Bestekar Rıfat Bey Hayatı Ve Eserleri

Yamaner, Belma
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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Institute of Social Sciences
Bu tez 19.yy'da yaşamış olan Bestekâr Rıfat Bey1in Hayatı ve Eserlerini kapsamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, bestekârın günümüze intikâl eden şarkıları, eserlerinde kullandığı şiirlerinin yapısı ve özellikleri incelenmiştir. Ayrıca söz konusu şarkıların makam ve biçimleri bakımından analizi yapılmıştır. Neticede Rıfat Bey’in bestekârlıktaki başarısı, değişik formlarda kendisine mahsus uslûbu belirtilmeye çalışılmıştır
To let the people speak about turkish music there shoud be a music history to understand our most important element of our national kültüre. This art1 s representatives have come and have gone composers, vriten works have not been fixed at the right time, and because of one reason some vritten works have been lost or a few mistanes have been recuhed teli today, and that's why the music knovledge has had to examined very carefully these days turkish musics conservatories foundation knovledge research hasbeen started . Especially research's composer's biografy of vritten works fixation and analyses are worked at. This how in this music one a the study will be very help fuel for the next jeneration and well get a important role. In this music area researches and historic Science are not enough, and this is a fact. In these days in the university of conservatoria knovledge researches have been started , espacially in the turkish music area a lot of research has been vorked In this activity the history of turkish music will alvays take place of important composers vritten workers fixation and about these vritten vorks analyses has to be worked at and a lot of lack of expence is a big safety shown at and it's very helpfull. Of this thought in the t* Vl 19 century. rep. Rıfat's composings of his life and his vritten works has attempted of being very carefully examined. In this research the biggest and important problem of composers notes has been asured. That's why for the compoition books, of a lot of written vorks, have been examined but not been found. However to find happlness in this matter of 81 pieces of vritten works was obliged to find them. This how in differtent texts to be sporen of this subject, and where the notes can*t be found, and 28 pieces of these notes different sources vere helpfull to Outside of this till this day no sources are mentioned and two written works have been fixed and of the site of pan's composers is Ferahnak Ayin-i Şerifin been pressed and another copy has been published. Mr.Rıfat (1820-1888), a turkish big composers was born in İstanbul. His father is the composer Tanburi Keçi Mehmet Ağa, his mather Dede Efendi's big daughther Hatice Hanım, at a veröy young age, his father has gone to the palace of Enderun Mekteb with his car. He learned the music and other knowledges. When his father died in 1843, he was 23 old and 9 musicien. In the time of II.Mahmud he went on duty to the Palace . Sultan Abdlilmecit, Sultan Abdlilaziz, V.Murad, and II.Abdtilhamid went on in their period. In the time of the Sultan music the director of the pelace museum in Enderun of music Müderris, Fasl-ı Hümâyûn Ser-hânende, so he became the director/manager. He also became the director of the turkish music
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1993
Thesis (M.A.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 1993
Anahtar kelimeler
Müzik, Bestekarlar, Biyografi, Rıfat Bey, Türk sanat müziği, Music, Composers, Biography, Rıfat Bey, Turkish art music