Li-iyon Polimer Pil Karakteristiklerinin Analizi Ve Arıza Tanısı
Li-iyon Polimer Pil Karakteristiklerinin Analizi Ve Arıza Tanısı
Kaypmaz, Tevhit Cem
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu çalışmada, elektrokimyasal empedans spektroskopi yöntemi ile li-iyon polimer pillerin hücre kinetik parametreleri elde edilmiş ve hücrelerin zorlanmış dolma ve boşalma durumlarında bu parametrelerin değişimi kuramsal olarak incelenmiştir. Li-iyon polimer pillerde oluşabilecek yanlış doldurma ve boşaltma işlemleri sebebi ile meydana gelen geri döndürülemez etkilerin klasik hücre modelleri tarafından tam olarak yansıtılamadığı görülmüştür. Bu nedenle çalışmada hücre eşdeğer devre modeli arıza durumlarına göre geliştirilmiş ve sınıflandırılmış, yeni geliştirilmiş hücre eşdeğer devresi modeli ile pil sağlamlık durumunun daha iyi yansıtılacağı önerilmiştir. Normal dolma ve boşalma durumlarında yapılan deneysel çalışma ile klasik pil modelinin sağlamlık durumunun değerlendirmesi için yeterli olduğu ve klasik modelin sağlıklı bir biçimde durumu yansıttığı görülmüştür. Deneysel çalışmalar ile, çeşitli arıza durumlarını meydana getirerek inceleme gerçekleştirilebilmesi için bir dizi hücre testi planlanmıştır. Aşırı dolma ve boşalma durumlarının ve etkilerinin incelendiği bu deneysel çalışmalar neticesinde klasik modelin durum değerlendirme için yetersiz kaldığı ispat edilmiş ve bu çalışmada önerilen modelin arıza durumlarını daha gerçekçi biçimde yansıttığı görülmüştür. Bu çalışmada eşdeğer devreye seri olarak yeni bir direncin, paralel kolda bulunan kapasiteye ek olarak, seri ve paralel kapasitelerin yine paralel kolda bulunan dirence ilave seri ve paralel dirençlerin eklenmesinin ile devrenin arıza tanısı ve sağlamlık durumunu daha iyi yansıtacağı önerilmiştir. Elde edilen deneysel sonuçlar ile bulanık mantık tabanlı yeni bir sağlamlık değerlendirme yöntemi oluşturulmuştur. Bu yöntem ile pillerin geçmişte karşılaştıkları geri döndürülemez etkiler irdelenebilmekte, böylece bu olumsuzlukların pil ömrüne ne ölçüde etki etmekte olduğu değerlendirilebilmektedir. Bu yeni sağlamlık değerlendirme yöntemi ile li-iyon polimer bir pilin sağlamlık durumunu yansıtan yeni bir MATLAB Simulink modeli geliştirilmiştir.
In this study, li-ion polymer cell kinetic parameters were obtained by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy method and changes in these parameters were analyzed theoretically in cases of forced charging and discharging. It was seen that, classical cell models were not sufficent enough to mirror the irreversible effects on li-ion polymer cells caused by improper charging and discharging procedures. Therefore cell equivalent circuit was improved and classified according to the failure states and it is suggested that the improved model is better to reflect the cell state of health. Experimental studies denote that classical cell model is sufficient and classical method is proper for state of health determination under normal charging and discharging cases. In order to realise a detailed inspection on different fault states series of cell tests were planned and realised by experimental studies. The aim of these cell tests was to obtain the parametric differences according to normal operation, overdischarge and overcharge conditions. It was proved by experiments concentrated on overcharge and overdischarge characteristics that classical cell model is not sufficient and suggested new model is more realistic for state of health determination. Forcing effects were classified while unproper charging and discharging conditions for Li-ion polymer cells and it was seen that the classical model is not sufficient to explain in detail the parametric changes in equivalent circuit. It is proposed that addition of a serial resistance, a serial and parallel resistance to the first parallel branch and a serial and parallel capacitor for the second parallel branch in equivalent circuit is much more sufficient to reflect the state of health and fault detection. A new fuzzy logic based state of health evaluation method was formed from experimental results. This method yield to define the irreversible changes that cells encounter in their history and analyse their effect to cell life. A new MATLAB Simulink model using this new state of health evaluation method for li-ion polymer cells was developed.
In this study, li-ion polymer cell kinetic parameters were obtained by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy method and changes in these parameters were analyzed theoretically in cases of forced charging and discharging. It was seen that, classical cell models were not sufficent enough to mirror the irreversible effects on li-ion polymer cells caused by improper charging and discharging procedures. Therefore cell equivalent circuit was improved and classified according to the failure states and it is suggested that the improved model is better to reflect the cell state of health. Experimental studies denote that classical cell model is sufficient and classical method is proper for state of health determination under normal charging and discharging cases. In order to realise a detailed inspection on different fault states series of cell tests were planned and realised by experimental studies. The aim of these cell tests was to obtain the parametric differences according to normal operation, overdischarge and overcharge conditions. It was proved by experiments concentrated on overcharge and overdischarge characteristics that classical cell model is not sufficient and suggested new model is more realistic for state of health determination. Forcing effects were classified while unproper charging and discharging conditions for Li-ion polymer cells and it was seen that the classical model is not sufficient to explain in detail the parametric changes in equivalent circuit. It is proposed that addition of a serial resistance, a serial and parallel resistance to the first parallel branch and a serial and parallel capacitor for the second parallel branch in equivalent circuit is much more sufficient to reflect the state of health and fault detection. A new fuzzy logic based state of health evaluation method was formed from experimental results. This method yield to define the irreversible changes that cells encounter in their history and analyse their effect to cell life. A new MATLAB Simulink model using this new state of health evaluation method for li-ion polymer cells was developed.
Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009
Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2009
Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2009
Anahtar kelimeler
Li-iyon Polimer Hücre Modeli,
Aşırı Şarj,
Aşırı Deşarj,
Sağlamlık Durumu,
-ion Polymer Battery Model,
State of Health