Ara Zemin Olarak Mimarlık
Ara Zemin Olarak Mimarlık
Ekmekci, Türkan Oya
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Dünyayı kavrama ve hakikate ulaşma amacıyla, bazı tanımlamalara ve kesinliğe ihtiyaç duyulur. Bu amaçla “belirsiz” durumların açıklığa kavuşturulması gerekliliği doğar. Dünyayı sağlam bir “zemin”e dayandırma ve o zemin üzerinden anlamı inşa etme girişimi söz konusu olur. “Ara Zemin Olarak Mimarlık” incelemesi, mimarlığın bu sağlam zemin arayışları içerisindeki tutumunu irdeler. Mimarlığı bilimsel yöntemlere dayandırma girişimini, bilimsel çalışmaların “kesinsiz” durumları keşfiyle anlamaya çalışırken; öte yandan “zemin”in kavramsal boyutunu inceler. Bunu şu sorular çerçevesinde yapar: dünyanın sağlam ve değişmez bir zemini var mıdır? Bu zemin aslında sağlam ve değişmez değilse mimarlık bu zeminde nasıl konumlanabilir? Bu sorulara yanıt aranırken öncelikle “zemin” kavramının irdelenmesi gerekir. Bilimin keşfettiği karmaşıklık, belirsizlik, doğrusal olmayan ilişkiler gibi kavramlar ile felsefenin zemin, doğa, özgürlük, zeminsizlik kavramlarını tartışma konusu yaparak zemine yeni bir kavrayış biçimi getirilebilir. Çalışma bu kavrayış biçiminin izini sürer. Dünyanın öngörülemezliğine, belirsizliğine, karmaşık ilişkilere, devingen ve ucu açık yapıya vurgu yapar. Bilimin sunduğu bu keşifleri kavramsal söylemleri olarak kavrar; tartışmayı, mimarlığın potansiyeli olarak görülen “ilişkisel ara zemin” etrafında toplar. Mimarlık için artık sağlam bir zemin söz konusu değildir. “Ara zemin olarak mimarlık”, belirsiz ve öngörülemeyenin potansiyellerini benimseyen “aracı” bir rol üstlenir.
Some definitions and certainty are needed to be able to comprehend the world and reach to reality. For this purpose, the necessity for clarification of “uncertain” situations arises. The attempt of leaning the world on a solid “ground” and building the meaning on this becomes the question. The research “Architecture as an Intermediate Ground” examines the attribute of the architecture within this pursuit of a solid ground. It analyses the “ground” from a conceptual aspect while trying to understand the attempt to support architecture with scientific methodology with the invention of the “uncertain” situations by the scientific studies. It makes this analysis within the frame of these questions: Does the world have a solid and unchanging ground? If this ground is not solid and unchanging, how can architecture be positioned on it? While searching for answers to these questions, the concept of “ground” should be researched first. A new way of understanding of the ground can be mentioned by concepts such as complexity, uncertainty and non-linear relations discovered by science and the debate of philosophy on ground, nature, freedom and ungroundedness. This study follows this way of comprehending and it emphasizes the unpredictability, uncertainty of the world, the complex relations and the dynamic and open-ended structure. It comprehends these discoveries of science as its conceptual discourses. It gathers the discussion around the “relational intermediate ground” which is seen as the potential of architecture. A solid ground is no longer valid for architecture. “Architecture as an Intermediate Ground” takes a “mediator” role which adopts its uncertain and unpredictable potential.
Some definitions and certainty are needed to be able to comprehend the world and reach to reality. For this purpose, the necessity for clarification of “uncertain” situations arises. The attempt of leaning the world on a solid “ground” and building the meaning on this becomes the question. The research “Architecture as an Intermediate Ground” examines the attribute of the architecture within this pursuit of a solid ground. It analyses the “ground” from a conceptual aspect while trying to understand the attempt to support architecture with scientific methodology with the invention of the “uncertain” situations by the scientific studies. It makes this analysis within the frame of these questions: Does the world have a solid and unchanging ground? If this ground is not solid and unchanging, how can architecture be positioned on it? While searching for answers to these questions, the concept of “ground” should be researched first. A new way of understanding of the ground can be mentioned by concepts such as complexity, uncertainty and non-linear relations discovered by science and the debate of philosophy on ground, nature, freedom and ungroundedness. This study follows this way of comprehending and it emphasizes the unpredictability, uncertainty of the world, the complex relations and the dynamic and open-ended structure. It comprehends these discoveries of science as its conceptual discourses. It gathers the discussion around the “relational intermediate ground” which is seen as the potential of architecture. A solid ground is no longer valid for architecture. “Architecture as an Intermediate Ground” takes a “mediator” role which adopts its uncertain and unpredictable potential.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013
Anahtar kelimeler
mimarlık kuramı,
doğrusal olmayan sistemler,
ara zemin,
architectural theory,
non-linear systems,
intermediate ground