Al2O3-Li2O-SiO2-ZnO dörtlü sisteminde katı halde faz bağıntıları
Al2O3-Li2O-SiO2-ZnO dörtlü sisteminde katı halde faz bağıntıları
Sezer, Ş. Levent
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu çalışmada AI2O3-Lİ2O-SİO2-Z11O dörtlü sisteminde oda sıcaklığındaki katı halde faz denge ilişkileri incelenmiştir. Söz konusu dörtlü sistemde faz denge ilişkileri belirlenirken önce sistemde mevcut olduğu bilinen tüm ikili ve üçlü bileşikler hazırlanmış, X-ışınlan difraksiyon verileri JCPDS verileri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. JCPDS verileriyle uyum içinde olan bu diyagramlar daha sonraki faz analizlerinde karşılaştırma amacıyla kullanılmıştır. Bundan sonraki aşamada üçlü denge diyagramlarında katı haldeki faz ilişkileri belirlenmiştir. Bu amaçla, mevcut olduğu varsayılan faz denge doğrulan (Alkemade doğruları) ve faz denge üçgenleri (Alkemade üçgenleri) içerisinde kalacak ve tahmin edilen fazları yaklaşık olarak eşit oranlarda verecek şekilde hazırlanan karışımlar değişik sıcaklık ve sürelerde reaksiyona sokulmuş ve fırında yapılan soğutma işleminden sonra X-ışınları difraksiyon tekniği ile faz analizleri yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın son aşamasında sistemde mevcut faz denge tetrahedrleri belirlenmiştir. Üçlü sistemlere benzer şekilde varlığı ön görülen tetrahedrler içerisinde kalacak şekilde karışımlar hazırlanmış, değişik sıcaklık ve sürelerde reaksiyona sokulmuşlardır. Yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda Aİ203-Lİ20-Si02-ZnO dörtlü sisteminin sekiz adet ikili, üç adet üçlü bileşiğin mevcut olduğu tesbit edilmiş olup, herhangi bir dörtlü bileşiğin bulunmadığı anlaşılmıştır. Sistemde ikili ve üçlü bileşiklerin birbiriyle dengede olduğu 45 faz denge doğrusunun (Alkemade doğrusu), 49 faz denge üçgeninin (Alkemade üçgeni) ve 18 faz denge tetrahedrinin (Alkemade tetrahedri) mevcut olduğu belirlenmiştir.
AI203-Li20-Si02-ZnO In this thesis, the solid state relationships in the quarternary system AI2O3-Lİ2O-SİO2- ZnO were investigated. The quaternary system used in this thesis has six binary compounds (AI2O3-Lİ2O); (AI2O3-SİO2); (Al203-ZnO); (Li20-Si02); (Li20-ZnO); (Si02-ZnO) and four ternary compounds (AI2O3-Lİ2O-SİO2); (AI2O3-SİO2-Z11O); (Al203-Li20-ZnO); (Li20-Si02- ZnO) systems. The binary component existence in the binary compound systems (Lİ2O.2SİO2); (Lİ2O.SİO2); (2Lİ2O.SİO2); (Lİ2O.AI2O3); (Lİ2O.5AI2O3); (3A1203.2Sİ02); (2ZnO.Si02); (ZnO.Aİ20s) and also the ternary component existence in the ternary compound (Lİ2O.AI2O3.2SİO2); (Lİ2O.AI2O3.4SİO2); (Lİ2O.AI2O3.6SİO2); (Lİ2O.AI2O3.8SİO2); (Li2O.ZnO.SiO2) systems were known from the literature. As a starting material, Merck quality Aluminium Oxide (AI2O3); Lithium Carbonate (Lİ2CO3); Silicic Acid (SİO2.11H2O); Zinc oxide (ZnO) at high purity were used. Silicic Acid (Si02.nH20) was put in to the reaction after calcineting at 1200°C temperature for two hours to decompose its cristal water. Samples which has been calculated to give three (3)-five (5) gr. product were weighted at + 0.01% error by using electronic scale, then they were formed by qrinding in an agate mortar for 10-15 minutes, and they were put in to a reaction in platinum crucibles at different temperatures and times. For this reason an electrical furnace with Pt-Rh termokupl were used. X-ray diffraction technique was used to identify the reaction products and the improvement of the reaction. Co (Ka), (X=1.79Â) radiation was used during the diffraction. The diffractometer was operated at 40 KV and 20mA and was allowed to run between 20 = 6° to 80°. This selected working range was found to be sufficient for all the diffraction peaks of the compounds encountered in the samples. While preparing solid solutions and phase components taken out from the furnace at certain periods were grinded, so that reaction speeds were tried to increase by increasing reaction surfaces.
AI203-Li20-Si02-ZnO In this thesis, the solid state relationships in the quarternary system AI2O3-Lİ2O-SİO2- ZnO were investigated. The quaternary system used in this thesis has six binary compounds (AI2O3-Lİ2O); (AI2O3-SİO2); (Al203-ZnO); (Li20-Si02); (Li20-ZnO); (Si02-ZnO) and four ternary compounds (AI2O3-Lİ2O-SİO2); (AI2O3-SİO2-Z11O); (Al203-Li20-ZnO); (Li20-Si02- ZnO) systems. The binary component existence in the binary compound systems (Lİ2O.2SİO2); (Lİ2O.SİO2); (2Lİ2O.SİO2); (Lİ2O.AI2O3); (Lİ2O.5AI2O3); (3A1203.2Sİ02); (2ZnO.Si02); (ZnO.Aİ20s) and also the ternary component existence in the ternary compound (Lİ2O.AI2O3.2SİO2); (Lİ2O.AI2O3.4SİO2); (Lİ2O.AI2O3.6SİO2); (Lİ2O.AI2O3.8SİO2); (Li2O.ZnO.SiO2) systems were known from the literature. As a starting material, Merck quality Aluminium Oxide (AI2O3); Lithium Carbonate (Lİ2CO3); Silicic Acid (SİO2.11H2O); Zinc oxide (ZnO) at high purity were used. Silicic Acid (Si02.nH20) was put in to the reaction after calcineting at 1200°C temperature for two hours to decompose its cristal water. Samples which has been calculated to give three (3)-five (5) gr. product were weighted at + 0.01% error by using electronic scale, then they were formed by qrinding in an agate mortar for 10-15 minutes, and they were put in to a reaction in platinum crucibles at different temperatures and times. For this reason an electrical furnace with Pt-Rh termokupl were used. X-ray diffraction technique was used to identify the reaction products and the improvement of the reaction. Co (Ka), (X=1.79Â) radiation was used during the diffraction. The diffractometer was operated at 40 KV and 20mA and was allowed to run between 20 = 6° to 80°. This selected working range was found to be sufficient for all the diffraction peaks of the compounds encountered in the samples. While preparing solid solutions and phase components taken out from the furnace at certain periods were grinded, so that reaction speeds were tried to increase by increasing reaction surfaces.
Tez (Doktora)-- İTÜ Fen Bil.Enst., 1998
Anahtar kelimeler
Faz geçişleri,
Kimyasal bileşim,
Phase transitions,
Chemical composition