Toplu konut alanlarında güvenli çevrelerin oluşturulmasında kullanılabilecek kavramsal bir model
Toplu konut alanlarında güvenli çevrelerin oluşturulmasında kullanılabilecek kavramsal bir model
dc.contributor.advisor | Ünügür, S. Mete | tr_TR | | Apak, Suat | tr_TR |
dc.contributor.authorID | 75014 | tr_TR |
dc.contributor.department | Yapı Bilimleri | tr_TR |
dc.contributor.department | Construction Sciences | en_US | | 1998 | tr_TR | | 2018-07-18T08:47:53Z | | | 2018-07-18T08:47:53Z | | | 1998 | tr_TR |
dc.description | Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1998 | tr_TR |
dc.description | Thesis (Ph.D.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1998 | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | Toplu Konut Alanlarının planlanması ve tasarlanması giderek karmaşık bir yapısal özellik göstermektedir. Etkenlerinin niceliksel ve niteliksel olarak, önem ve sıralarının, ve aralarındaki ilişkiler yoğunluğunun, içinde bulunan koşullar bağlamında, farklı örüntüler oluşturduğu, günümüzün ekonomik, sosyal ve siyasal gelişmeleri neticesinde ise; farklı boyutlar kazanan Toplu Konut Tasarımı olgusu içinde "Güvenlik" unsuru ön plana çıkmakta ve önem kazanmaktadır. Toplu Konut Tasarımında Güvenlik sorununun çözümlenmesini ele alan ve çözümü ağırlıklı olarak konsept geliştirme evresinde gören; her özgün durum için esnek, bütünleşik bir kavramsal model geliştiren bu tez çalışması beş bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölümde, genel anlamda "Güvenlik" unsurunun insanlar ve toplu konut kullanıcı memnuniyeti için önemine işaret edilmekte; planlamanın ve tasarımın bu unsurun sağlanması bağlamında sorgulaması yapılmakta; çevresel tasarımın ve bu yolla suç önlemenin toplu konut alanlarına Güvenlik-Sosyal Doku-Ekonomik Değer döngüsü çerçevesindeki katkıları irdelenmektedir. Üçüncü bölümde, tanıtılan konu alanı içinde gerçekleştirilen çözümlemeler neticesinde tez problematiği ortaya konulmakta, belirlenen bir sistematik kurgu üstünde sorunun yapısal (kavramsal) çerçevesi belirlenmektedir. Bu kavramsal çerçevenin hatlarını ise; ölçek boyutunda uzam - kapsam, içerik boyutunda koşullar - amaçlar, süreç boyutunda süreç aşamaları ve adımları oluşturmaktadır. Dördüncü bölümde ise, geliştirilen sistematik yapısal (kavramsal) çerçevenin belirlemelerinde, gitgide somutlaştırılmaya çalışılan "Toplu Konut Alanlarında Güvenlik Amaçlı Çevre Tasarımı" sorununa yönelik olarak bütünleşik bir kavramsal model geliştirilmektedir. Bu model, hipotez oluşturma ve deneme süreci tabanlı modeller esas alınarak, Kavramsal toplu konut modeli, Çevresel performans modeli, Çevre güvenlik değerlendirme modeli olmak üzere üç alt model üzerinde kurgulanmaktadır. Tez çalışmasının "Giriş" ve "Problemin belirlenmesi" bölümlerinde belirlenen ulaşılmak istenen amaç ve hedeflerin ne ölçüde gerçekleştirildiğinin irdelenmesi ve varılan sonuçların tartışılması ise beşinci bölümde ele alınmaktadır. | tr_TR |
dc.description.abstract | The planning and designing of collective housing zones display an increasingly complex structural characteristic. The factors included in this structural characteristic, their importance and priorities and the concentration of relation among themselves change in quality and quantity under the prevailing conditions and they form different units. The element of "security" comes to foreground and gains importance within the fact of collective housing design which assumes different dimensions in accordance with the economic, social and political developments of the day. This thesis study which dwells upon the solution of the problem of security in collective housing design, which considers the solution as located in the stage of concept development and which develops a flexible and integrated conceptual model for each specific situation is composed of 5 chapters. In the first chapter the importance of the "requirement for security" in general with regard to the human beings and the collective housing users is indicated, the planning and designing are questioned in the context of meeting such a need and the contributions of environmental designing and preventing crime through this means within the framework of the cycle of security - Social fabrics - Economic Value in the collective housing areas are discussed. In the second chapter, the concepts within the field in which the thesis problematique is determined are pointed and analyzed. These concepts which are dealt with in systematic index are determined as : - Requirement - Crime - Design - Environment and are analyzed in view of constituting a base for the problem systematic to be elaborated in the next chapter. Upon these analyzes, the need for security can be considered from three dimensions : vu * The content of the threat -Directed towards the essential being of human beings, -Directed towards the property of human beings, -Directed towards the products created by human beings, -Directed towards the continuity of the social and economic order established by human beings., * The Place of the threat - Settlement areas, - Commercial areas, - Social facilities areas, - Industrial areas, - recreation areas * The method of the threat - Accident - Negligence - Default -Crime - Disaster The concept of crime is analyzed within the context of basing and determining on correct foundations. Crime, on the other hand, is considered as a fact and a deep elaboration concerning the causality thereof can not be achieved. The classification considered to be appropriate for the purpose of thesis, on the other hand, is as follows * Crimes against the public -Crimes against the public institutions and organizations, -Crimes against the public property, -Crimes against the products created by the public, -Crimes against the public order. The factors of crime are considered under two categories as the factors causing crime and as the factors assisting crime. * Crimes against the individual -Crimes against essential being of the individual, -Crimes against the individual property, -Crimes against the products created by the individual, -Crimes against the social and economic order established by the individual. via By this classification developed as such, all types of crime are encompassed and the crimes against the users can be responded. The concept of design is discussed within the contexts of architectural design and architectural design with security purposes. The concept of environment which is elaborated and developed on the basis of the man - environment relation is discussed within the context of the interaction of the impact on and directing the human behavior and the change of the environment by human beings and relatively deeper analyzes are conducted upon the concept of environmental design. The sub-category of preventing crime through environmental designing (ÇTYSÖ - CPTED) in an interdisciplinary field of study within the framework of environmental design in which the architectural designing activity holds the central place constitute the last step in this conceptualization from the viewpoint of the thesis problematique. In this context, the security strategies are gathered under three categories : * Organized (Special protection units, etc.) * Mechanical (Fences, alarm devices etc.) * Natural (Spatial definitions, windows locations, etc.) In this chapter, the studies on preventing crime through environmental designing which might be useful for defining the subject mater of the thesis are tried to be introduced and discussed at the levels of theoretical basis and principles of studies in different disciplines. In the third chapter, the thesis problematique posed in the previous chapter within the context of setting conceptual framework for designing the safe living areas in the collective housing zones is dealt and tried to be analyzed via a systematic approach. The question is discussed in a manner to draw a relationship matrix in the dimensions of scale, content and process and each dimension is defined with and connected to the sub-components constituting it. In the fourth chapter, an integrated conceptual model oriented towards the question of "Environment Design with Security Purposes in Collective Housing Zones" which has been tried to be made increasingly more concrete under the development of the determination of the systematic structural (conceptual) framework developed. As it can be understood from this theoretical presentation of the thesis problematique, short and medium term goals are considered to be posed in a concrete manner as well as the abstract and long term purposes in order to ensure the functioning of a gradual process. To this purpose, the conceptual model which is developed with the aim of determining; IX - In which designing stage and which process steps; - In which scales and with which performance levels; - Under which conditions and at which purpose stage; - With the help of which designing tool "The Criterion of Security in Collective Housing Zones" is to be used, consists of there sub-models : - Conceptual Collective Housing Model - Environmental Performance Model - Environmental Security Assessment Model. Thus, in this chapter a holistic model is sought to be set up developed with the purpose of finding a solution to the Question of Security in Collective Housing Zones. The extent to which the purpose and the goals aimed at and determined in the "Introduction" and the chapter on "Determining the Problem" are achieved is evaluated and the conclusions are discussed in chapter 5.. To sum up, the fundamental purpose of the thesis, namely the establishment of a flexible, integrated model for each specific case within the context of the analyzes of the Problem of Security in Collective Housing Design is tried to be achieved by means of an integrated conceptual model developed within the context of environmental performance;. Ensuring the analysis of the question of security beginning from the very first stage of the designing and especially at the concept development phase within a systematic presentation with steps such as gathering information, processing information formulation of concepts, etc.; - and, in addition to the existing housing texture, on the basis of the opposition between - the ideal, and - the goals in the concept preliminary project phase;. Basing the security needs which display abstract and subjective characteristics the reflections thereof on the physical space on a more concrete and objective foundation and by posing it in an hierarchical order in the stages of - Perceptibility - Definability - Achiveability - Controllability with a systematic approach to men - environment interaction; Placing the data collection and processing stages within the context of the collective housing within a systematic framework by a structure being more concrete with the components of - scale - content - process; The iterative structure of the question of creating safe - peaceful living environments is tried to be dealt by - the steps of transformation from abstract to concrete tried to be taken between the sub-models and in which the output of each model constitutes the input of the next model and with a cumulative and iterative presentation with feed-back. | en_US | | Doktora | tr_TR | | Ph.D. | en_US |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.publisher | Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü | tr_TR |
dc.publisher | Institute of Science and Technology | en_US |
dc.rights | Kurumsal arşive yüklenen tüm eserler telif hakkı ile korunmaktadır. Bunlar, bu kaynak üzerinden herhangi bir amaçla görüntülenebilir, ancak yazılı izin alınmadan herhangi bir biçimde yeniden oluşturulması veya dağıtılması yasaklanmıştır. | tr_TR |
dc.rights | All works uploaded to the institutional repository are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission. | en_US |
dc.subject | Güvenlik | tr_TR |
dc.subject | Toplu konutlar | tr_TR |
dc.subject | Çevre tasarımı | tr_TR |
dc.subject | Security | en_US |
dc.subject | Mass houses | en_US |
dc.subject | Environmental design | en_US |
dc.title | Toplu konut alanlarında güvenli çevrelerin oluşturulmasında kullanılabilecek kavramsal bir model | tr_TR |
dc.type | Doctoral Thesis | en_US |