İstanbul'da Asit Yağışları, Kaynakları Ve Etkileri
İstanbul'da Asit Yağışları, Kaynakları Ve Etkileri
Toros, Hüseyin
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu çalışmada, İstanbul yağışlarının iyon derişimlerinin zaman ve yöne bağlı olarak değişimlerinin araştırılması amacıyla şehir içi ve orman alanında kurulan iki istasyondan alınan yağış örnekleri incelenmiştir. Araştırmada Ekim' 1997-Temmuz 1998 tarihleri arasında İTÜ Maslak Kampusu ve İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Araştırma Ormanı (Bahçeköy) sahasında alınan yağış örnekleri kullanılmıştır. Yağış örnekleri özel olarak tasarlanmış sistem ile yağışın başlamasından itibaren süre kontrollü alınmıştır. Bu sisteme göre ilk on dakikadaki yağış 1. kapta, 10.-20. dakika arasındaki 2. kapta, 20.- 30. dakika arasındaki 3. kapta, 30.-40. dakika arasındaki 4. kapta, 40.-50. dakika arasındaki 5. kapta, 50. dakikadan sonraki yağan yağış 6. kapta toplanmıştır. Yağışın pH ve iletkenlik değerleri örnek alımından hemen sonra ölçülmüştür. Yağış örneklerinin iyon derişim analizleri ODTÜ Çevre Mühendisliği laboratuarlarında yapılmıştır. Burada SO42", N03" ve Cl" Varian Model 2010 iyon kromotografi, Na+, K+, Ca2+ atomik emisyon, Mg2+ atomik absorbsiyon spektrometre ve NFL}+ spektrofotometre cihazı ile analiz edilmiştir. Yağışı oluşturan atmosferik sistemlerin geliş yönlerinin belirlenmesinde sinoptik haritalardan (yer kartı, 850 mb, 700 mb ve 500 mb seviye haritaları), radyozonde ve eşzamanlı uydu resimlerinden faydalanılmıştır. Ayrıca zamansal düşey kesit analizi yapılarak geri yörünge yöntemine üçüncü boyut katılmıştır. Böylelikle geri yörünge tespitinde yağışlı kütlenin seviyesindeki farklılıklardan doğacak hatalar ortadan kaldırılmıştır. Yörünge analizinde yağışlar geliş yönlerine göre 45°'lik açılar halinde 8 farklı yönde gruplandmlmıştır. Yağışın iyon derişimleri, sürelere ve yönlere göre ayrı ayn değerlendirilmiştir. Veriler Weibull, log-normal veya üstel dağılımlar göstermektedir. İncelenen süre içerisinde 89 farklı günde meydana gelen yağışlardan % 31 'i batı-güneybatı, % 24'ü kuzey-kuzeybatı, % 19'u kuzey-kuzeydoğu, % 16'sı batı-kuzeybatı, % 9'u güney-güneybatı ve % l'i ise güney-güneydoğu yönünden gelmiştir. pH'ı düşük yani asidikliği yüksek yağışlar ise batı-kuzeybatı, batı- güneybatı ve güney-güneybatı yönlerinden gelmiştir, iletkenliğinin büyük olduğu değerler güney-güneybatı, batı-güneybatı ve kuzey-kuzeybatı yönünden gelen yağışlarda elde edilmiştir. SO42", NO3", Cl", Mg2+ ve K+ iyonlarının derişimleri güney-güneybatı yönünden, Ca2+ iyonu batı-kuzeybatı, kuzey-kuzeybatı ve güney- güneybatı yönlerinden, Na+ iyonu güney-güneybatı ve batı-güneybatı yönlerinden, N£L}+ iyonu ise batı-güneybatı ve batı-kuzeybatı yönlerinden gelen yağışlarda yüksek çıkmıştır. Yağış içindeki iyon derişimlerinin azalması yaklaşık ilk 10 dakikalık süreden sonra meydana geldiği görülmüştür., İstanbul yağışları, literatür değerleri ile karşılaştırıldığında dünyanın değişik yerlerindeki ölçüm sonuçlarına göre yüksek oranda anyon ve katyon içermektedir. Bu karşılaştırmada İstanbul yağışlarında SO42", NO3' iyonu derişimleri yüksek olmasına rağmen nötralleşmeden dolayı yağışın asitliliği düşük çıkmıştır. Türkiye'de ilk defa özel olarak tasarlanmış bir sistem ile elde edilen veri analizi sonuçlan, yapılacak çalışmalar ve planlamalar açısından veri tabam oluşturacak ve bundan sonraki çalışmalara yeni ufuklar açacaktır.
In this study, chemical composition and ions were evaluated separately with respect to duration and direction of Istanbul rain samples. For this purpose two stations were used; one of them is located in an urban area and the other one is located in a forest area. The rain samples taken from İTÜ Maslak Campus, the urban area, and Forest Research Area of İÜ Faculty of Forestry at Bahçeköy were analyzed. After the initiation of precipitation, the samples were collected by recording the precipitation period using a specially designed system. According to this system, the rain fall during the first ten minutes was collected in the first collecting bottle, the rain fall during 1 0-20 minute period was collected into second bottle, the rain fall during 20-30 minute period was collected into third bottle, the rain fall during 30-40 minute period was collected into fourth bottle, the rain fall during 40-50 minute period was collected into fifth bottle and the rest of the rain after 50 minutes was collected in sixth bottle. The pH and conductivity were measured just after the collections. The chemical analyses of rain samples were made at the Environmental Engineering laboratory of METU. Here, the analyses were carried out by the following methods: S042', N03" and CI" ions by a Varian Model 2010 ion chromatography, Na\ K+ and Ca2+ ions by atomic emission, Mg2+ ion by atomic absorption spectrometry and NH4+ ion by spectrophotometric method. In order to determine the origin of rain, the trajectories of cyclones were analyzed. During the analyses of trajectories the synoptic maps (surface, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb level charts), radiosounding and satellite picture were simultaneously used. In addition, time variant cross section analyses were carried out to determine third dimension for the trajectories. Hence, the error stemming from the level variations of the rain clouds were eliminated. In trajectory analysis rain samples were grouped in 8 different directions having 45° of intervals. The results are evaluated separately with respect to duration and direction. The results include the Weibull, log-normal and exponential distributions. During the six month period, 89 rainy days were observed. After the grouping the statistics are obtained as follows: 31 % of rain came from west-southwest, 24 % from nort- nortwest, 19 % from north-northeast, 16 % from west-northwest, 9 % from south- southwest and 1 % from south-southeast intervals. It is found that the precipitation samples having low pH values came from west-northwest, west-southwest and south-southwest directions. The samples with high conductivity came from south- southwest, west-southwest and north-northwest directions. High content of S042", N03", CI", Mg2+ and K+ ions came from south-southwest directions, high Ca2+ ion came from west-northwest, north-northwest and south-southwest intervals, high Na+ ion came from south-southwest and west-southwest intervals and high NH4+ ion came from west-southwest and west-northwest intervals, respectively. Comparison of samples of the first ten minutes with the samples of 10-20 minutes indicated that, during the first ten minutes there is a considerable washing out of pollutants in the atmosphere. Observations and the measurements indicate that there are high anion and cation concentrations in Istanbul precipitation. High S042' and NO3" concentrations are neutralized by alkaline resulting in low average acidity. Comparison with the several cities around the world leaded to the fact that there are higher ion concentrations in Istanbul's precipitation. The results obtained with this originally designed system are going to form a database for new studies and will open new horizons.
In this study, chemical composition and ions were evaluated separately with respect to duration and direction of Istanbul rain samples. For this purpose two stations were used; one of them is located in an urban area and the other one is located in a forest area. The rain samples taken from İTÜ Maslak Campus, the urban area, and Forest Research Area of İÜ Faculty of Forestry at Bahçeköy were analyzed. After the initiation of precipitation, the samples were collected by recording the precipitation period using a specially designed system. According to this system, the rain fall during the first ten minutes was collected in the first collecting bottle, the rain fall during 1 0-20 minute period was collected into second bottle, the rain fall during 20-30 minute period was collected into third bottle, the rain fall during 30-40 minute period was collected into fourth bottle, the rain fall during 40-50 minute period was collected into fifth bottle and the rest of the rain after 50 minutes was collected in sixth bottle. The pH and conductivity were measured just after the collections. The chemical analyses of rain samples were made at the Environmental Engineering laboratory of METU. Here, the analyses were carried out by the following methods: S042', N03" and CI" ions by a Varian Model 2010 ion chromatography, Na\ K+ and Ca2+ ions by atomic emission, Mg2+ ion by atomic absorption spectrometry and NH4+ ion by spectrophotometric method. In order to determine the origin of rain, the trajectories of cyclones were analyzed. During the analyses of trajectories the synoptic maps (surface, 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb level charts), radiosounding and satellite picture were simultaneously used. In addition, time variant cross section analyses were carried out to determine third dimension for the trajectories. Hence, the error stemming from the level variations of the rain clouds were eliminated. In trajectory analysis rain samples were grouped in 8 different directions having 45° of intervals. The results are evaluated separately with respect to duration and direction. The results include the Weibull, log-normal and exponential distributions. During the six month period, 89 rainy days were observed. After the grouping the statistics are obtained as follows: 31 % of rain came from west-southwest, 24 % from nort- nortwest, 19 % from north-northeast, 16 % from west-northwest, 9 % from south- southwest and 1 % from south-southeast intervals. It is found that the precipitation samples having low pH values came from west-northwest, west-southwest and south-southwest directions. The samples with high conductivity came from south- southwest, west-southwest and north-northwest directions. High content of S042", N03", CI", Mg2+ and K+ ions came from south-southwest directions, high Ca2+ ion came from west-northwest, north-northwest and south-southwest intervals, high Na+ ion came from south-southwest and west-southwest intervals and high NH4+ ion came from west-southwest and west-northwest intervals, respectively. Comparison of samples of the first ten minutes with the samples of 10-20 minutes indicated that, during the first ten minutes there is a considerable washing out of pollutants in the atmosphere. Observations and the measurements indicate that there are high anion and cation concentrations in Istanbul precipitation. High S042' and NO3" concentrations are neutralized by alkaline resulting in low average acidity. Comparison with the several cities around the world leaded to the fact that there are higher ion concentrations in Istanbul's precipitation. The results obtained with this originally designed system are going to form a database for new studies and will open new horizons.
Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2000
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2000
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2000
Anahtar kelimeler
asit yağmuru,
iyon derişimi,
acid rain,
ion concentration