Çağrı kayıt sistemi

dc.contributor.advisor Adali, Eşref
dc.contributor.author Algan, Özlem
dc.contributor.authorID 14159
dc.contributor.department Kontrol ve Otomasyon Mühendisliği tr_TR
dc.date.accessioned 2023-03-16T05:59:54Z
dc.date.available 2023-03-16T05:59:54Z
dc.date.issued 1990
dc.description Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1990 tr_TR
dc.description.abstract Bu çalışmada digital telefon santralı RS232 arabiri ile bilgisayara bağlanmıştır. Bu bağlantı ile, santrala bağlı dahili numaraların yaptıkları herbir görüşme için santral bilgisayara bir satırlık bilgi gönderir. Bu bilgi yapılan görüşmenin başlangıç saatini, hangi dahili numara nın bu görüşmeyi yaptığını, görüşmenin saat-dakika-saniye olarak ne kadar sürdüğünü, hangi harici numarayla görüşül düğünü ve ücret sayacını içerir. Çağrı Kayıt Sistemi alarak adlandırılan bu sistem santralden gelen veriyi alır, bu veri üzerinde gerekli iş lemleri yapıp diske yazar, istenilen döküm çeşitlerini ya ratır. Program Siemens EMS G01 santralın da denenip çalış tırılmıştır. Fakat ilk koşul verme bölümünde belirtilen santrallerden herhangi birinde çalışabilir. Yazılım Tur ba Pascal 5.0 programlama dili kullanılarak geliştirilmiş tir. Yazılım ön plan ve arka plan çalışması olarak iki te mel parçada düşünülmüştür. Arka plan çalışma veriyi karak ter seri arabirime geldikçe okur, satır tamamlandığında uy gun işlemlerden geçirir ve tampon alana yazar. Arka plan çalışma işi bittiğinde kontrolü ön plan çalışmaya verir. On plan çalışma ise öncelikle tampon alanda işlenmiş veri varsa bunu diske yazar. Bu işlemden sonra ana seçenek lis tesinden seçilen istatistiksel dökümleri hazırlar. Program geliştirilirken kolay eklenebilir olmasına özen gösterilmiş ve olanak olduğunca altyardamlara bölün müştür. Bu çalışmanın değişik tip bilgisayarlarda, deği şik grafik ekranlarda ve farklı santrallerle çalışabilmesi ni sağlamak amacı ile bir ilk koşullama bölümü konulmuştur, Program diskde şekillendirme dosyasını bulamadığı zaman otomatik olarak bu koşullama bölümünü gerçekler. Bu bölüm elde ettiği parametreleri şekillendirme dosyasına yazar. Değişik tip santral ve bilgisayarlar için yalnızca bu bölü mün değiştirilmesi yeterlidir. Sisteme arzu edilirse bir yazıcı bağlanıp hem santral den gelen bilgiler anında yazıcıya yollanabilir,' hem de oluşturulan dökümler kağıda bastırılabilir.. tr_TR
dc.description.abstract In this study, a computer is connected to a digital exchange using a RS232 interface, and data about each call of an extension number of the exchange is trans mitted from exchange to the computer. This data is as f ollauis : - Extension number, - Dialed number, - Beginning time of call, - Duration of call, - Cost counter. The data coming from the exchange is saved on the disk and the required operations can be executed on this data. Finally the output can be taken from an additional printer, connected to the computer. Computer RS232 interface Exchange Figure: 1. The Connection of Exchange and Computer, VI In order ta load the program to the computer, installation part should be run. This part determines in which environment the program will run. The answers of the questions which were asked in this section are written in a configuration file. These installation questions are as follows - What is your password? - What kind of exchange will be used? - Does the computer have on hard disk or two floppy drive? - Which type of screen will be used? - What is the maximum number of line on the screen? - What is the unit price? - What is the number of digits in local phone numbers? - What is the minimum call duration? - Is the billing option required? The installation part can be run once before loading the main program. There is no need to run this section again due to. the switching on/off of computer later. Mean while if it is desired and the password is known this section can be operated while working on the main program. Main program consists of two section. Dne of these section is responsable to take the data from the exchange, The interrupt which is assigned to the serial communica tion port was used in this procedure. The computer is set tD create interrupt when a character is received by communication Port 1. The address of the interrupts is set to address of the MylnitS procedure, which is the part of main program. Vll Therefore when a character is received by Comml, Mylnift procedure will operate. This procedure receives the data character by character and when end of line character comes from the communication Port 1, it processes the line on the buffer. MylnitU procedure converts the beginning time and the duration into second, and calculate the cost of the call by multiplying unit price by the cost., counter. Finally it writes the total 18 byte data to the buffer. The second section of the main program is responsoble of creating documents. The main menu of this section consist the following items: 1)- Detailed Call Reports 2)- Extension Number Groups 3)- Delete Calls From Storage h)- List Of Calls Stared 5)- Total Cost/Duration Reports 6)- Program Update 7)- End The program executes some routines continuously while it remains at the main menu. These routines are * the test if the key is pressed or not * the test if the processed call data is in buffer, if is write this to the disk and if it is desired, write it to the printer. * the test of disk/diskette full condition if the disk/diskette is full, program wants to be deleted some of the call files from the hard disk (in case of hard disk), or wants to be inserted, a blank. formatted diskette to the second floppy drive (in the case of 2 floppy drive). * the test of midnight. If the program's time is different than the computer's time, the file of the passed date is closed and the new file is opened. vııı Whenever an option is selected from the main menu the procedure related with this option is executed. If the first option, which is Detailed Call Reports is selected, the beginning and ending date should be entered. Each of the call file between these dates searched on the disk/diskette. Then the following menu appears on the sereen. 1)- Local Calls 2)- National Calls 3)- International Calls <+)- Short Calls 5)- Mid-Range Calls 6)- Long Calls 7)- Time Period Ö)- Extension Number 9)- Dialed Number 0)- All Calls of appe is s seco ted 4th, the call minu is u day. from of a of t key At the ar o elec nd i inte 5th foil s sh tes, sed It the ext he c is u this call n th ted s se mat and owin orte cal for is key ensi alls sed men s. e sc from lect iona Gth g ca r th 1 lo sear need boar on n dia for u, p If t reen the ed n 1 ca opt lis an 3 nger chin ed t d. umbe led goin ressin here i in da main ationa 11 are ion ar are li minut than g call o ente The 8t r, at to the g back g '0' s any, te ord menu t 1 and liste e sele sted o es ca 10 min s duri r the h opti last t same to la key all er. he 1 if t d on cted n th lis utes ng a begi on s he 9 numb st m ıs e of t If ocal he t the fro e sc betw. T cer nnin hows th o er. enu. nough he cal the fi call, hird o scree m the reen r een 3 he sev tain p g and all o ption Press to 1 1 wi rst if ne i n. main espe and enth erio endi f th show ing ist all 11 option the s selec- If the menu ctively, 10 option d of a ng date e calls s all "ESC" ax The second option of the main menu is Extension Num bers Groups. The extension numbers can be defined as a group in this part, they are permitted to change in their group. Also a group can be erased completely. The Extension Numbers Groups Menu is as follows; 1- Create / Change Group 2- List Group 3- Delete Group Main menu's third option is Deleting Calls From Disk. It is obviously necessaryto delete to call files from the disk/disket especially in the computers with the hard disk. Certainly the password which is defined at the beginning of the program, should be known to do this operation. It is better to list all of the calls during the related day before executing this operation. The ifth option of the main menu shows the dates on which there are calls. The 5th option of the main menu arrange the total cost/duration reports. First an interval of time should be selected. The Total cost/duration reports menu is as follows ; 1- Total Cost 2- Total Duration Whenever the first option is selected in these sub menu, local, national, international and total cost for the the calls of each extension number appear on the screen. Similarly the second option shows the total dura tion. If any group is defined, the sum of a group or the sum of the all group can be seen. The 6th option of main menu is "Program Update". This section is used for updating some operations which where set in the installation part before. The password should be also known for this operation. Main menu's 7th option is used for existing program. When 7'key is pressed the Following message appears on the screen. Do you want to quit program Y/IM ? The aim of this message is to prevent to exit the program pressing '7' key wrongly. This program is very useful for hotels or for the companies in which the telephone calls are needed to be controled. en_US
dc.description.degree Yüksek Lisans tr_TR
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11527/23564
dc.language.iso tr
dc.publisher Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü tr_TR
dc.rights Kurumsal arşive yüklenen tüm eserler telif hakkı ile korunmaktadır. Bunlar, bu kaynak üzerinden herhangi bir amaçla görüntülenebilir, ancak yazılı izin alınmadan herhangi bir biçimde yeniden oluşturulması veya dağıtılması yasaklanmıştır. tr_TR
dc.rights All works uploaded to the institutional repository are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission. en_US
dc.subject Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bilimleri-Bilgisayar ve Kontrol tr_TR
dc.subject Çağrı kayıt sistemi tr_TR
dc.subject Computer Engineering and Computer Science and Control en_US
dc.subject Call recording system en_US
dc.title Çağrı kayıt sistemi tr_TR
dc.title.alternative Call recording system en_US
dc.type Master Thesis tr_TR
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