Dielektrik Silindir İçine Gömülü İletken Cisimlerin Görüntülenmesi
Dielektrik Silindir İçine Gömülü İletken Cisimlerin Görüntülenmesi
Semerci, Oğuz
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu tez çalısmasında, homojen bir dielektrik silindir içine gömülü mükemmel iletken bir cismin seklinin belirlenmesine iliskin yeni, basit ve hızlı bir yöntem tanıtılmıstır. Sınırsız homojen uzayda bulunan dielektrik silindir, tek frekanslı düzlem dalgayla aydınlatılmaltadır. Sunulan metod tek yönden ve çok yönden aydınlatma sonucu elde edilen veriler için geçerlidir. Iki durum da ayrı ayrı ele alınmış ve karşılaştırılmıştır. Saçılan alan silindiri çevreleyen dairesel bir domende yapılır ve tek tabakalı potansiyel gösterilimi yardımıyla slindir yüzeyine kadar analitik devam ettirilir. Silindirin içinde ise, yarıçapı bilinmeyen cisiminkinden biraz büyük olacak sekilde bir minimum çember seçilir ve silindirin yüzeyi ile bu minimum daire arasında saçılan alanın Bessel fonksiyonları serisi gösteriliminden yararlanılır. Minimun daire ile mükemmel iletken cisim yüzeyi arasında kalan bölgede ise Taylor açılımından yararlanılarak saçılan alan ifade edilir. Mükemmel iletken cisim yüzeyindeki sınır kosulu yardımıyla elde edilen dogrusal olmayan denklem, bilindik Newton methodu ile dogrusallastırılıp çözülür. Son olarak minumun kareler yöntemiyle hata azaltılır ve aranan yüzey elde edilir. Sunulan yöntem çalısılan dalga boyu mertebelerindeki cisimlerde iyi sonuçlar vemektedir.
Within this thesis is to provide a new, simple and fast method to reconstruct the unknown shape of a perfectly conducting object buried in a dielectric circular cylinder. The cylinderis located in an infinite homogeneous space and illuminated by a plane wave of fixed frequency. The method is valid for objects illuminated from a single direction and several directions. The measurements are performed on a circular domain all around the cylinder. In the method presented here, the measured data is analytically continued to the surface of the cylinder by using the single layer potential representation of the scattered field. For the scattered field inside the cylinder, a circle which is assumed to be the minimum circle covering the unknown object that separates the region into two parts is initially determined. In the outer part between the minimum circle and the boundary of the cylinder the scattered field is expressed as a series through the Bessel functions while it is represented in terms of Taylor series in the region between the unknown object and the minimum circle. The use of the boundary conditions reduces the problem to the solution of a nonlinear equation which can be treated by linearizing in the Newton sense. Since the problem is ill-posed, a regularization in the least square sense is also applied. The proposed method is able to provide satisfactory results when the size of the scatterer is comparable to the wavelength.
Within this thesis is to provide a new, simple and fast method to reconstruct the unknown shape of a perfectly conducting object buried in a dielectric circular cylinder. The cylinderis located in an infinite homogeneous space and illuminated by a plane wave of fixed frequency. The method is valid for objects illuminated from a single direction and several directions. The measurements are performed on a circular domain all around the cylinder. In the method presented here, the measured data is analytically continued to the surface of the cylinder by using the single layer potential representation of the scattered field. For the scattered field inside the cylinder, a circle which is assumed to be the minimum circle covering the unknown object that separates the region into two parts is initially determined. In the outer part between the minimum circle and the boundary of the cylinder the scattered field is expressed as a series through the Bessel functions while it is represented in terms of Taylor series in the region between the unknown object and the minimum circle. The use of the boundary conditions reduces the problem to the solution of a nonlinear equation which can be treated by linearizing in the Newton sense. Since the problem is ill-posed, a regularization in the least square sense is also applied. The proposed method is able to provide satisfactory results when the size of the scatterer is comparable to the wavelength.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2008
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2008
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2008
Anahtar kelimeler
elektromagnetik saçılma,
ters problem,
elektromagnetik görüntüleme,
electromagnetic scattering,
inverse problems,
electromagnetic imaging