Toplu Konut Yolu İle Oluşan Yeni Yerleşim Alanlarının Karşılaştırmalı İncelemesi Bahçeşehir-Halkalı-Ataköy Örneği

Haksal, Işın
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
İncelemenin birinci bölümünde toplu konutun bir kavram olarak tanımı,hangi nedenlerden dolayı ortaya çıktığı irdelenmiş, tarih ve gelişim süreci içinde geçirdiği evreler, yönetimsel örgütlenmedeki modeli, yeri ve üstlendiği sorumluluklar doğrultusunda ele alınmış, günümüzde inşaat sektörünün geldiği noktada nihayetlenmiştir. Toplu konut kavramını yasallaştıran kanunlar tanrmlanmıştrr. ikinci bölümde incelemenin kapsamını oluşturan toplu konut yerleşimleri hakkında genel bilgiler verilerek fiziki özellikleri tanımlanmış planlama sürecinde geçirdiği aşamalarla plan kararları hakkında bilgi edinilmiş toplu konutların genel tanımlanmasının dışında en son yerleşime açılmış planlama etapları hakkın da şehirsel ve mimari kavramlar bazında bilgiler verilmiş ekonomik özellikleri de tanınarak kullanıcıların talebi hakkında bilgi edinilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde toplu konut kullanıcılarının profilini belirlemenin dışında, toplu konutlar arasındaki farkı ortaya koyan kullanıcıların demografik ve ekonomik yapılanımı incelemesi yapılarak, anket bulguları doğrultusunda toplu konut olgusunun neden tercih edildiği, ortaya konmuş, toplu konut kullanıcılarının istekleri belirlenmiştir. Dördüncü bölüm, incelemenin sonucunu ortaya koyarak, toplu konut yapımcıları ve kullanıcıları açısından, yol gösterici önerileri içermektedir.
The purpose of this study is to examine the objectives, quality and quantity of three of the new urban settlements emerging together with the mass housing system as a newly developed concept in Turkey, and to determine the stage of mass housing system in Turkey in the light of the results of differences between these new settlements. All the new urban settlements, stay at the west side of the Istanbul developping axes. Ataköy is the most important leader of the Turkish mass housing notion, which has began with the gouvernment force. Halkalı, which has created with the gouvernment support to be an alternatif for the residence crises, will be the biggest mass housing both in Turkey and Europe. Bahçeşehir, which is an example of today's mass housing, have been supported both the -gouvernment and special enterprises. In the first part, mass housing is dealt with as a concept. The reasons of birth of this system in Turkey, its historical development and stages of development, management and organisation model, its place in the society and its responsabilities are considered at length, and this part is finished with the current stage of construction sector. xiv The mass housing is a partnership of the construction company and an enterprise of the enorme quantity residence and settlements which is covering the necessity of the groupe of families and supporting by the gouvernment or the special organisations. Housing problem or to be a social problem of the housing necessity has began after The Second World War. With the economical grow up and the speed development, the urbanisation and the migration from the rural area to the big cities has began, and with the grow up of the population, Turkey has to be againts of many problem and housing crises. Some laws have been enacted in Turkey in order to regulate the mass housing concept and these laws have recorded a certain process in line with the development of Turkey and depending on the dimensions of the housing problem Mass housing, supported with the laws and the rules, is created some founds for found financial source and the gouvernment areas are changed to the mass housing areas. Parallel to the development of mass housing laws, mass housing construction companies have also changed and developed, and finally reached to the current level after certain stages. The mass housing settlements, which are confirmed at the concepts of the Istanbul -Plan, are supported with the gouvernment or the special enterprise and have been created the mass housings as Ataköy, Ataşehir, Halkalı, Beylikdüzü, Kurtköy, Bahçeşehir, ete. XV The second part gives general information about the mass housing settlements in the scope of the study. Physical characteristics of mass housing sites are defined. Stages of planning process and general planning decisions are described. Halkalı as a different work, which associate an order environment with the quality construction and low cost, will be the biggest mass housing in Europe. Ataköy is the first big mass housing of Turkey. It has plannned at 1957. Ataköy has an important influence about the development of mass housing notion in Turkey with its modern urban settlements, contemporary sence of the mass housing notion and its leadership about mass housing after 1980. On the west side development axe of Istanbul, another new urban settlement is Bahçeşehir. Bahçeşehir, distant from the population and the fast developping of the city center, has planning as a synthesis of the present mass housing settlements. All the three new urban settlement offere the different goal, different scope and different use. Planning stage is dealt with in terms of urban and architectural aspects and the recently settled areas are mentioned in greater details in addition to the general data such as constractors,. population, size, number of houses and utilization of urban area. Characteristics of mass housing sites are given in comparison. 1st Stage of Bahçeşehir and Halkalı and 7th and 8th districts of Ataköy are compared. xvi House types are sampled, and features, number and dimensions of house types and their direction and settlement are examined. Reflection of architectural values to city planning is considered and it is discussed to which extent the modern city planning rules are obeyed and / or how they are interpreted. As a result of their architectural features, houses have a certain cost. Real cost of a house is calculated by adding the cost of social and technical infrastructure works and landscaping services and investments of mass housing sites to the original cost, and the houses are sold at a price over such real cost. The second part deals with not only general introductory information, but also cost and sales figures and house demand. The third part draws a profile of the mass house users. Demographic and economic structure of the users has been studied as an indication or reflection of the differences between the mass housing sites. Furthermore, the questions of why the users have preferred their existing house, from where and which status they have come, what they expect from their house, and whether their expectations are mostly from the house or from the environment of the mass housing site are answered. Demands of mass housing users are determined, and defects and deficiencies of mass housing sites are examined. The fourth part summarizes the results of the study and gives guidance to the mass housing contractors and users. Halkalı is an optimal solution for a mass housing residence but the gouvernment didn't spent money to built an environment living with the recreationel area and the commercial posibilities. xvu Ataköy was an optimal solution before the new residence section and the population growing. Now, Ataköy is as same as the old city wich the people was quitting because the noise, the traffic, the air polution and the luck of green. Bahçeşehir is today's mass housing but, because of many enterprise and recreationel areas, and the costly solutions, the residences are very expensive. A lot of people can not be owner in Bahçeşehir. When the people have enough money, it's sure they will desire to obtain the best. The social and technic infrastructure enterprises and the effort for offer the best, create the difference between the mass housings. And this difference is the development of mass housing in Turkey. All the mass housings are look like different as each other by its users, population, land use, houses, dimensions, urban criterias and giving importance for the environment, but the goal at all, is to produce houses for people. But, only to produce houses is not enough for today. It's like Halkalı, in a systematic and planned settlement, to produce the cheap and safe house but not create a mass housing dead ; it's like Bahçeşehir, to give importance to the technic and social environment but to limit the dimensions of houses and to increase the users types and numbers ; it's like Ataköy, not to change the optimal settlement by increasing density, is the solution of the mass housing notion need.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1995
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1995
Anahtar kelimeler
Toplu konutlar, Mass houses , İstanbul-Bahçeşehir, İstanbul-Ataköy, Yerleşim merkezleri, İstanbul-Halkalı, Settlement centers