Çeşitli Katyonik Yüzey Aktif Maddelerin Klinoptilolit ( Doğal Zeolit ) Üzerine Adsorpsiyon Mekanizmalarının İncelenmesi Ve Modifiye Klinoptilolit İle Sıvılardaki Non-iyonik Organik Kirleticilerin Tutulması
Çeşitli Katyonik Yüzey Aktif Maddelerin Klinoptilolit ( Doğal Zeolit ) Üzerine Adsorpsiyon Mekanizmalarının İncelenmesi Ve Modifiye Klinoptilolit İle Sıvılardaki Non-iyonik Organik Kirleticilerin Tutulması
Ersoy, Bahri
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science And Technology
Institute of Science And Technology
Bu çalışma iki aşamada gerçekleştirilmiştir. Birinci aşamada hem kesikli sistemde (şişede) ve hem de kesiksiz sistemde (kolonda) olmak üzere, kuaterner amin grubu farklı zincir uzunluğuna sahip yüzey aktif maddelerin [HTAB: R(CH3)3NBr, R:C16H33 ; TTAB: R(CH3)3NBr, R: C14H29; DTAB: R(CH3)3NBr, R: C12H25] klinoptilolit üzerine adsorpsiyon mekanizmaları detaylı bir şekilde incelenerek Modifiye Frumkin ve Langmuir modeline göre termodinamik parametreleri belirlenmiş ve böylece klinptilolit yüzeyinin modifiye edilmesinde kullanılacak yüzey aktif madde (YAM) tesbit edilmiştir. İkinci aşamada ise tesbit edilen bu YAM (HTAB) ile klinoptilolit yüzeyi modifiye edilerek organo-klinoptilolit (modifiye klinoptilolit) hazırlanmıştır. Sonra kesikli ve kesiksiz sistemde hem doğal klinoptilolit (DK) ve hem de organo-klinoptilolit (OK) üzerine , sıvı atıklarda bulunan ve toksik etkiye sahip olan anilin ve nitrobenzen türü organik kirleticilerin adsorplanma mekanizmaları incelenerek Freundlich modeline göre adsorpsiyon serbest enerjileri ve adsorpsiyon sabitleri belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlardan bazıları şunlardır; I) YAM’lerin klinoptilolit üzerine adsorpsiyonu ağırlıklı olarak iyon değiştirme ve hidrofobik (zincir-zincir) etkileşim mekanizmaları ve daha az oranda da elektrostatik etkileşim mekanizmaları ile gerçekleşmektedir, II) 16 karbon zinciri ile en fazla zincir uzunluğuna sahip HTAB, 14 karbon zincirli TTAB ve 12 karbon zincirli DTAB’a göre klinoptilolit yüzeyine daha çok adsorplanmaktadır, III) Modifiye Frumkin modeline göre HTAB, TTAB ve DTAB’a ait adsorpsiyon serbest enerjisi (Gads) değerleri sırasıyla –37.64, -33.86 ve -33.74 kJ/mol’dür, IV) Kolon reaktörde elde edilen klinoptilolit üzerine HTAB adsorpsiyon kapasitesi 4.39 mg/cm3’dür, V) DK üzerine anilin ve nitrobenzen adsorpsiyon kapasitesi çok düşük düzeyde iken HTAB ile klinoptilolit yüzeyinin modifiye edilmesi ve organo-klinoptilolitin hazırlanmasıyla bu kapasite çok yüksek oranda artmaktadır, VI) Freundlich modeline göre OK üzerine nitrobenzen ve anilin adsorpsiyonu serbest enerji (G) değerleri sırasıyla –10.51 ve –4.94 kJ/mol’dür, VII) Kolonda OK üzerine nitrobenzen ve anilin adsorpsiyon kapasiteleri sırasıyla 0.57 ve 0.47 mg/cm3’dür.
This study consists of two parts. In the first part, the adsorption mechanisms of quaternary ammonium surface active agents of different chain length i.e. HTAB, TTAB and DTAB onto clinoptilolite were investigated in both batch and continuous systems. The effect of conditioning time, solids concentration, pH, concentration and temperature on the adsorption of quaternary amines onto clinoptilolite surface was systematically studied. In the second part, the clinoptilolite surface was modified by HTAB thus in order to produce organo-clinoptilolite. Then, The adsorption mechanisms of toxic organic chemicals, aniline and nitrobenzene, which are present in wastewater or underground water with organo-clinoptilolite and natural clinoptilolite were investigated in batch and continuous systems. Thermodynamic parameters using Modified Frumkin and Langmuir models were utilized to obtain the adsorption free energies and heat of adsorption. Some of the conclusions are as follows; I) The adsorption mechanisms of quaternary amines exhibit two distinct regions involving ion exchange and hydrophobic (chain-chain) interaction mechanisms; the contribution of electrostatic interaction is minimal, II) The adsorption density increases with increasing the chain hydrocarbon length, III) The adsorption free energies (Gads) of HTAB, TTAB and DTAB for modified Frumkin model –37.64, -33.86 and -33.74 kJ/mol, respectively. IV) The adsorbed amount of HTAB onto natural clinoptilolite in column is 4.39 mg/cm3. V) Adsorption capacities of aniline and nitrobenzene onto clinoptilolite is very low but when clinoptilolite surface was modified by HTAB its adsorption capacity increased significantly, VI) The adsorption free energies (Gads) of aniline and nitrobenzene onto organo-clinoptilolite for Freundlich model are -4.94 and -10.51 kJ/mol, respectively. VII) The adsorption amount of nitrobenzene and aniline onto organo-clinoptilolite in column are 0.57 and 0.47 mg/cm3, respectively. The results generally reveal the importance of ion exchange and hydrophobic interactions in the system.
This study consists of two parts. In the first part, the adsorption mechanisms of quaternary ammonium surface active agents of different chain length i.e. HTAB, TTAB and DTAB onto clinoptilolite were investigated in both batch and continuous systems. The effect of conditioning time, solids concentration, pH, concentration and temperature on the adsorption of quaternary amines onto clinoptilolite surface was systematically studied. In the second part, the clinoptilolite surface was modified by HTAB thus in order to produce organo-clinoptilolite. Then, The adsorption mechanisms of toxic organic chemicals, aniline and nitrobenzene, which are present in wastewater or underground water with organo-clinoptilolite and natural clinoptilolite were investigated in batch and continuous systems. Thermodynamic parameters using Modified Frumkin and Langmuir models were utilized to obtain the adsorption free energies and heat of adsorption. Some of the conclusions are as follows; I) The adsorption mechanisms of quaternary amines exhibit two distinct regions involving ion exchange and hydrophobic (chain-chain) interaction mechanisms; the contribution of electrostatic interaction is minimal, II) The adsorption density increases with increasing the chain hydrocarbon length, III) The adsorption free energies (Gads) of HTAB, TTAB and DTAB for modified Frumkin model –37.64, -33.86 and -33.74 kJ/mol, respectively. IV) The adsorbed amount of HTAB onto natural clinoptilolite in column is 4.39 mg/cm3. V) Adsorption capacities of aniline and nitrobenzene onto clinoptilolite is very low but when clinoptilolite surface was modified by HTAB its adsorption capacity increased significantly, VI) The adsorption free energies (Gads) of aniline and nitrobenzene onto organo-clinoptilolite for Freundlich model are -4.94 and -10.51 kJ/mol, respectively. VII) The adsorption amount of nitrobenzene and aniline onto organo-clinoptilolite in column are 0.57 and 0.47 mg/cm3, respectively. The results generally reveal the importance of ion exchange and hydrophobic interactions in the system.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2000
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2000
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2000
Anahtar kelimeler
Yüzey aktif madde,
Organik Kirletici,
Surface active agent,
Organic contaminant,