İstanbul Terkos Bölgesi’nde Kurulması Planlanan Bir Rüzgar Enerjisi Santrali İçin Enerji Üretim Potansiyeli, Kurulum Maliyeti Ve Geri Ödeme Süresinin Belirlenmesi
İstanbul Terkos Bölgesi’nde Kurulması Planlanan Bir Rüzgar Enerjisi Santrali İçin Enerji Üretim Potansiyeli, Kurulum Maliyeti Ve Geri Ödeme Süresinin Belirlenmesi
Yalçın, Yavuz
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Enerji Enstitüsü
Energy Institute
Energy Institute
Bu tez çalışmasında İstanbul İli Terkos Bölgesi'nin rüzgar atlası oluşturularak bölgede kurulacak bir rüzgar enerjisi santralinin enerji üretim potansiyelini belirlemek üzere üç senaryo hazırlanmıştır. Danimarka Riso Laboratuvarları'nda geliştirilen WAsP (The Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program) paket programı yardımıyla yapılan analizlerde, teze konu olan bölgede 52 m. yükseklikten alınan rüzgar ölçümleri değerlendirilerek bölgenin ortalama rüzgar hızı değerleri ve güç yoğunlukları saptanmıştır. Ardından Danimarkalı rüzgar türbini üreticisi VESTAS firmasına ait 1.5 MW'lık V63 ve 2.0 MW'lık V80 modelleri kullanılarak yapılan üç senaryo karşılaştırılmış, elde edilen sonuçlarda bölge için 2.0 MW'lık V80 model rüzgar türbininin daha avantajlı olduğu görülmüş ve 22 adet VESTAS V80 marka rüzgar türbini kullanarak örnek bir rüzgar enerjisi santrali oluşturulmuştur. Tezin son bölümünde ise WAsP programından elde edilen sonuçlar yorumlanarak bölgenin rüzgar enerjisi potansiyeli değerlendirilmiş, 3 senaryo için kurulması öngörülen rüzgar santrallerinin maliyet analizleri yapılmış ve geri ödeme süreleri belirlenmiştir.
In this thesis study, three scenarios was developed to determine the energy generation potential of a sample wind power plant to be built in the Region of Terkos in the Province of Istanbul through working out a wind atlas. The average wind speed values and power densities of the area were determined in the analyses made by the help of the package program WAsP (The Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program) developed in the Riso Laboratories in Denmark, by evaluating the wind measurements taken from 52 meters altitude in the region subject to the thesis. Thereafter a comparison of three scenario was performed between the wind turbine models V63 with 1.5 MW and V80 with 2.0 MW, both made by VESTAS, wind turbine manufacturer of Denmark, from the results of which it was observed that the wind turbine model V80 with 2.0 MW would be more favorable for that region, so that a sample wind power plant was worked out by the use of 22 wind turbines of brand VESTAS V80. In the last part of the thesis, the wind energy potential was evaluated, a cost analysis and pay-back period of a wind power plant to be constructed in the region was performed by interpretation of the results obtained from the WAsP program.
In this thesis study, three scenarios was developed to determine the energy generation potential of a sample wind power plant to be built in the Region of Terkos in the Province of Istanbul through working out a wind atlas. The average wind speed values and power densities of the area were determined in the analyses made by the help of the package program WAsP (The Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program) developed in the Riso Laboratories in Denmark, by evaluating the wind measurements taken from 52 meters altitude in the region subject to the thesis. Thereafter a comparison of three scenario was performed between the wind turbine models V63 with 1.5 MW and V80 with 2.0 MW, both made by VESTAS, wind turbine manufacturer of Denmark, from the results of which it was observed that the wind turbine model V80 with 2.0 MW would be more favorable for that region, so that a sample wind power plant was worked out by the use of 22 wind turbines of brand VESTAS V80. In the last part of the thesis, the wind energy potential was evaluated, a cost analysis and pay-back period of a wind power plant to be constructed in the region was performed by interpretation of the results obtained from the WAsP program.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Enerji Enstitüsü, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Energy Institute, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Energy Institute, 2010
Anahtar kelimeler
Akış modelleri,
Maliyet analizi,
Rüzgar atlası,
Rüzgar enerjisi,
Rüzgar hızı,
Rüzgar santralleri,
Flow models,
Cost analysis,
Wind atlas,
Wind energy,
Wind speed,
Wind plants