Ekmek Mayası Endüstrisi Atıksuyundan Membran Biyoreaktörde Biyohidrojen Üretimi
Ekmek Mayası Endüstrisi Atıksuyundan Membran Biyoreaktörde Biyohidrojen Üretimi
Kara, Ceren
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu çalışmada sunulan analiz sonuçları yaklaşık 7.5 aylık bir zaman dilimi içerisinde laboratuar ortamında sürdürülen araştırmada kullanılan fermentör ve MBR reaktörleri olmak üzere ardışık iki kademeli sistemden alınan örneklere dayanmaktadır. Sistemde kullanılan reaktörlerin etkili hacmi 5L’dir. Sistem termofilik sıcaklıkta (55°C) işletilmiştir. İlk 2 aylık dönemde, MBR reaktörde yüzey alanı 0.0053 m2 olan, 0.2 mikron gözenek çapına sahip, boşluklu lif yapıda 3 adet metaryeli polipropilen olan membranlar kullanılmıştır. 2 aylık işletme periyodu sonucunda 2 reaktör işletilmesinin herhangi bir avantaj sağlamadığı gözlenerek, tek reaktörlü sisteme geçilmiştir. Bunun sonucunda da MBR reaktör devre dışı bırakılarak, MBR reaktörde bulunan membranlar biyoreaktöre aktarılmıştır. Ayrıca 3.5 aylık dönemde mikrofiltrasyon membranları yerine ultrafiltrasyon membranları kullanılmıştır. Yaklaşık 3.5 aylık tek reaktörlü işletme sürecinde, membran tıkanmalarına ve kopmalarına bağlı olarak reaktöre sürekli müdahele edilmesi ve reaktör hacminin efektif olarak kullanılamamasından dolayı, tekli sistemin verimli olmadığına karar verilmiş, 5.5 ay sonunda sistem değiştirilerek harici membran modülü uygulamasına geçilmiştir ve reaktör toplam hacmi 9 L.’ye çıkarılmıştır. Sistem sürekli olarak maya endüstrisi atıksuyu ile beslenmiştir. Reaktör içerisinde bulunan pH, ORP ve sıcaklık probları ile bu parametreler online olarak kontrol edilmiştir. Giriş akımında ortalama olarak KOİ değerine bakıldığında 52,519 mg/L civarında olduğu görülmüştür. Biyokütle konsantrasyonu 20,000 mg/L olarak hedeflenmiştir. Ekmek mayası endüstrisi atıksuyunda yüksek miktarda sülfat bulunması hidrojenin sistemde tüketilmesine neden olmaktadır. Sülfat konsantrasyonunun yüksek olduğu atıksuların arıtılmasında sülfür üretimi sık karlılaşılan bir durumdur. Sistemdeki çıkış sülfat ve sülfür değerlerine bakıldığında ortalama olarak sülfat değerinin 653 mg SO4/L, sülfit değerinin ise 213 mg S-2/L olduğu görülmüştür.
In this study, the combination of fermentor and membrane module treating baker’s yeast industry wastewater has been operated for 7.5 months. Effective volume of the reactors used in the system was 5L. The system was operated at 55°C. Three polipropilen membranes which had 0.0053 m2 and 0.2 micron diameters were used in the 2nd reactor for the first two months. After two months of operation, it was observed that here was no purpose of using two reactors so that the system was changed to a single bioreactor. Membranes in the membrane module was transferred to the bioreactor. Besides, ultrafiltration membranes were used instead of microfiltration membranes in this period of 3.5 months. It was decided that single bioreactor system was not effective enough because of the membrane breakdowns during continuos operation. Then the system was replaced by external membrane system, which made the total reactor volume as 9 L. In this reactor configuration, pH, oxidation reduction potential (ORP) and temperature was monitored online throughout the reactors operation.. Average COD concentration of the influent of the bioreactor was 52,519 mg/L. Biomass concentration was kept around 20,000 mg/L. Bakery yeast industrial wastewater has high level of sulphate concentration because sulphate is used preferentially as an electron acceptor in anaerobic wastewater treatment and converted to sulfide. During this process hydrogen is the most attractive compound, which can be consumed. Effluent sulfide concentration was 213 mg S-2/L and this was the reason for hydrogen production was much lower than literature values.
In this study, the combination of fermentor and membrane module treating baker’s yeast industry wastewater has been operated for 7.5 months. Effective volume of the reactors used in the system was 5L. The system was operated at 55°C. Three polipropilen membranes which had 0.0053 m2 and 0.2 micron diameters were used in the 2nd reactor for the first two months. After two months of operation, it was observed that here was no purpose of using two reactors so that the system was changed to a single bioreactor. Membranes in the membrane module was transferred to the bioreactor. Besides, ultrafiltration membranes were used instead of microfiltration membranes in this period of 3.5 months. It was decided that single bioreactor system was not effective enough because of the membrane breakdowns during continuos operation. Then the system was replaced by external membrane system, which made the total reactor volume as 9 L. In this reactor configuration, pH, oxidation reduction potential (ORP) and temperature was monitored online throughout the reactors operation.. Average COD concentration of the influent of the bioreactor was 52,519 mg/L. Biomass concentration was kept around 20,000 mg/L. Bakery yeast industrial wastewater has high level of sulphate concentration because sulphate is used preferentially as an electron acceptor in anaerobic wastewater treatment and converted to sulfide. During this process hydrogen is the most attractive compound, which can be consumed. Effluent sulfide concentration was 213 mg S-2/L and this was the reason for hydrogen production was much lower than literature values.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2012
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2012
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2012
Anahtar kelimeler
Anaerobik biyoteknoloji,
Ekmek mayası endüstrisi atıksu,
Yenilenebilir enerji,
Baker’s Yeast Industrial Wastewater,
Renewable Energy