Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde faaliyet gösteren küçük ve orta ölçekli üç kurşun-çinko maden işletmesinin ekonomiklik analizi

Yılmaz, Ali Osman
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
 Son yıllarda bütün sektörlerde küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmeler lehine esen rüzgarlar, madencilik sektörünü de etkilemiş, bu sektörde faaliyet gösteren işletmelerin önemini de arttırmıştır. Özellikle büyük ölçekli maden işletmelerindeki sabit maliyetlerin fazla olması ve bunun yanında dünya metal fiyatlarındaki dalgalanmalar, bu işletmeleri olumsuz yönde etkilemiş, bir kısmı kapanmak zorunda kalırken, bir kısmı da kapasitelerini küçültmek zorunda kalmıştır. Küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelerin bu tür krizlere karşı daha dayanıklı olduğu görülmüştür. Ülkemiz madencilik sektörünün genel görünümünün küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelerden oluşmuş olması ve ülkemiz ekonomisindeki madencilik sektörünün payının %l-2 düzeyinde kalması, madencilik sektörümüzün özellikle küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmeler bazında yakından incelenmesi gereğini ortaya koymuştur. Küçük ve orta ölçekli madencilik sektörüne yönelik çalışmaların yok denecek kadar az olması, bu tez çalışmasının bu sektöre yönelik olarak yapılmasında etkili olmuştur. Böylece işletmelerin mevcut sorunlarının, çalışma şartlarının ve üretim maliyetlerinin en doğru bir şekilde tespit edilmesi ve bu tespitler doğrultusunda küçük ve orta ölçekli maden işletmelerine yönelik önerilerin hazırlanması hedeflenmiştir. Çalışmada Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde faaliyet gösteren küçük ve orta ölçekli kurşun-çinko işletmelerinden 3 tanesi teknik ve ekonomik bakımdan incelenmek üzere ele alınmıştır. Bu işletmelerden bir tanesi orta ölçekli olup diğer iki işletme küçük işletme özelliğine sahiptir. İncelenen işletmeler, İşletme yöneticilerinin istekleri doğrul tuşunda A, B, C olarak isimlendirilmiştir. Çalışma toplam 5 bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde yapılan çalışmanın konusu ve amacı anlatılmıştır. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde dünyada ve Türkiye'de imalat sanayinde ve madencilik sektöründe faaliyet gösteren küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmeler (KOBİ) ele alınmıştır. Bu işletmelerin ekonomideki yeri ve önemi, belirgin özellikleri, dünya üzerindeki yaygınlıkları, üstünlükleri, sakıncaları ve diğer yönleri ile imalat sanayi ve madencilik sektöründeki durumları ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın üçüncü bölümünde, dünyada ve Türkiye'de kurşun-çinko madenciliği hakkındaki genel bilgilerle incelenen işletmelerle ilgili teknik ve ekonomik değerlendirmelere yer verilmiştir. Teknik ve ekonomik değerlendirmeler arasında; işletmelerin üretim göstergelerinin belirlenmesi, üretim maliyetlerinin tespit edilmesi, üretim maliyetlerinin analitik modellenmesi, üretilen konsantrelerin satış fiyatlarının hesaplanması, işletmelere yönelik üretim ölçeği, kritik tenor, duyarlık analizleri ile regresyon analizleri yer almaktadır. Dördüncü bölümde, incelemeye tabi tutulan küçük ve orta ölçekli kurşun- çinko işletmelerinin değerlendirilmesi yapılmış, tespit edilen sorunlardan hareket edilerek küçük ve orta ölçekli maden işletmelerine yönelik çözüm önerileri açıklanmıştır. Bu bölümde verilen öneriler, küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelerin karşılaştıkları faaliyetlerini doğrudan etkileyen sorunlarla ilgilidir. Beşinci bölümde elde edilen sonuçlar açıklanmıştır.
The recent developments in small and medium scale enterprises in all sectors have also affected the mining sector, and caused an increase in the importance of mining companies. Particularly, high capital costs in large scale enterprises and negative effects of fluctuating world metal prices, forced some of the companies to close down and others to reduce the size of their companies. It has been observed that small and medium scale enterprises had been more resistant to this type of crisis. Since the mining sector in Turkey is constituted by small and medium scale enterprises, and the share of the mining sector in her economy remained around 1-2%, it is necessary to investigate the mining sector on the base of small and medium scale enterprises. The fact that the number of studies about such enterprises is very scarce encouraged this work, aiming to determine the problems, working conditions, and the cost of production of these small and medium scale enterprises and to make recommendations to improve them. In order to achieve these objectives three small and medium scale lead-zinc companies in Eastern Black Sea Region have been chosen to investigate in economic and technical viewpoint. One of these companies is medium scale, and the others are small scale. Since the owners did not allow us to use the names of their companies, they are named here in as companies A, B and C. This study consists the following five chapters; 1. Introduction and aim 2. General information about small and medium scale companies 3. Technical and economical evaluation of the companies 4. Recommendations for solution of problems faced in small and medium scale mining companies 5. Results XXlll In the first chapter, the subject and the purpose of the study have been introduced. In the second chapter, small and medium scale enterprises working in manufacturing industry and mining sector in Turkey and in the world have been explained. It has also given a description on the importance of these companies in the economy of hosting countries, their definitions, characteristic properties, advantages and disadvantages. The small and medium scale enterprises have recently attracted attention due to the following reasons; 1. They create employment with lower investment costs 2. They are less affected by economic fluctuations, due to their structure 3. They are more prepared to adopt technological innovation 4. They contribute to inter-regional development 5. They mitigate effects of a skewed income distribution pattern 6. They are an element of balance and stability of political and social systems 7. They are one of the main guarantees of democratic society and liberal economy Small and medium scale enterprises have considerable importance for economy of Turkey. They account for 99.6 % of total enterprises, 57.5% of total employment and 31.7% of value added of total manufacturing industry. These quantities are similar to that of the other countries. However, credit share of small and medium scale enterprises remains as low as 4%. In addition their export ratio is 8%, and these two ratios are too low when compared with other countries. There is no consensus on the defining of small and medium scale enterprises that have a great importance in the economy of the hosting countries. Different criteria are accepted for definition of these companies both in mining and other sectors. Qualitative and quantitative definitions are the most frequently used. Number of employee, capital cost and annual income etc. are the criteria of the quantitative definitions while management and enterprising characteristics of the owner are qualitative definations. Of all these properties, the numbers of employee is commonly used criterion for quantitative definition since it is easier to control and define. The parameters, used for definition of small and medium scale enterprises vary from country to country. Similarly, different establishments are used different parameters in Turkey. For example, KOSGEB (Small and Medium Industry Development Organisation), expert on the subject, defines small and medium scale enterprises as those having 1-50 and 51-150 employees, respectively. For the definition parameters of companies in mining sector above mentioned complexity is also valid. Every country uses different criteria depending on its mining sector. Generally speaking, however, mining companies with an underground production of up to 50.000 ton/year are considered small scale enterprises while those with a production of 50.000-500.000 ton/year medium scale enterprises. Besides different definitions adopted based on the number of employees, using XXIV empirical equations this study suggests new numbers depending on different conditions, such as number of days worked in a year, stope width and mining method. For instance, for 2-6 m of stope width and 200 working days/year in a mechanised cut and fill method, small and medium scale enterprises are calculated to have 110-140 and 550-700 employee per enterprise, respectively. Small and medium scale enterprises have considerable importance in ore production of the world and account for 16 % of all the production made except fossil fuels. They meet a large portion of lead-zinc, antimony, mercury, manganese, tin and chrome production. In Turkey, excluding the production of boron, lignite, hardcoal and copper made by state owned companies, the mining sector is dominated by small and medium scale companies The third chapter gives a general information on Pb-Zn mining in Turkey and in the world, and contains technical and economical evaluations of the companies investigated in this study. Technical and economical evaluations include determination of production costs, modelling of production costs, calculation of selling prices of produced ore concentrate, production rates of companies, cutoff grade, sensitivity and regression analyses. Production costs per ton ore produced and total annual production costs have been calculated individually for A, B and C companies in detail. These costs have been divided into three categories. 1. Mine operating costs 2. Mineral processing costs 3. General management costs These costs have also been subdivided into 8-10 groups, and the expenditure items constituting these sub groups have been illustrated on related figures. Production costs of the companies have been evaluated for 3 years, from 1993 to 1995. For company C, however, the data are for the years of 1995 and 1996 since it began to operate in 1995. While financial index have been given in TL, constant prices for 1993 and current prices have been given in dollars. Determination of production costs by theoretical cost modelling has been carried out separately for the companies. Companies A and C have similar ore types and mining method, but company B has a vein type ore and applies a different mining method compared to two companies. In the modelling studies, it has been considered that company A and B work for 7 months in a year(200 days/year) but company C for 1 1 months in a year (330 days/year). As for the total annual production, the present figures have been used. The modelling study has been explained in detail for company A, but for B and C, only the results have been given. A comparison of theoretically drawn costs with actual costs, which has been illustrated in the forms of tables and figures, indicate a 15-25 % deviation. Such a deviation is not significant and is tolerable. XXV After the determination of actual production costs, the companies have been evaluated economically. It has been achieved by subtracting the production costs from the net smelting return obtained when the companies sell the concentrated ore to the smelting plants. The difference has been considered as a "fund". Knowing that company A produces only zinc, company B lead, zinc, copper and company C only copper, net smelting return has been calculated for each concentrate. Items, used in the calculations (such as metal prices, concentrate grade, recoveries etc.) have been presented in tables. In the case of the presence of gold and silver, they have also been taken into consideration. Economical model used in the calculation of net smelting return have been used for each concentrate produced. The results shows that, in 1993, company A produces a negative fund of -3.12 $/ton.ore and B -17 $/ton.ore. Both companies could not achieve the required performance in 1993. In other words these companies spent more than what they earned due to some reasons such as inflation, change in exchange, decrease in production. They improved their economic status in 1994-1995 during which A had funds of 14.4 $/ton.ore and 9.92 $/ ton.ore and B 28 $/ ton.ore and 25 $/ ton.ore, respectively. C had a fund of 5 $/ton.ore in 1995 and 26 $/ ton.ore in 1996. In order to estimate the optimum mine production rate, the following empirical equation is obtained from Taylor's rule: Ty=5.[Rü.fk(l + fs)]°'75 Where: Ty : Annual production rate, ton/year, run of mine Rü : Ore reserve, ton fk : Recovery factor fs : Dilution factor As a result of these calculation, the actual production of the companies A,B,C were 31 %, 71 % and 61 % of the calculated values. These production rates are fairly less than that suggested by Taylor. The profitability of companies is closely related to cutoff grade of the ore deposit. The cutoff grade is very important in determining ore reserves in view of economic value and compares the average grade of the ore body with minimum grade to be operated in economic. In this thesis, cutoff grade has been calculated for each metal produced in the mines and the calculations for the company B, having a complex ore, have been given in detail. The average grade is 8 %Zn for the ore of the company A which has cutoff grade of 9.87%, 3.7% and 4.49 % in the years of 1993, 1994 and 1995, respectively. In the case of company B, the average grade is 4.3 % Pb, 5.9 %Zn and 1% Cu. For 1993, cutoff grade has been estimated to be 29 XXVI %Pb in case of only Pb production, 19 %Zn in case of only Zn production, and 7.6 % Cu in case of only Cu production. The cutoff grades are 6.1 % Pb, 6.4 %Zn, 1.7 % Cu for 1994 and 5.2 % Pb, 6.4 %Zn, 1.3 %Cu for 1995. The average grade is 4.16 % Cu in the ore of the company C. The cutoff grade for this ore has been calculated as 3.03 % Cu for 1995 and 1.49 % Cu for 1996. There are important parameters affecting the way the companies make up funds. These parameters for currently active Pb-Zn producing companies are the metal prices, dilution factors, concentrate grade, production cost, smelting cost and mine to port transport expenses. Making use of sensitivity analysis, the effects of the parameters on net smelting return, cutoff grade and funds made up by the companies have been investigated individually. In order to provide a widely use range for parameters such as metal prices and production costs the diagrams have been drawn using different production costs and metal prices. Regression analyses have been carried out between monthly ore production, and explosives, electric consumption etc. During the analysis, unit consumption amount and unit production cost have been used for the items needed for the production. As a result, a convenient correlation have been attained between ore production, unit production cost and unit consumption amount.The relation between these parameters correspond with the function of y = a.xb In another evaluation, actual unit costs obtained for the companies have been compared with one from equations obtained from the regression analysis. Total unit production cost could both be predicted by regression analysis as mentioned above and by summing the results of equations obtained from production inputs. As a result it has been found that the method determining the total unit production cost based on equations has been yielded more accurate than total actual unit production costs. All the companies studied herein have been compared to each other with respect to their total production, general productivity, total unit production cost, value added and fund. Using total ore production, the changes in general productivity and total unit production cost in different companies have been determined. It has been determined that as total production increases general productivity increases but total unit production cost decreases. Regression analysis have been used in order to determine the changes in value added versus wage, fund and general productivity for the companies A and B for the years 1993-1995 and for company C for 1995-1996 periods. These analyses indicate that company C having a higher production rate achieved a high value added while company B, despite its lower production rate, achieved more fund due primarily to the fact that it has a poly-metallic ore. The present performance of the investigated companies have been compared to Pb-Zn producing companies in other countries having similar working conditions to the ones in this thesis. The average general productivity companies A, B and C vary from 0.7 to 2.8 t/wage whereas it has ranges from 6 to 2Qt/ other countries. In the fourth chapter, small and medium scale Pb-Zn producing companies have been evaluated and new solutions to problems in mining companies under consideration have been proposed. XXVU The proposed solutions include financial proposals that will help increase the share that the small and medium scale companies will have from the credit released for them, harmful effects of inflation on these mining companies as well as new proposal regarding them. In addition, the effect of financial encouragement on the performance of the companies have been investigated, and new proposals have been put forward about knowledge and technical help to these companies. This section also contains suggestions about the employing of qualified personnel, one of the main problems of the mining sector, and about the entire sector. In the fifth chapter the results obtained from the study have been summarised. 
Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1998
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1998
Anahtar kelimeler
Doğu Karadeniz bölgesi, Ekonomik analiz, KOBİ, Kurşun, Maden işletmeleri, Çinko, Eastern Black Sea region, Economic analysis, Small and Medium Sized Firms, Lead, Mining enterprises, Zinc