Organize sanayi bölgelerinde arıtma tesisi maliyet tahmini ve katılım paylarının belirlenmesi
Organize sanayi bölgelerinde arıtma tesisi maliyet tahmini ve katılım paylarının belirlenmesi
Yılmaz, Elif
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
OSB'lerde, değişik endüstrilerden kaynaklanan çeşitli karakterlerdeki atıksulann arıtılabilmesi için çok sayıda arıtma alternatifi mevcuttur. Ancak önemli olan, bu arıtma sistemleri arasında en uygun, en ekonomik ve uygulanabilir olanının seçilmesidir. Bu yüzden antma tesisi inşasından önce atıksu kirlilik yükleri ve kullanım amacına bağlı olarak seçilebilecek arıtma proseslerinin her biri için maliyet boyutunun belirlenmesi ve en kullanılabilir olanının seçilmesi özellikle Türkiye gibi gelişmekte olan ülkelerde yatmmlann teşvik edilebilmesi açısından çok önemlidir. OSB'de kurulacak arıtma tesisi ilk yatırım ve işletme maliyetlerine bölgedeki tüm endüstrilerin katılımlarının belirlenmesi ile ilgili çalışmalar yapılması, katılım paylan ile ilgili çok az çalışma olan ülkemizde maliyet analizinin belirlenmesi kadar önemlidir. Birinci bölümde, yapılan çalışmanın amaç ve kapsamı açıklanmış ve önemi vurgulanmıştır. ikinci bölümde, OSB'lerdeki endüstriler için kirlenme profillerinin belirlenmesi hakkında kısa bilgiler verilmiş, kirlenme kontrolü yaklaşımlan sunulmuştur. Ayrıca, arıtma tesisi maliyet boyutlarının belirlenmesinde kullanılan Mukayeseli Tasfiye (MT) metodunda esas alınan proseslere ait kısa bilgiler verilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, seçilen merkezi arıtma sistemlerine ait maliyet boyutları mevcut çalışmalar da dikkate alınarak MT metodu ile belirlenmiştir. Bunun yanında, arıtma tesisi maliyet tahmini konusundaki önceki çalışmalar özetlenmiş, MT metodundaki girdiler verilmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde, literatürde verilen arıtma tesisi ilk yatınm ve işletme maliyetlerine katılım paylan yaklaşımları incelenmiş ve yeni bir işletme ve ilk yatınm katılım payı yaklaşımı bu bilgiler de göz önünde bulundurularak geliştirilmiştir. Geliştirilen katılım payı yaklaşımının pratikliğini artırmak ve çok kısa sürede önerilen bu yaklaşımla sonuçlar alabilmek amacıyla bir bilgisayar programı da bu tez çerçevesinde geliştirilmiştir. Beşinci bölümde, genel bir değerlendirme yapılarak sonuçlar açıklanmış ve öneriler getirilmiştir.
As a result of rapid increase in population, industrialisation and development; it is a knovvn reality that the rapid increase in the consumption of the usable vvater, consequently brings the increase in vvastevvater. The conseguence of different way of usage, the wastewater consist of various type and specifıcation polluters in it's content. Direct discharge of wastewater to the receiving water, decreases the purpose of usage ör even totally makes the usage impossible by consumpting the dissolved oxygen. in order to prevent this situation, vvastevvater needs to have pass through different vvater treatment stages suitable for the propose of usage before reaching to the receiving vvater. Hovvever it is too costly and needs a huge investment for each industrial establishment to have a vvastevvater treatment plant for their own industrial vvastevvater, especially in the Developing Countries such as Turkey. in stead, the most convenient approach tovvard the resolution for the industrial establishment will be yet at organisation ör at planning stage to construct the similar industrial establishments in a specified area vvhere a common vvastevvater treatment system is chosen according to the characteristics of industrial vvastevvater. Within this framevvork, the application of" The Organised industrial Area" (OIA) model stipulated by the State Planning Department (DPT) thus, this application vvill prevent the environmental pollution problems ör at least to minimise these problems and vvill direct the investments. it is very important and a necessary, to choose the most convenient treatment plant as well as the calculation of the participation shares of the industrial establishment at the OIA' s both for initiative investment cost for the operating cost. There are a number of different treatment altematives at OlA's for various vvastevvater in different characters sourcing from different industries. Nevertheless, the most important factor is to decide for the most suitable and the most economical and applicable öne. Therefore, the indication of the cost dimensions of each treatment processes among others to choose the most usable öne to comply vvith the vvaste loads and the purpose of use before the construction of a Treatment Plant, is particularly important in order to incite the investments in the Developing Countries like Turkey. in these study; in connection vvith the pollution profile at OIS's taking also the related literatüre knovvledge into consideration, is to indicate the cost dimensions of a treatment plant to be constructed how the participating shares of the entire industrial establishments should be in this area. The cost dimensions of the vvastevvater treatment plant in a OIA is described by MT Methods and the precision of the method was checked and compared by the results of a available studies on the subject. By examining the available applications in connection vvith the xitt * participation for the initiative investment and operational costs of the industrial establishment in the area; a new participation share approach has been brought. The procedure stages of this work have been summarised below: in the first section; the purpose and the content of this study was defined and the importance was emphasised. The similar studies of taking the entire industrial plants participation's into the initiative investment and operational costs of a treatment plant at the OIA is as essential as the cost analysis in our Country where there is not much research study was carried in regard to mentioned participation share. in the second section; some brief indicative pollution profiles information were given for OlA's, and some pollution control approaches were presented. Apart from these, also some more brief information of the processes to base the MT method to be used to indicate the cost dimensions of a treatment installation were explained. There are a lots of industrial establishment vvhich have too many different wastewater characteristics at OlA's. Among these varying characteristic of vvaste vvater sourcing from those industrial factories; it is necessary to determine the pollutable features of different vvastevvater for each industrial plant in order to treat them in a common Treatment System. Three basic systems are commonly used to determine about the pollutional profile and specified the vvastevvater pollutable features in industry. 1. To be determined the pollutional loads of the industries by searching them in their locations. 2. Obtaining the basic information related to industries and finding out pollutional loads by comparison with the available literatüre. 3. Pollutional loads to be determined by comparison with the similar industries. VVıthin the indication stage of pollutional loads by using öne ör several of the previously described methods, industries are subject to a classification in the basis of pollution. The purpose of a classification in a pollution base is to indicate the homogenous groups vvithin itself as well as to base the control studied together with pollution characterisation of the industries. For this aim, the industrial categorisations should be described. VVhile categorisation, not only the polluting features but also the industrial sectors and their structions should be taken into consideration. After the indication of these categories, the subcategories can be defined by also taking polluting features and prodnetion matters into account. Wastewater is defined as; öne ör several applicable physical, chemical and biological processes of vvhich will not change the physical, chemical, bacteriologjcal and ecological features of the receiving vvater vvhere the wastewater is discharged as a result of several different usage. Wastewater; according to its characteristics; »An applied Physical Treatment System for vvastevvater to eliminate the solid particles vvhich may harm the equipment to be used in the process as well as could cause difficulty to the treatment process. xtv *An applied Chemical Treatment System is to change dissolved polluters into !ow dissolved components in vvater by chemical reactions ör to clarify by making flocculation's. *A Biological Treatment which base on the basis of biologically soluable particles which are already exist in wastewater as in dissolved ör colloidal should be departed from wastewater by making micro-organisms to use them as nutrition and energy source. *The Advanced Treatment System which may ellminate the stili existing polluters at the end of a biological and chemical treatment processes. in the third section, the cost dimensions for central treatment system, taking also the related literatüre knowledge into consideration, was determined with MT method. in addition, previous studies about the cost estimation of the treatment plant has been summarised and the data in the MT method was given in this section. MT programme has been developed in order to reply ali the follovving needs. » to choose the applicable treatment process, * to-determine a realistte cost of a chosen treatment system, * to compare the altemative processes, * to choose the most suitable treatment system, * to prepare the true and healthy project of the chosen system, * to realise this procedure in the most economical way and witnin shortest time possible. To determine the cost dimensions of the Central Treatment by using the MT program; * Complete-mix activated - sludge with aerobic digestion, * Complete-mix activated - sludge with anaerobic digestion, * Extended aeration activated - sludge with aerobic digestion, * Extended aeration activated - sludge with anaerobic digestion. systems have been handled and; * Total project cost - flow rate, * Total operational & maintenance cost - flow rate, * Unit cost of treated wastewater - flow rate curves and curve equations were occurred. in the fourth section, by examining the available applications in connection with the participation for the initiative investment and operational cost of the industrial establishment in the area; a new participation share approach has been brought. A lot of available and applicable studies in connection with the indication of participation shares for initiative and operational costs at OlA's have been summarised in this section. XV in order to determine the operational cost participation shares of each industrial establishment for a treatment plant which will be installed at OIA; an sample application consist of the following units was taken; primary treatment, intermediate pumping station, coagulation - flocculation, primary clarifier, comple-mix activated sludge process, thickening, aerobic digestion and belt fllter. in such a treatment plant, to determine the participation shares of the operationaf expences,COD,SS and Flow are taken as main parameters. For the other parameters vvhich exceed the pollution limits; it is essential that those industries at OIA should install an Primary Treatment thus should decrease these parameters to the limit leveis. in a chosen wastewater treatment plant, estîmated acting percentages of the parameters within each unit for the operational costs were given on Table 1 Table 1 Acting percentages of COD, SS and flow for the operational costs. Process Name Acting Percentages ., COP l 88 l Flow »Primary Treatment - 0.1 0.9 . intermediate Pumping - - 1 . Coagulation - Flocculation 0.25 0.25 0.5 » Primary Clarifier 0.2 0.2 0.6 «Biological Treatment 0.7 0.1 0.2. Sludge Pumping 0.7 0.3 -. Thickening 0.7 0.3 -. Aerobic Digestion 0.7 0.3 - »BeitFilter OT 0.3 - TjjmeFeed l 0.7 | 0.3 | - The participation for the initiative investment cost of each industrial establishment in the area of OIA has been calculated like the participation for the operational cost. Acting percentages of COD, SS and flow for the initiative investment cost was given Table 2 for each unit in parameter basis. Table 2 Acting percentages of COD, SS and Flow for the initîative investment costs. _. "process Name l Acting Percentages COD l SS [ How. Primary Treatment - 0.1 0.9 *intermediate Pumping - -- 1.0 «Coagulation - Flocculation -- 0.1 0.9 . Primary Clarifier -=L 0.15 0.85 »Biological Treatment 0.5 -- 0.5 »Sludge Pumping 0.7 0.3 - . Thickening 0.5 0.5 - »Aerobic Digestion 0.7 0.3 - . Belt Filter OT 0.3 - TLimeFeed l 0.7 | 0.3 l - xvt As sample application for participation shares of the initiative investment and operational costs of the industrial establishment in OIA has been made for Bursa OIA. Available industries in Bursa OIA has been allocates to main and subcategories. Pollution load and wastewater flow for main categories was shovvn in Table 3. The participation share for initiative and operational cost has been found for main and subcategories. Participation's share calculations were made within the groups. Table 3 Pollution load and wastewater flow for main categories in Bursa OIA. Category l Flpw (mj/day) l COP (kg/day) l 88 (kg/day) Dom. Ind. Total Dom. Ind. Total Dom. Ind. Total Textile 994 23000 23994 980 23920 24900 350 6900 7250 Metal 213 5.300 5513 210 9540 9750 75 530 605 Plastic 28.4 600 628,4 28 900 928 10 360 370 Foundry 28,4 530 558.4 28 28 10 1855 1865 Electronic 71 700 771 70 840 910 25 70 95 Others 85,2 1870 1955,2 84 1550 1634 30 2985 3015 Total 1420 32000 33420 1400 36750 38150 500 12700 13200 According to the wastewater characteristic for each industries in Bursa OIA, a central treatment including primary treatment, intermediate pumping, coagulation - flocculation, primary clarifier, biyological treatment, sludge pumping, thickening, anaerobic digestion and belt filter has been chosen. Using the Table 3, the participation share for initiative investment and operational cost of each industry has been calculated and shovvn in Table 4 and Table 5. Table 4 Participation share of each industry for operational cost New Approach Category Cost ($/day)=Pollution Load*Unit Cost COP l SSI Flow| TotâT Textile 1.750 843 2.220 4.813 Metal 685 71 510 1.266 Plastic 66 44 58 168 Foundry 2 218 52 272 Electronic 64 U 71 146 Others 115 351 181 647 Total Operational Cost | 2.682 | 1.5381 3.092 | 7.312 xvtt Table 5 Participation share of each industry for initiative investment cost In the fifth section, general evaluation has been done and conclusions are declared and suggestions are brought. In this study, the cost dimensions of the most suitable and applicable treatment systems has been determined by using the MT method. In addition, taking also the related literature knowledge into consideration, a new participation share approach has been brought and cost curves have been obtained. The parametric equations, using the MT method to determined the cost dimensions of above mentioned central treatment system, has been acquired. These parametric equations were shown in Table 6. Table 6 Parametric equations to be developed for the calculations of the Central treatment systems Treatment System Total Project Cost ($) WStit Total Operation Cost ($/yil) mas- Unit Cost of treated wastewater (S/m3) rtrrror Comple-mix (with aerobic digestion) M=14464Q' R2=0.9707 M=95.99Q' R2=1 M=0.752Q R2=0.9152 B3B5r TJ3BST,-0.0774 Comple-mix (with anaerobic digestion) M=11558Q' R2=0.9807 M=89.097Q R2=0.9999 M=0.7033Q R2=0.9058 jnrror trsrar TOJTCT Extended aeration (with aerobic digestion) M=10663Q R2=0.9819 M=122.4Q R2=1 M=0.3876Q R2=0.7094 jrsssr- -0.0774 Extended aeration (with anaerobic digestion) M=7214.3Q' R2=0.9851 0.B474 M=115.74Q R2=1 M=0.7033Q R2=0.9058 The new approach about the participation share was checked and compared by the results of İT0 approach. Acting percentages of pollution load was give in Table 7; R, a and b factors founded for operational cost sharing was shown in Table 8 and R, a, b factors founded for initiative investment cost sharing was shown in Table 9. xvffl Table 7 Acting percentages of pollution load for initiative investment and operational cost Polluter Parameter Acting percentage (for the total initiative investment cbsp Acting percentage (for the total operational,?:-"::-,.. ::,, COlt). -J.,.,.,...? COD 17* -18* 38 SS 10* -9* 21 Flow 73 Q= 5000 m7day, ** Q=33.420 m7day 41 Table 8 R, a and b factors for operational cost Q= 5000 m7day, ** Q=33.420 m7day Q= 5000 m7day, " Q=33.420 m7day
As a result of rapid increase in population, industrialisation and development; it is a knovvn reality that the rapid increase in the consumption of the usable vvater, consequently brings the increase in vvastevvater. The conseguence of different way of usage, the wastewater consist of various type and specifıcation polluters in it's content. Direct discharge of wastewater to the receiving water, decreases the purpose of usage ör even totally makes the usage impossible by consumpting the dissolved oxygen. in order to prevent this situation, vvastevvater needs to have pass through different vvater treatment stages suitable for the propose of usage before reaching to the receiving vvater. Hovvever it is too costly and needs a huge investment for each industrial establishment to have a vvastevvater treatment plant for their own industrial vvastevvater, especially in the Developing Countries such as Turkey. in stead, the most convenient approach tovvard the resolution for the industrial establishment will be yet at organisation ör at planning stage to construct the similar industrial establishments in a specified area vvhere a common vvastevvater treatment system is chosen according to the characteristics of industrial vvastevvater. Within this framevvork, the application of" The Organised industrial Area" (OIA) model stipulated by the State Planning Department (DPT) thus, this application vvill prevent the environmental pollution problems ör at least to minimise these problems and vvill direct the investments. it is very important and a necessary, to choose the most convenient treatment plant as well as the calculation of the participation shares of the industrial establishment at the OIA' s both for initiative investment cost for the operating cost. There are a number of different treatment altematives at OlA's for various vvastevvater in different characters sourcing from different industries. Nevertheless, the most important factor is to decide for the most suitable and the most economical and applicable öne. Therefore, the indication of the cost dimensions of each treatment processes among others to choose the most usable öne to comply vvith the vvaste loads and the purpose of use before the construction of a Treatment Plant, is particularly important in order to incite the investments in the Developing Countries like Turkey. in these study; in connection vvith the pollution profile at OIS's taking also the related literatüre knovvledge into consideration, is to indicate the cost dimensions of a treatment plant to be constructed how the participating shares of the entire industrial establishments should be in this area. The cost dimensions of the vvastevvater treatment plant in a OIA is described by MT Methods and the precision of the method was checked and compared by the results of a available studies on the subject. By examining the available applications in connection vvith the xitt * participation for the initiative investment and operational costs of the industrial establishment in the area; a new participation share approach has been brought. The procedure stages of this work have been summarised below: in the first section; the purpose and the content of this study was defined and the importance was emphasised. The similar studies of taking the entire industrial plants participation's into the initiative investment and operational costs of a treatment plant at the OIA is as essential as the cost analysis in our Country where there is not much research study was carried in regard to mentioned participation share. in the second section; some brief indicative pollution profiles information were given for OlA's, and some pollution control approaches were presented. Apart from these, also some more brief information of the processes to base the MT method to be used to indicate the cost dimensions of a treatment installation were explained. There are a lots of industrial establishment vvhich have too many different wastewater characteristics at OlA's. Among these varying characteristic of vvaste vvater sourcing from those industrial factories; it is necessary to determine the pollutable features of different vvastevvater for each industrial plant in order to treat them in a common Treatment System. Three basic systems are commonly used to determine about the pollutional profile and specified the vvastevvater pollutable features in industry. 1. To be determined the pollutional loads of the industries by searching them in their locations. 2. Obtaining the basic information related to industries and finding out pollutional loads by comparison with the available literatüre. 3. Pollutional loads to be determined by comparison with the similar industries. VVıthin the indication stage of pollutional loads by using öne ör several of the previously described methods, industries are subject to a classification in the basis of pollution. The purpose of a classification in a pollution base is to indicate the homogenous groups vvithin itself as well as to base the control studied together with pollution characterisation of the industries. For this aim, the industrial categorisations should be described. VVhile categorisation, not only the polluting features but also the industrial sectors and their structions should be taken into consideration. After the indication of these categories, the subcategories can be defined by also taking polluting features and prodnetion matters into account. Wastewater is defined as; öne ör several applicable physical, chemical and biological processes of vvhich will not change the physical, chemical, bacteriologjcal and ecological features of the receiving vvater vvhere the wastewater is discharged as a result of several different usage. Wastewater; according to its characteristics; »An applied Physical Treatment System for vvastevvater to eliminate the solid particles vvhich may harm the equipment to be used in the process as well as could cause difficulty to the treatment process. xtv *An applied Chemical Treatment System is to change dissolved polluters into !ow dissolved components in vvater by chemical reactions ör to clarify by making flocculation's. *A Biological Treatment which base on the basis of biologically soluable particles which are already exist in wastewater as in dissolved ör colloidal should be departed from wastewater by making micro-organisms to use them as nutrition and energy source. *The Advanced Treatment System which may ellminate the stili existing polluters at the end of a biological and chemical treatment processes. in the third section, the cost dimensions for central treatment system, taking also the related literatüre knowledge into consideration, was determined with MT method. in addition, previous studies about the cost estimation of the treatment plant has been summarised and the data in the MT method was given in this section. MT programme has been developed in order to reply ali the follovving needs. » to choose the applicable treatment process, * to-determine a realistte cost of a chosen treatment system, * to compare the altemative processes, * to choose the most suitable treatment system, * to prepare the true and healthy project of the chosen system, * to realise this procedure in the most economical way and witnin shortest time possible. To determine the cost dimensions of the Central Treatment by using the MT program; * Complete-mix activated - sludge with aerobic digestion, * Complete-mix activated - sludge with anaerobic digestion, * Extended aeration activated - sludge with aerobic digestion, * Extended aeration activated - sludge with anaerobic digestion. systems have been handled and; * Total project cost - flow rate, * Total operational & maintenance cost - flow rate, * Unit cost of treated wastewater - flow rate curves and curve equations were occurred. in the fourth section, by examining the available applications in connection with the participation for the initiative investment and operational cost of the industrial establishment in the area; a new participation share approach has been brought. A lot of available and applicable studies in connection with the indication of participation shares for initiative and operational costs at OlA's have been summarised in this section. XV in order to determine the operational cost participation shares of each industrial establishment for a treatment plant which will be installed at OIA; an sample application consist of the following units was taken; primary treatment, intermediate pumping station, coagulation - flocculation, primary clarifier, comple-mix activated sludge process, thickening, aerobic digestion and belt fllter. in such a treatment plant, to determine the participation shares of the operationaf expences,COD,SS and Flow are taken as main parameters. For the other parameters vvhich exceed the pollution limits; it is essential that those industries at OIA should install an Primary Treatment thus should decrease these parameters to the limit leveis. in a chosen wastewater treatment plant, estîmated acting percentages of the parameters within each unit for the operational costs were given on Table 1 Table 1 Acting percentages of COD, SS and flow for the operational costs. Process Name Acting Percentages ., COP l 88 l Flow »Primary Treatment - 0.1 0.9 . intermediate Pumping - - 1 . Coagulation - Flocculation 0.25 0.25 0.5 » Primary Clarifier 0.2 0.2 0.6 «Biological Treatment 0.7 0.1 0.2. Sludge Pumping 0.7 0.3 -. Thickening 0.7 0.3 -. Aerobic Digestion 0.7 0.3 - »BeitFilter OT 0.3 - TjjmeFeed l 0.7 | 0.3 | - The participation for the initiative investment cost of each industrial establishment in the area of OIA has been calculated like the participation for the operational cost. Acting percentages of COD, SS and flow for the initiative investment cost was given Table 2 for each unit in parameter basis. Table 2 Acting percentages of COD, SS and Flow for the initîative investment costs. _. "process Name l Acting Percentages COD l SS [ How. Primary Treatment - 0.1 0.9 *intermediate Pumping - -- 1.0 «Coagulation - Flocculation -- 0.1 0.9 . Primary Clarifier -=L 0.15 0.85 »Biological Treatment 0.5 -- 0.5 »Sludge Pumping 0.7 0.3 - . Thickening 0.5 0.5 - »Aerobic Digestion 0.7 0.3 - . Belt Filter OT 0.3 - TLimeFeed l 0.7 | 0.3 l - xvt As sample application for participation shares of the initiative investment and operational costs of the industrial establishment in OIA has been made for Bursa OIA. Available industries in Bursa OIA has been allocates to main and subcategories. Pollution load and wastewater flow for main categories was shovvn in Table 3. The participation share for initiative and operational cost has been found for main and subcategories. Participation's share calculations were made within the groups. Table 3 Pollution load and wastewater flow for main categories in Bursa OIA. Category l Flpw (mj/day) l COP (kg/day) l 88 (kg/day) Dom. Ind. Total Dom. Ind. Total Dom. Ind. Total Textile 994 23000 23994 980 23920 24900 350 6900 7250 Metal 213 5.300 5513 210 9540 9750 75 530 605 Plastic 28.4 600 628,4 28 900 928 10 360 370 Foundry 28,4 530 558.4 28 28 10 1855 1865 Electronic 71 700 771 70 840 910 25 70 95 Others 85,2 1870 1955,2 84 1550 1634 30 2985 3015 Total 1420 32000 33420 1400 36750 38150 500 12700 13200 According to the wastewater characteristic for each industries in Bursa OIA, a central treatment including primary treatment, intermediate pumping, coagulation - flocculation, primary clarifier, biyological treatment, sludge pumping, thickening, anaerobic digestion and belt filter has been chosen. Using the Table 3, the participation share for initiative investment and operational cost of each industry has been calculated and shovvn in Table 4 and Table 5. Table 4 Participation share of each industry for operational cost New Approach Category Cost ($/day)=Pollution Load*Unit Cost COP l SSI Flow| TotâT Textile 1.750 843 2.220 4.813 Metal 685 71 510 1.266 Plastic 66 44 58 168 Foundry 2 218 52 272 Electronic 64 U 71 146 Others 115 351 181 647 Total Operational Cost | 2.682 | 1.5381 3.092 | 7.312 xvtt Table 5 Participation share of each industry for initiative investment cost In the fifth section, general evaluation has been done and conclusions are declared and suggestions are brought. In this study, the cost dimensions of the most suitable and applicable treatment systems has been determined by using the MT method. In addition, taking also the related literature knowledge into consideration, a new participation share approach has been brought and cost curves have been obtained. The parametric equations, using the MT method to determined the cost dimensions of above mentioned central treatment system, has been acquired. These parametric equations were shown in Table 6. Table 6 Parametric equations to be developed for the calculations of the Central treatment systems Treatment System Total Project Cost ($) WStit Total Operation Cost ($/yil) mas- Unit Cost of treated wastewater (S/m3) rtrrror Comple-mix (with aerobic digestion) M=14464Q' R2=0.9707 M=95.99Q' R2=1 M=0.752Q R2=0.9152 B3B5r TJ3BST,-0.0774 Comple-mix (with anaerobic digestion) M=11558Q' R2=0.9807 M=89.097Q R2=0.9999 M=0.7033Q R2=0.9058 jnrror trsrar TOJTCT Extended aeration (with aerobic digestion) M=10663Q R2=0.9819 M=122.4Q R2=1 M=0.3876Q R2=0.7094 jrsssr- -0.0774 Extended aeration (with anaerobic digestion) M=7214.3Q' R2=0.9851 0.B474 M=115.74Q R2=1 M=0.7033Q R2=0.9058 The new approach about the participation share was checked and compared by the results of İT0 approach. Acting percentages of pollution load was give in Table 7; R, a and b factors founded for operational cost sharing was shown in Table 8 and R, a, b factors founded for initiative investment cost sharing was shown in Table 9. xvffl Table 7 Acting percentages of pollution load for initiative investment and operational cost Polluter Parameter Acting percentage (for the total initiative investment cbsp Acting percentage (for the total operational,?:-"::-,.. ::,, COlt). -J.,.,.,...? COD 17* -18* 38 SS 10* -9* 21 Flow 73 Q= 5000 m7day, ** Q=33.420 m7day 41 Table 8 R, a and b factors for operational cost Q= 5000 m7day, ** Q=33.420 m7day Q= 5000 m7day, " Q=33.420 m7day
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1996
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1996
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1996
Anahtar kelimeler
Çevre Mühendisliği,
Arıtma tesisleri,
Maliyet analizi,
Organize endüstri bölgesi,
Environmental Engineering,
Treatment plants,
Cost analysis,
Organized industrial area