Otomatik güç kesicilerinin neden olduğu faz farkı ile kapama olayının yerel elektrik santralleri üzerindeki etkisinin analizi
Otomatik güç kesicilerinin neden olduğu faz farkı ile kapama olayının yerel elektrik santralleri üzerindeki etkisinin analizi
Erdoğan, Zeynel
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu çalışmanın temel amacı ; elektrik enerji sistemlerindeki yeniden kapamalı otomatik güç kesicilerinin yaptığı açma kapama işlemleri sonucu oluşan bazı arızaların, yanlış senkroni ama olayındaki faz uyumsuzluğu nedeniyle kaynaklandığını göstemek, teorisini incelemek ve matematiksel ifadesini elde etmektir. Konuyu geliştirmek amacıyla, günümüzde yanlış senk roni ama olayının Cfaz farkı ile kapamanı rD COut of phase reclosingD en sık görüldüğü yerler olan yerel CözelD elektrik üretim tesislerini işletmek ve bunları hatalara, özellikle yanlış senkronlama olayına karşı koruma konusunda gelecek vaad eden mikroişlemci röleler C Microprocessor Relays} ikinci bölümde genel olarak ele alınmış ve bunların avantajları ortaya konmuştur. Üçüncü bölümde söz konusu olan faz farkı ile kapama olayından dolayı oluşan yanlış senkroni amanın teorisi ve matematiksel ifadeleri geliştirilmiş ve koruma için bazı yöntemi er sunul muştur. Dördüncü bölümde ise EMTP adlı bilgisayar programı kullanılarak çeşitli şebeke durumlarında oluşabilecek faz farkı ile oluşan yanlış senkronlamaol ayının simülasyonları yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak da yerel elektrik üretim tesislerinin işletilmesi ve korunmasının merkezi bir mikroişlemci ile yapılması teklif edilmiştir.
The privatisation of the electicity supply industy is expected to lead to a boom in small-scale local gener ation. The use of local el ecti city-generating sets con nected to loads through a distribution network dates back to the last century. Even 50 years ago, the great major ity of electrical load was supplied by this means [13. All plants draw power from local supply grid. In addition, many of the factories have their own captive power plants to cover the shortage of power, or frequent power failures. When demand increases, they have to use additional generating sets Sets or turbo sets. The new generators have to work in parallel with the other units. Whenever permission is avilable from the supply authority, they are paralleled with the grid supply. Grid voltage and frequency vary consideably leading to unstatisf actory operation. Standard alternators will not operate success fully. Special equipment may be needed. All these as pects are considered in the following pages [23. Reasons For Paralleling With Grid Large generators feed power into the grid. They maintain the grid power supply. Captive power generators in a plant do not feed power into the grid; they supply power to the plant. Plant load is supplied through a com mon bus connected to incomming mains supply and also to the generator. Grid paralleling is done under various circumstances, some of which are listed below [23. * Addi t i onal Loads : Due to plant expansion, the power available from the grid is not sufficient, or due to the power cut power supply falls short of demand. A new generating set is in- staled to supply the additional power required. This has to supply through the common bus which is fed by the mains.
The privatisation of the electicity supply industy is expected to lead to a boom in small-scale local gener ation. The use of local el ecti city-generating sets con nected to loads through a distribution network dates back to the last century. Even 50 years ago, the great major ity of electrical load was supplied by this means [13. All plants draw power from local supply grid. In addition, many of the factories have their own captive power plants to cover the shortage of power, or frequent power failures. When demand increases, they have to use additional generating sets Sets or turbo sets. The new generators have to work in parallel with the other units. Whenever permission is avilable from the supply authority, they are paralleled with the grid supply. Grid voltage and frequency vary consideably leading to unstatisf actory operation. Standard alternators will not operate success fully. Special equipment may be needed. All these as pects are considered in the following pages [23. Reasons For Paralleling With Grid Large generators feed power into the grid. They maintain the grid power supply. Captive power generators in a plant do not feed power into the grid; they supply power to the plant. Plant load is supplied through a com mon bus connected to incomming mains supply and also to the generator. Grid paralleling is done under various circumstances, some of which are listed below [23. * Addi t i onal Loads : Due to plant expansion, the power available from the grid is not sufficient, or due to the power cut power supply falls short of demand. A new generating set is in- staled to supply the additional power required. This has to supply through the common bus which is fed by the mains.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1995
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1995
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1995
Anahtar kelimeler
Elektrik enerjisi,
Enerji sistemleri,
Güç çeviriciler,
Electrical energy,
Energy systems,
Power converters