Verimlilik ve ölçümü

Ataol, Aylin
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Her ülke için olduğu kadar, kıt kaynaklarla kalkınma durumunda olan ülkemiz için de verimlilik hayati bir öneme sahiptir. Çünkü bir ülkenin kalkınması, ister sanayide, isterse tarım ve hizmet sektöründe olsun, sahip olduğu kaynaklan verimli kullanarak ekonomik gelişme kaydetmesine bağlıdır. Dengeli bir ekonomik kalkınma, verimliliği arttırmak suretiyle ivme kazanabilir. Verimliliğin üretimle yakın ilişkisi nedeniyle, üretimin organizasyonu ve denetimi, çalışma yöntemlerinin belirlenmesi, personel politikasının ve yönetim şeklinin uygulanması, üretimde standardizasyonun sağlanması ve teknolojinin seçimi gibi alanlarda verimliliği dikkate almak gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, geniş kapsamlı verimlilik sisteminin bir alt sistemi olan verimlilik ölçümü ve değerlendirilmesi, sanayi sektöründe ve işletme bazında ele alınmıştır. ikinci bölümde; verimliliğin tanımı, hangi kavramlarla ilişkili olduğu, ekonomi, işletme ve birey düzeylerinde verimlilik konularına değinilmiştir. Üçüncü bölüm, verimliliğin ölçülmesi ve denetimini kapsamaktadır. Dördüncü bölüm, verimlilik ölçümü ve değerlendirilmesi için literatürlere girmiş modellerin sınıflandırılması ve seçilen iki adet modelin geniş kapsamlı açıklamalarım içermektedir. Aynı bölümde, organizasyonlarda verimlilik ölçme ve model uygulamalarında karşılaşılan problemlere değinilmiştir. Beşinci bölümde; verimliliğin nasıl arttırılacağı ve arttırma teknikleri açıklanmış, bunlardan metod geliştirme üzerinde kapsamlı olarak durulmuştur. Altıncı bölümde ise, işletmelerde verimlilik çalışmalarına (analiz ve değerlendirme) bir örnek teşkil etmesi bakımından, X Şirketinde ne şekilde bir değerlendirme ve raporlama sistemi olduğu anlatılmıştır.
The term "productivity" is often confused with the term "production". Many people think that the greater the production, the greater productivity. This is not necessarily true. Production is concerned with the activity of producing goods and/or services. Productivity is concerned with the effective and efficient utilization of resources (inputs) in producing goods and/or services (outputs). If viewed in quantitative terms, production is the quantity of output produced, while productivity is the ratio of the output produced to the input(s) used. In some cases, it can be seen that the labor productivity goes down even though production goes up; or, the labor productivity goes up along the production. The point we are making is that an increased production does not necessarily mean increased productivity. A decrease in "direct man-hours" is also often interpreted as an increase in labor productivity. Quite often the terms productivity, efficiency and effectiveness are confused with each other. Efficiency is the ratio of actual output attained to standard output expected. vnx- For example, if the output of an operator is 120 pieces per hour while the standard rate is 180 pieces per hour, the operator's efficiency is said to be 120/180=0.6667 or 66.67 percent. Effectiveness is the degree of accomplishment of objectives. In other words, how well a set of results is accomplished reflects the effectiveness, whereas how well the resources are utilized to accomplish the results refers to the efficiency. Productivity is a combination of both effectiveness and efficiency, since effectiveness is related to the performance while efficiency is related to resource utilization. Efficiency and effectiveness need not to together, because efficiency implies reaching a certain level or range of results that is acceptable but not necessarily desirable. For example, delivering a package three blocks away on foot instead of using an expensive car or any other resource, may be an efficient operation, but if the package arrives too late and the man wanting to collect it has left, it is not an effective one. The relationship between productivity, effectiveness and efficiency is in the following manner. Productivity _ output _ performance achieved _ effectiveness input resources consumed efficiency Although, the first two identities of the above expression are clearly consistent with the usual definition of productivity, the last one is somewhat confusing for two reasons: 1. Productivity is a numerical value, but effectiveness is not. 2. Efficiency is not defined in a technical sense, that is, as the ratio of actual output to expected or standard output. Further, this definition implies that productivity can be increased by reducing efficiency- something that does not seem logical at all. is- Depending upon who is defining it-whether it is an economist, accountant, manager, politician, union leader, or industrial engineer-you will get a slightly different definition of the term productivity. However, if we closely examine the various definitions and interpretations of this term, three basic types of productivity appear to be emerging. Partial productivity is the ratio of output to one class of input. For example, labor productivity (the ratio of output to labor input) is a partial productivity measure. Similarly, capital productivity (the ratio of output to capital input) and material productivity (the retio of output to materials input) are examples of partial productivities. Total factor productivity is the ratio of net output to the sum of associated labor and capital (factor) inputs. By "net output", total output minus intermediate goods and services purchased is meant. Notice that the denominator of this ratio is made up of only the labor and capital input factors. Total productivity is the ratio of total output to the sum of all input factors. Thus, a total productivity measure reflects the joint impact of all the inputs in producing the output. In all of above definitions, both the output and input(s) are expressed in "real" or "physical" terms by being reduced to the constant dollars (or any other monetary currency) of a reference period (often referred to "base period"). This reduction to base period is accomplished by dividing the values of output and input(s) by deflators or inflators, depending upon whether the prices of outputs and inputs have gone up or down, respectively. In other words, the effect of reducing the output and input(s) to a base period is to eliminate the effects of price variations, so that only the "physical" changes in output and input(s) are considered in any of the productivity ratios. Labor productivity, which is one of the most commonly used measures, is clearly a partial productivity measure since it relates output to only labor input. As much as the other countries, productivity has also a vital importance for our country, whose physical and human resources either quantity or quality is insufficient, is to use all the resources like labor, capital, machinery, time, knowledge and technology, which are must for production, in most efficiency and productivity. Because development of a country, either in industrial or agricultural and service area, is due to indicate an economical progress by productive using of her resources. Economic development in equilibrium can gain acceleration by increasing productivity. Increasing productivity in this manner means; to use the production factors most efficient and to supply more product. Because of the close relationship between productivity and production, it is necessary to take care of productivity in the areas like organization and controlling of production, determining working methods, applying personel strategy and management plans, getting standardization of production and choosing technology. In this study, measurement and evaluating of productivity that is a sub system of productivity system, which has a large concept and necessary to give importance for our development an competition at international markets, is examined on company basis in industrial area. We should define and measure the productivity in order to be able to manage it. Then it is necessary to evoluate and develop it. In the second chapter, besides the definition of productivity and the concepts which has a contact with productivity, it is touched to the productivity subjects on the level of economy, management and individual. The third chapter contains measurement and controlling of productivity. The fourth chapter contains classification of the literature models for measurement and evaluating of productivity and a large concept explanation of choosen two of these models. In the same chapter, the problems faced in productivity measurement and applying models are also touched. XX In the fifth chapter, the methods and techniques of increasing the measurable productivity are explained; the method improvement that is one of them, is examined in details. In the sixth chapter, as an example for the productivity studies (analyzing and evaluating) at the companies, what kind of evaluating and reporting system exists in X Company, is told.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1993
Anahtar kelimeler
Endüstri ve Endüstri Mühendisliği, İşletme, Verimlilik ölçümü, Industrial and Industrial Engineering, Business Administration, Productivity measurement