çalışmada basilisinin, spor ceketi proteinleri sentezinde düzenleyici rol oynadığı gösterilmiştir.
For many years, peptide antibiotics have been doubted to be important compounds for sporulation process. Previous research has implied that bacilysin, a dipeptide antibiotic composed of L-alanine and L-anticapsin, might be a control element in the sporulation process. Under light of this finding, the objective of the present study was aimed to elucidate the possible action sites of bacilysin in the sporulation process. For this purpose, the major spore properties of the bacilysin defective OGU1 strain, was compared with wild type PY79 spores. The bacilysin biosynthetic operon, bacABCDE, in OGU1 strain was previously disrupted by using the B. subtilis integration vector pMUTIN T3 and thus bacilysin deficient strain OGU1 (bacA::lacZ::erm) was generated. OGU1 and PY79 spores were compared according to their heat, lysozyme, chloroform resistance. Spore coat proteins, SASPs (small, acid-soluble proteins), DPA accumulation/ synthesis level , germination and outgrowth profiles were also analysed in both mutant type and wild type spores. As a result of this study, the effect of the bac operon was observed in spore coat proteins such that mutant strain spores were more sensitive to lysozyme and chloroform treatments than PY79. Consequently, in this study it was demostrated that bacilysin seems to play a regulatory role in the synthesis of spore coat proteins.
For many years, peptide antibiotics have been doubted to be important compounds for sporulation process. Previous research has implied that bacilysin, a dipeptide antibiotic composed of L-alanine and L-anticapsin, might be a control element in the sporulation process. Under light of this finding, the objective of the present study was aimed to elucidate the possible action sites of bacilysin in the sporulation process. For this purpose, the major spore properties of the bacilysin defective OGU1 strain, was compared with wild type PY79 spores. The bacilysin biosynthetic operon, bacABCDE, in OGU1 strain was previously disrupted by using the B. subtilis integration vector pMUTIN T3 and thus bacilysin deficient strain OGU1 (bacA::lacZ::erm) was generated. OGU1 and PY79 spores were compared according to their heat, lysozyme, chloroform resistance. Spore coat proteins, SASPs (small, acid-soluble proteins), DPA accumulation/ synthesis level , germination and outgrowth profiles were also analysed in both mutant type and wild type spores. As a result of this study, the effect of the bac operon was observed in spore coat proteins such that mutant strain spores were more sensitive to lysozyme and chloroform treatments than PY79. Consequently, in this study it was demostrated that bacilysin seems to play a regulatory role in the synthesis of spore coat proteins.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010
Anahtar kelimeler
bacA geni,
Bacillus subtilis,
bacA gene,
Bacillus subtilis