Banyo tasarımında temel ilkeler

Özarık, Elif
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Konut planlamasında sağlık açısından hayati önem taşıyan eylemlerin yer aldığı banyoların tasarımının önemli bir yerinin olması} kültürel, sosyo-ekonomik ve teknolojik boyutları ile karmaşık bir yapı göstermesi; ülkemizde bu alanda yapılan araştırmaların yetersiz olması gibi nedenlerden kalkınarak banyo tasarım ilkelerinin ülkemiz açısın dan irdelenmesi güncel bir değer taşımaktadır. Bu amaca dayalı olarak yürütülen tez çalışması beş bölümden oluşmaktadır. Giriş bölümünde, tezin ereklerinin belirlenmesisin yanı sıra sorunun çeşitli boyutları vurgulanmaya çalışıl maktadır. Tezin ikinci bölümünde banyo tasarımı konusunda yapılan araştırmaların belli bir sistematik içinde tanıtılma ve çözümlenmesine yer verilmektedir. Banyo tasarımına etki eden faktörlerin saptanarak analiz edilmesi ve kullanıcı, eylem, ekipman ve mekana iliş kin etkenlerin etkileşim sisteminin kurulduğu üçüncü bölümde, holistik bir yapının oluşturulmasının yanısıra, banyo tasarım ilkelerinin, geliştirilmesine yer verilmektedir. Tezin dördüncü bölümü bir alan araştırmasını içermektedir. Tezin ortaya koyduğu kuramsal yapıyı sınamak ve geliştirilen tasarım ilkelerinin uygulamadaki geçerliliğini belirlemek amacıyla, İstanbul'da 33 konut banyosunun düzenlenmesi integre bir araştırma metodu ile incelenmektedir. Tezin amaçlarına hangi ölçüde ulaştığı ve diğer araş tırmalarla karşılaştırılması ise sonuçlar bölümünde yer almaktadır.
Todays purity on phisical apperance approach is not a matter of 20th century. Fron the ancient, clearance alyways has been more important for man ind; sor.e times it might be a reliqicus obligation or another culturel obligation. Buth in every area, man always faced some basic heath problems and his solution always depended on his beliefs, fears and culturel effects. As a result some behaviors were accepted as a taboo and sone others were effected from place of time. But behaviors about clearence is a result of environmental conditiouns, not historical eves. Freud said "anatomy is a matter of destiny". Human body takes a great part of his life - his apperance is more important in his social relationships. In our culture there is a common belief that one canfind some clues about somebodies religion, race etc... by only J ooking his physical apperance./Comunarly accepted that a beatiful person is attractive, a fat one is always funny or a man with a wide forehead is more intelligent than others. Most of us believe that we can critisize a book by looking on its cover.. Every culture has some taboos like these. All of the above examples are originated from our cultural and religious beliefs^This is an universal fact that every culture has its own birth, death and clearance taboos. In ancient Rome and Greece clearenc was more important and they designed bath tubes made of marble silver and wood. When the Cursaders came back to Europe they took the. idea of Turkish bath and the clearance importance of eastern culture with thern. During Ottoman Empire, "Sebil", the easy, simple and c.harunful solution of social needs, gained to the universal culture. Laboratory studies on mineral waters shows the importance of springs on human heath. Edidermics caused by common baths, gave way to designs of private bath rooms. Infact need of personal privacy played an important role in designing private bath rooms and bathrooms is one of the most important parts of todays home. The first hyjgenic apparatus were formed in ancient Anatolian cultures. Throughout the history discharging v the waste water is an important environmental problems in near future. To overcome these problems, development of waste water systems, waterclosed and washbasins designs are put into space programs and new designs need high technology. There are different bathroom designs in different standart houses. In todays house, bathroom is one of the most important places everday developments in technology creates new products and designs, and nowadays we can think about a bathroom design in a space shuttle. Todays bath design contains some important units of home and some electrical apparatus. In the last decade of 20th century people live "inside" even they are outside, the outside world increasingly becoming the environment. New designs signals the end of grey ceilings and walls. Modern wants to have these new material and apparatus in this bathroom.- At this point the role of designes comes to stage. The needs of consumer, and using contemporary materials in an economical design is the important function of a 20th century designer. He has to examine every aspect of the design problem. Material is the most important part of the design. The first bathtub in medical were made up of iron, but in todays modern bathrooms, designers use creamic and fiberglass. Furnitures used in bathrooms is another part of design, designer must create opp'ropriate furniture to satisfy the needs of modern man. We, the architects, have to give great importance the design and decoration of bathroom, because the reflects the charecters and lief style of the user. From the point of view of the users, location of bathroom in plan is an important as the design and equipment. Bathroom must have an organic relation with bedroooras such as with a corridor or a wid antre. If we design two or more bathrooms, one must be located in parent's bedrooms. And also if we design three or more bedrooms, the need for an extra wc will increase. Since, the habits, the values, and the technology change day by day, the problems that will be dealed in design of baths are also changed. Relatively to our environment complexily, the problems also developed. There are different selution for satisfying the users need. vi Every design has a life limit, which consists of three periods. During tne planning the needs fortthe system. are investigated. The problems are laid out the environment and the source are defined. In the relation period, the designer think about all the project. This perriod is the planners main abligation. In the operation perriod, the installation and the operation of the system is designed. It also of includes the elongation of the system life. The users of the baths are consists of different age and different sex group. Therefore there are many variables, man, woman, child, young, old or teenager, culture and the number of household. Consequently, all theese point should be taken into consideration during the bath design process. In this project., we redesign 33 bathrooms, with a new approach and materials. At first we classify the users occording to their education income and social status. Then we try to group their needs and conditions of their bathrooms 18 in 33 are brand new ones and their users have no idea about their bathrooms. The important point is the owner of the building design the kitchen and bath rooms but the final designes about decoration are made totaly by the users. Other 15 bathrooms are the ones that their users want to change total design. Because of their inefficient decoration and design. So second group we have the chance to compare old and new designes. We can clasify the results of above comparison. o All tne users select models which reservair connected to the closeds. o 31 in 33 use hilton washbasins. o Only 3 users want to have a bidet, o All users want to have cabinet in their bathroom designes. vix o 11 Users have a chance to i'*u» ? a dimension. o In all designes washers and heaters are put in to cabinet. o In all designes, ceramic cover is used from the battom to the top. o Only 1 in 33 "Jaccuzzi" is used. o In all showers and basins in bathroom, plexiglass panel is used for preventing water and vapour. o For operating hat water system, 21 users choose electricity, 6 users choose LPG, 3 users choose LPG +. electricity, others choose general heating system of building. o Activities in bathrooms in all 33, are common, washing, discharging and cleaning. o In 13 bathrooms washing machines are located in bathrooms, inothers washing activities are located in the second WC. o 29 Bathroom are located at apartment flats others at houses. And all of them have a second WC. o In new designes using electrical equipment are increased. o All cabinet are made up of MDF and pointed. o All covers of cabinets are selected in flat models for cleaning. As a result deceration researches show that redecora- tion satifies all needs of users and application of hi-tech equipments in bathrooms give an extra comfort to the users. - In this project, we first discuss the need for a place for cleaning, then the reasous that force users to design a place for cleaning. Finally systems and criterias vxxx which are used in designing a bathroom discussed. The most important point in bathroom decoration, containing modern equipments and modern design. Privary is on important factor for bathrooms, but todays 2 O^n century culture add same new concepts to bathroom designes such as meditation, relax, joy and body fittings. From this point of view bathroom designe creates a new field in modern architecture "Bio Architec ture" this field, as a combinetion of a different type of thinking and different characters is a new "language", which represants living environment of man, reachs a new farm. Bathroom is not only a place full of tech but a cosy place supported with hi-tech. Stressed caused by daily life and problems of modern man creats a need for a place totaly belays to him, we can call this "need of privacy". This is the reason for importance of redecoration of bathroom. We can satisfy these needs by only redecorative this private places. Finally, as a result of this project, we can say that users should take place in design proces of bathroom. And if users direct participation of design proces is achieved, we can save a great deal of many redesigning of bathrooms.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1990
Anahtar kelimeler
Banyo, Konut planlaması, Tasarım, Bathroom, Housing planning, Design