Yerel Bir Kaynağımız Olarak Toryum Madeninin Nükleer Enerji Üretiminde Kullanılabilirliğinin İncelenmesi Ve Fizibilite Analizi
Yerel Bir Kaynağımız Olarak Toryum Madeninin Nükleer Enerji Üretiminde Kullanılabilirliğinin İncelenmesi Ve Fizibilite Analizi
Demirbağ, Ali İhsan
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Enerji Enstitüsü
Energy Institute
Energy Institute
Enerji ihtiyacı, yaşamımızı sürdürebilmek adına varoluşun gerektirdiği bir bedeldir. Türkiye, gün geçtikçe büyümekte ve gelişmektedir. Bu sebeple Türkiye?ye enerji her zamankinden daha da lazımdır. Bizlerin yegâne görevi ülkemizin ihtiyaç duyacağı bu enerjiyi en uygun şartlarda sağlayabilmektir. Toryum madeninin nükleer reaktörlerde yakıt olarak kullanılabilirlikleri, Türkiye gibi toryumca zengin ülkeler bakımından büyük bir avantajdır. Bu tez çalışmasında toryum minerallerin nükleer santrallerde yakıt olarak kullanılabilirlikleri, yapılmış olan çeşitli çalışmaların sonuçlarından yararlanılarak açıklanmaya çalışılmış ve ülkemiz bakımından kullanılabilirlikleri tartışılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonraki bölümlerinde, toryum içeren yakıtların, toryum yakıtlı nükleer santrallerin genel bağlamda çeşitli ekonomik değerlendirilmeleri yapılıp ülkemiz tarafından kullanıma uygun olup olmayacakları incelenmiştir. Ardından toryum yakıtlı nükleer santral kurulabilecek bölgeler belli başlı genel ölçütlerin dâhilinde belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada ayrıca Türkiye ile zengin toryum rezervleri gibi birçok konuda benzerliklere sahip olan Hindistan?ın, toryum kaynaklarını değerlendirerek enerji ihtiyacını karşılama adına planları ve uygulamaları incelenip, Türkiye?nin nükleer serüveni ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Tüm bunların sonucunda, Türkiye?nin enerjiye olan ihtiyacının giderek artacağı, ancak bu enerji ihtiyacını karşılayabilmek adına kendi öz kaynaklarını etkin ve verimli bir biçimde kullanamadığı görülmektedir. Bu sebeple dünya üzerinde hatırı sayılır zengin toryum rezervlerine sahip bir ülke olarak Türkiye?nin enerji konusunda kendine yetebilmesi için bu kaynaklarını muhakkak değerlendirmesi gerektiğinin önemi ortaya çıkmıştır. Tez çalışmasında; Türkiye?nin zengin toryum rezervleri ve bu rezervlerin enerji üretim potansiyelleri hakkında okuyucuya farkındalık kazandırabilmek ve dikkatleri bu mühim konu üzerine yoğunlaştırabilmek hedeflenmektedir. Ne yazık ki nükleer enerjinin ülkemizdeki izlenimi, haksız ve cahil karalamalar yüzünden hak ettiğinden çok daha düşüktür. Bu sebeple bu tez çalışması ile okuyucuya bu konu hakkında tecrübe edilmiş sonuçlar tarafsız olarak aktarılmaya çalışılmıştır.
Energy is a vital need for sustaining our lives. Day by day, Turkey becomes a more developed and more modern country. In this development phase, Turkey would need more and more energy from its own natural resources. Our primary mission is hence to find ways which provide the country with energy resources that are both economical and sustainable. The use of thorium as a fuel in nuclear reactors is an important advantage for the countries like Turkey, which own rich domestic thorium reserves. In this study, usability of thorium as a fuel in nuclear power plants, will be investigated by reviewing studies made by researchers who consider factors like burnup level, waste content, proliferation resistance, etc.Then factors specific to urkey would be considered to assess possible use of thorium as a nuclear fuel in our country. Our study continues with an economical assessment of thorium fuel and the thorium fueled nuclear power plants. With this economical assessment, usability of thorium fuel and thorium fuelled nuclear power plants will be investigated. Conditions specific to Turkey?s economic situation will also be considered in this context. Then the determination of guidelines for the selection of sites for thorium fueled nuclear power plants in Turkey will be discussed. This work continues with a comparision of the nuclear energy experiences of Turkey and India. India is similar to Turkey in having rich domestic thorium reserves. With a three-stage nuclear power programme, India aims using its national thorium resources to meet the future energy demands of country. For Turkey, India constitutes a good example due to its three-stage programme for the utilization of its domestic thorium resources as a national energy source. This study indicates that; energy demand of Turkey will increase parallel to its economic development and increase in its population. Thus priority should be given to the utilization of domestic energy resources in the planning of meeting the national energy demand in future. If Turkey uses its national thorium resources as an energy source effectively, possible future energy problems might be mitigated. In the pursuit of making Turkey a self-sufficient country in energy sector, efficient utilization of the domestic thorium reserves may play a central role. In short, possible utilization of the domestic thorium reserves in nuclear reactors in Turkey has been discussed quite thoroughly in this work. Due to the occurence of nuclear accidents in other countries, the Turkish public opinion may be prejudiced against nuclear energy as in many other countries. In this work, we have tried to give an impartial view of nuclear energy and the use of thorium as a domestic nuclear fuel.
Energy is a vital need for sustaining our lives. Day by day, Turkey becomes a more developed and more modern country. In this development phase, Turkey would need more and more energy from its own natural resources. Our primary mission is hence to find ways which provide the country with energy resources that are both economical and sustainable. The use of thorium as a fuel in nuclear reactors is an important advantage for the countries like Turkey, which own rich domestic thorium reserves. In this study, usability of thorium as a fuel in nuclear power plants, will be investigated by reviewing studies made by researchers who consider factors like burnup level, waste content, proliferation resistance, etc.Then factors specific to urkey would be considered to assess possible use of thorium as a nuclear fuel in our country. Our study continues with an economical assessment of thorium fuel and the thorium fueled nuclear power plants. With this economical assessment, usability of thorium fuel and thorium fuelled nuclear power plants will be investigated. Conditions specific to Turkey?s economic situation will also be considered in this context. Then the determination of guidelines for the selection of sites for thorium fueled nuclear power plants in Turkey will be discussed. This work continues with a comparision of the nuclear energy experiences of Turkey and India. India is similar to Turkey in having rich domestic thorium reserves. With a three-stage nuclear power programme, India aims using its national thorium resources to meet the future energy demands of country. For Turkey, India constitutes a good example due to its three-stage programme for the utilization of its domestic thorium resources as a national energy source. This study indicates that; energy demand of Turkey will increase parallel to its economic development and increase in its population. Thus priority should be given to the utilization of domestic energy resources in the planning of meeting the national energy demand in future. If Turkey uses its national thorium resources as an energy source effectively, possible future energy problems might be mitigated. In the pursuit of making Turkey a self-sufficient country in energy sector, efficient utilization of the domestic thorium reserves may play a central role. In short, possible utilization of the domestic thorium reserves in nuclear reactors in Turkey has been discussed quite thoroughly in this work. Due to the occurence of nuclear accidents in other countries, the Turkish public opinion may be prejudiced against nuclear energy as in many other countries. In this work, we have tried to give an impartial view of nuclear energy and the use of thorium as a domestic nuclear fuel.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Enerji Enstitüsü, 2013
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Energy Institute, 2013
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Energy Institute, 2013
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