Selenyum Nanoparçacıkları İçeren Membranların Sentezi Ve Atıksu Arıtımında Kullanım Potansiyelinin İncelenmesi
Selenyum Nanoparçacıkları İçeren Membranların Sentezi Ve Atıksu Arıtımında Kullanım Potansiyelinin İncelenmesi
Akar, Nuri
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu çalışmada selenyum nanoparçacıkları glikoz indirgeme yöntemiyle sentezlenmiş ve elde edilen nanparçacıklar, X-ray difraksiyon (XRD), geçirimli elektron mikroskobu (TEM) ile karakterize edilmiştir. Saf ve selenyum nanoparçacıklı polietersülfon (PES) membranlar evre ayrışma (phase inversion) yöntemi kullanılarak hazırlanmıştır. Solvent olarak 1-N-metil-2-pirolidin (NMP) kullanılmıştır. Polimer ve solvent optimizasyonu sonucunda optimum polimer oranı %18 (w/w) ve solvent oranı da %82 (w/w) olarak bulunmuştur. Selenyum nanoparçacık için dört farklı oran belirlenmiş ve belirlenen oranlar ise %0.002, %0.01, %0.03, %0.05 olarak seçilmiştir. Saf polimerin hazırlanmasında ilk olarak PES polimeri NMP solventinin içerisinde 60 oC sıcaklıkta 6 saat karıştırılarak çözünür hale getirilmiştir. Selenyum nanoparçacıklı membran sentezinde ise nanoselenyum NMP içerisinde ilave edilmiş ve homojen karışımın sağlanması için 3 saat sonikasyon banyosunda sonike edilmiştir. Ardından bu karışıma PES polimer ilave edilmiş ve 60 oC sıcaklıkta 6 saat karıştırılarak çözünür hale getirilmiştir. Polimer filmler cam levhalar üzerine alüminyum bıçak sistemi kullanılarak 100 µm ince tabaka halinde dökülmüştür. Polimer miktarının optimizasyonu için %14, %16, %18 PES içeren polimer filmler hazırlanmıştır.Optimizasyon sonucunda %18 PES membranları seçilmiştir. Solvent buharlaştırma süresinin optimizasyonu için %18 PES içeren saf polimer filmler 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 sn süre ile solvent buharlaştırılmasına tabi tutulmuştur. İnce tabaka halinde dökülen membran su banyosuna sokulduğunda su ile polimer yer değiştirerek gözenekli membran yapısı elde edilmektedir.
In this study, selenium nanoparticles synthesized the glucose reduction method and nanparticles obtained, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and have been characterized. Pure and selenium nanoparticles polietersülfon (PES) membranes phase separation (phase inversion) method using was prepared. As a solvent for 1-N-methyl-2-pyrrolidine (NMP) was used. As a result of polymer and solvent, optimum polymer ratio found 18% (w/w) and the solvent ratio of 82% (w/w), respectively. Determined for four different ratios of selenium nanoparticles and the rates of 0.002%, 0.01%, 0.03%, 0.05% was chosen. The preparation of the pure polymer firstly at 60 °C within the 6 hours of PES polymer mixing solvent soluble in NMP has been made. NMP was added in the synthesis of with nanoparticles selenium membrane and sonication bath for 3 hours in order to ensure a homogeneous mixture was sonicated. After then this mixture was added to the PES and the polymer was made soluble with stirring for 6 hours at 60 °C temperature. Polymer films on glass plates using an aluminum blade system poured a thin layer of 100 µm. Optimization of the amount of polymer containing to 14%, 16%, 18% respectively PES was prepared the polymer films. 18% PES membranes were selected as a result of optimization. To optimize the solvent evaporation of 18% pure PES polymer films containing 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 second and subjected Evaporation of the solvent.
In this study, selenium nanoparticles synthesized the glucose reduction method and nanparticles obtained, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and have been characterized. Pure and selenium nanoparticles polietersülfon (PES) membranes phase separation (phase inversion) method using was prepared. As a solvent for 1-N-methyl-2-pyrrolidine (NMP) was used. As a result of polymer and solvent, optimum polymer ratio found 18% (w/w) and the solvent ratio of 82% (w/w), respectively. Determined for four different ratios of selenium nanoparticles and the rates of 0.002%, 0.01%, 0.03%, 0.05% was chosen. The preparation of the pure polymer firstly at 60 °C within the 6 hours of PES polymer mixing solvent soluble in NMP has been made. NMP was added in the synthesis of with nanoparticles selenium membrane and sonication bath for 3 hours in order to ensure a homogeneous mixture was sonicated. After then this mixture was added to the PES and the polymer was made soluble with stirring for 6 hours at 60 °C temperature. Polymer films on glass plates using an aluminum blade system poured a thin layer of 100 µm. Optimization of the amount of polymer containing to 14%, 16%, 18% respectively PES was prepared the polymer films. 18% PES membranes were selected as a result of optimization. To optimize the solvent evaporation of 18% pure PES polymer films containing 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 second and subjected Evaporation of the solvent.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2012
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2012
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2012
Anahtar kelimeler
aktif çamur,
atıksu arıtımı,
membran prosesler,
membran sentezi,
nanoselenyum sentezi,
PES membran,
activated sludge,
membrane processes,
membrane synthesis,
nanoselenium synthesis,
PES membrane