Şehirsel Tasarıma Destek Veren Bir Bilgisayar Sisteminin Oluşturulması, Bilgisayar Destekli Şehirsel Tasarım

Elliiki, Osman B
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Bir çok alanda kullanılan bilgisayar desteği günümüzde Şehirsel Tasarım'da da kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Şehirsel Tasarım sürecinin değişik aşamalarında kullanılan bilgisayar desteği, tasarım sürecini kolaylaştıracak, tasarımcıya yardım edecek etkin bir araçtır. Bilgisayar Destekli Şehirsel Tasarım Sistemini oluştururken, tasarımcının ihtiyacı olan belirli modüllerinde ilave edilmesi önemlidir. Bilgisayar Destekli Şehirsel Tasarım Sistemi, veri bankasında oluşmuş bilgileri tasarımcının ihtiyaçlarına göre tasnif etmeli, tasarımcı istediği zaman dilediği bilgiye ulaşmalı, tasarım modülleri sayesinde iki boyutlu veya üç boyutlu tasarım yapabilmeli, tasarım sırasında veri tabanındaki her türlü bilgiye ulaşılmalı, değişik sorgulamalar ile bunların sonuçlan gösterilmeli, canlandırma modülü ile tasarım veya yazılan senaryo videodan kullanıcıya gösterilmeli, sistem geriye dönüş modülleri ile yapılan tasarımdan ders çıkarmalı ve daha sonraki tasarımlarda bu bilgiler kullanılmalıdır. Bu tez kapsamında kısıtlı imkanlar ile Mudurnu örneğinde bir Bilgisayar Destekli Şehirsel Tasarım Sistemi oluşturulmuştur. Bu sistemde hali hazır haritalar sayısallaştırıcı ile bilgisayara aktarılmış, anket sonuçları ve diğer analiz çalışmaları ile veri bankası oluşturulmuştur. Digital haritalar ile analiz verileri eşleştirilmiş ve tasarıma taban oluşturacak bir harita ortaya çıkmıştır. Tasarım modülü kullanılarak tasarım gerçekleştirilmiş ve üç boyutlu tasarım değişik şekillerde gösterilmiştir.
While technological development increase, in a lot of field this development seen. After computer is used in daily life, in past many problems have seen difficult to solve, but today this problems have been solved by computer easily. In many fields, according to technological development, computers has been used in a lot of field but some, computers hasn't been used as a tool that solves all problems in that field. In every field related to design, computer have been used as a second tool, when needed by the system. By the technological development, in design field, computer is being used by designer, as a main or second tool. But nobody knows when computers design instead of designers. As a designer, we must use all the technological development. There musn't be a fear that computers do everything and designers will do nothing. Designers must always use technological development in their field as a assistance tool. All technological devolopment help designer and save time for them. In this paper, IX Computer Aided Urban Design System will explain and as an example this system will use in Mudurnu. When we look urban design process, the designers collect data very hardly, before design. The collected data evaluate, according to design rules, and some results take form. After this step design begin, by the help of some tools, the design will be shown to the user. This summarized design process can be examine in four main headings. Collecting data, Synthesis, Urban Design and presentation. The first step in design process is collating data. Analysis about the user, getting the design area's images, urban plans, laws are the subheadings of collating data. The collected data is evaluated by the designer according to general urban design rules and experimentations of designer, to have synthesis. By this synthesis, the designer design the city. After design, there must be a good presentation to explain design to custom user. After all these steps, according to the suggestions, needs, desires from the user or municipality, new synthesis, new design and new presentation take form. If an ideal design has been wanted, this steps repeat a lot of time. On the designer, there is suppress by the user for getting ideal design in very short time period. In these process, the designer will newer get the ideal design, just design the optimum one. When we examine Urban Design process, we will see a complex structure. There is lots of people who use the city, and there is lots of need and problem that must be solved. Also there is social groups who want to solve their problem immediately. The designer must solve all this problem and answer all the needs. There must be decisions that is important for all the city and this decisions will affect some social group. Therefore there are lots of suppress on designer. Because of the events that described above, instead of a lonely designer, there must be a design group which solve all the design problems. In design group, there is a new problem that is communication. When we look at the design process, instead of designer, we need a tool that collect all the data, classify these data, in synthesis step serve all kind of data to designer when needed, in design step support the designer in different ways and presented the design two or three dimension that user can understand easily, if a design group work, it must do communications between group member. Computer is the tool that assist the designer in every design process step. It is wrong to think that to do all these design process from the computer. We must make a design system to get the right support. We can use Computer Aided Urban Design System, in every design process step. XI To get the right solution in Computer Aided Urban Design System we must feedback the system and so next time the system will solve the problems. In this paper the main aim is; in every design process step, to make a support system by computer which gives support to designer in all process. The subsystems will explain and the system will test in Mudurnu example. The subject below will explain to take form a Computer Aided Design System in this paper. 1. Necessary subsystems for making support system in urban, spatial planning and urban design. 2. Geographic Information Systems and features explain as a base for Urban Design support systems. 3. The first step for Urban Design is the support system for Urban and Spatial Planning. 4. The necessary subsystems to make a Computer Aided Urban Design System. XII 5. According Turkey condition, make a Computer Aided Urban Design System. 6. Test the Computer Aided Urban Design System in Mudurnu example.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1996
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1996
Anahtar kelimeler
Bilgisayar destekli tasarım, Computer aided design, Kentsel tasarım, Coğrafi bilgi sistemleri, Urban design, Geographical information systems