Deri endüstrisi atıksularından krom (ııı) geri kazanımı
Deri endüstrisi atıksularından krom (ııı) geri kazanımı
Kasal, Kıvanç İsmail
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Deri endüstrisinde ham derinin işlenerek mamul deri haline getirilmesi birçok kimyasal ve mekanik işlemleri kapsamaktadır. Her adımdaki su ve kimyasal madde kullanımı fazladır ve bu nedenle deri endüstrisi atıksulan farklı özelliklerde ve miktarlarda atıksuyun oluşmasına neden olurlar. Krom tuzlan ise, sepileme prosesinde sıkça kullanılan tabaklama maddeleridir. Atık azaltması ve geri kazanımı, endüstriyel çevre yönetim sisteminin en önemli iki konusudur. Bu nedenle deri atıksulanndan kromun sadece giderilmesi değil, aynı zamanda geri kazanılması mutlaka ele alınmalıdır. Krom geri kazanımı için en önemli unsur, kromlu atıksuların, diğer atıksulardan ayrılmasıdır. Özellikle, organize deri sanayi bölgelerinde, kromlu atıksuların diğer atıksularla beraber boru ucu arıtmaya gelmesi ile seyrelen kromun tekrar kullanım amacıyla geri kazanımı zordur ve ekonomik değildir. Bu sebeplerden dolayı, krom geri kazanımı kromlu atıksulann ayrık akımlarla toplanmsmı ve arıtmaya girmeden önce kimyasal çöktürme uygulanmasını gerektirir. Bu çalışmada, deri endüstrisi için proses araştırması, atıksu araştırması ve karakterizasyonu yapıldı. Ayrık akımla gelen kromlu atıksular da karakterize edildi. Yüksek miktarda krom içeren atıksularda Na2C03 ve NaOH gibi iki farklı koagülant kullanılarak koagülasyon ve flokülasyon verimleri ve giderme ve geri kazanma maliyetleri incelendi. Ayrıca geri kazanılan krom deri işleme amaçlı olarak kullanıldı. Birinci bölümde, çalışmanın amaç ve kapsamı tanımlandı. İkinci bölümde, deri endüstrisi proses ve atıksu araştırması ve karakterizasyonu yapıldı. Deri endüstrisinin Türkiye'deki durumu hakkında bilgi verildi ve uygulanan arıtma tekniklerinden bahsedildi. Üçüncü bölümde, geri kazanma teknolojileri hakkında bilgi verildi. Dördüncü bölümde, laboratuarda yapılan jar - test deneyleri ile optimum pH, uygun koagülant ve optimum dozaj sırasıyla 8,3 - 8,5 aralığında, Na2CC>3 ve 300 gr / İt olarak bulundu. Pilot ölçekli yapılan denemelerde kromun geri kazanımı, tekrar kullanımı ve maliyet analizi yapıldı. Beşinci bölümde, krom geri kazanımının gerekliliğini otaya koymak için sonuçlar ve öneriler verildi.
In leather industry, processing of raw skin contains of series of chemical and mechanical operations. Water and chemicals are consumed in high amounts in every operation. Thus wastewaters, possess different quantities and characteristics, are produced at the end of all processes. Chromium salts have been widely used as a tanning agent. Waste minimization and recovery concepts are the basic principles of the industrial environmental system. Chromium (HI) from tannery wastewaters is not an application only to reduce the contaminant concentration in the wastewaters but also to reuse chromium. It is essential that chromium from tanning process effluents should be taken by a segregate stream from overall wastewater. Especially, in the organised leather industrial estates, recovery of chromium at the end of pipe wastewaters containing diluted chromium is not suitable and economical for reuse purposes. From this point of view, chromium recovery requires the collection of chromium tanning wastewaters by segregate streams and an application of chemical precipitation before the treatment plant. In this study, process survey, wastewater survey and characterisation are made for the leather industry. The segregate streams are also characterised and especially, different coagulants, sodium carbonate (NaîCCH) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) are tested in tanning wastewaters containing high concentration of chromium to examine the performance of coagulation and fiocculation process and the cost of chromium removal and recovery. The aim and the introduction of this study are given in the first part. The second part contains of these subjects of process survey, wastewater survey and characterisation, categories and subcategories, leather industry in Türkiye and wastewater treatment alternatives for leather industries. The third part aims to give the information about methods of chromium recovery. In the fourth part, in order to precipitate chromium, optimum pH, suitable coagulant and optimum dose are determined as 8,3 - 8,5 range, Na2C03 and 300 mg /It respectively by using lab - scale jar test apparatus. According to results of jar tests, pilot - scale test are carried out to examine efficiencies of the removal, the recovery and the reuse of chromium and their cost analyses. Chemistry of chromium sulphate is also given in this part. In the fifth part, some results and suggestions are given to bring up the necessity of chromium recovery.
In leather industry, processing of raw skin contains of series of chemical and mechanical operations. Water and chemicals are consumed in high amounts in every operation. Thus wastewaters, possess different quantities and characteristics, are produced at the end of all processes. Chromium salts have been widely used as a tanning agent. Waste minimization and recovery concepts are the basic principles of the industrial environmental system. Chromium (HI) from tannery wastewaters is not an application only to reduce the contaminant concentration in the wastewaters but also to reuse chromium. It is essential that chromium from tanning process effluents should be taken by a segregate stream from overall wastewater. Especially, in the organised leather industrial estates, recovery of chromium at the end of pipe wastewaters containing diluted chromium is not suitable and economical for reuse purposes. From this point of view, chromium recovery requires the collection of chromium tanning wastewaters by segregate streams and an application of chemical precipitation before the treatment plant. In this study, process survey, wastewater survey and characterisation are made for the leather industry. The segregate streams are also characterised and especially, different coagulants, sodium carbonate (NaîCCH) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) are tested in tanning wastewaters containing high concentration of chromium to examine the performance of coagulation and fiocculation process and the cost of chromium removal and recovery. The aim and the introduction of this study are given in the first part. The second part contains of these subjects of process survey, wastewater survey and characterisation, categories and subcategories, leather industry in Türkiye and wastewater treatment alternatives for leather industries. The third part aims to give the information about methods of chromium recovery. In the fourth part, in order to precipitate chromium, optimum pH, suitable coagulant and optimum dose are determined as 8,3 - 8,5 range, Na2C03 and 300 mg /It respectively by using lab - scale jar test apparatus. According to results of jar tests, pilot - scale test are carried out to examine efficiencies of the removal, the recovery and the reuse of chromium and their cost analyses. Chemistry of chromium sulphate is also given in this part. In the fifth part, some results and suggestions are given to bring up the necessity of chromium recovery.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2000
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2000
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2000
Anahtar kelimeler
Atık su,
Deri endüstrisi,
Yeniden kazanma,
Waste water,
Leather industry,