Düzlemsel Mekanizmalarda İndirgeme Metoduyla Atalet Kuvvet Ve Momentlerinin Dengelenmesi
Düzlemsel Mekanizmalarda İndirgeme Metoduyla Atalet Kuvvet Ve Momentlerinin Dengelenmesi
Altay, İlker
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Düzlemsel mekanizmalarda atalet kuvvet ve momentlerinin dengelenmesi amacıyla mekanizmaya ilave edilecek olan noktasal kütle ve kütlesel atalet momentleri, indirgeme metoduyla uzun formülasyonlara gerek kalmadan elde edilebilmektedir. Atalet kuvvet ve momentlerinin dengelenmesi mekanizmanın kütle merkezinin hareketsiz kalması ve keyfi bir noktaya göre açısal momentumun zamana göre türevinin sıfıra eşit olması koşulları altında çözümlenir. Çözüm, fiziksel olarak mekanizmanın belirli noktalarına kütle ve dişli sistemleri ilave edilerek gerçekleştirilmektedir. Formülasyonlar, döner ve prizmatik eleman çifti içeren mekanizmalara uygulanarak sayısal sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Dengeleme için kullanılması gereken kütle ve dişlilerin kütlesel atalet momenti değerleri tablolar halinde verilmiş, mekanik sistem simülasyonu programı ADAMS ile bulunan dengeleme öncesi ve sonrası zemine aktarılanlar atalet kuvvet ve momentlerinin KOD değerleri elde edilmiştir.
The point mass and moment of inertia added to the mechanism for the shaking force and shaking moment balancing can be found by an equivalance method avoiding the need for any lengthy derivation in planar linkages. In this method, masses and moment of inertias of moving links dinamically replaced according to equivalence method. Shaking force and shaking moment is completely balanced when the location of centroid is unaltered and the time rate of change of total angular momentum of all the moving links is equal to zero. This is physically possible by using point masses and gears in the mechanisms. After this method is applied to mechanisms which had revolute and prismatic joints, numerical results are presented. The values of point masses and moment of inertias which must be used for complete balancing and by the help of mechanical system simulation software package ADAMS, the numerical results of shaking forces and the shaking moments applied to ground before balancing and after balancing are calculated and given in tables.
The point mass and moment of inertia added to the mechanism for the shaking force and shaking moment balancing can be found by an equivalance method avoiding the need for any lengthy derivation in planar linkages. In this method, masses and moment of inertias of moving links dinamically replaced according to equivalence method. Shaking force and shaking moment is completely balanced when the location of centroid is unaltered and the time rate of change of total angular momentum of all the moving links is equal to zero. This is physically possible by using point masses and gears in the mechanisms. After this method is applied to mechanisms which had revolute and prismatic joints, numerical results are presented. The values of point masses and moment of inertias which must be used for complete balancing and by the help of mechanical system simulation software package ADAMS, the numerical results of shaking forces and the shaking moments applied to ground before balancing and after balancing are calculated and given in tables.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2007
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2007
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2007
Anahtar kelimeler
atalet kuvveti,
atalet momenti,
shaking force,
shaking moment,