Beden Etkileşimli Deneyim Mekanları

Gümüştaş, Saime
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science And Technology
Mekanın nitelikleri ile bedenin algısal ve deneyimsel keşiflerine çıkılabilir mi?, Mekan farklı ne çeşit seçenekler sunabilir?, Birey bedeni ile mekanla nasıl ve ne şekillerde etkileşime girebilir?  Araştırma bu sorular ile başlayarak mekan-beden-deneyim kavramlarını ve bunlar arasındaki ilişki potansiyellerini sorgular. Araştırmanın ilk bölümlerinde “mekan”, “beden” kavramları incelenerek, bu kavramlar arasında bağlantı kurulmaktadır. Mekanın bedenle ilişkisi, bedenin mekanda oluşturduğu kurgular, bedenin mekana etkileri, bedenin mekanı ne şekillerde deneyimlediği tartışılmıştır. Araştırmanın bir sonraki bölümünde beden-mekan kavramlarının çarpışmasıyla oluşan “deneyim” kavramı fenomenolojik olarak incelenmiştir. Kartezyen düşüncenin bedene ve mekana getirmiş olduğu indirgemeci yaklaşımın deneyim kavramına da yansımış olduğu, mekan deneyiminin bedenin gözüne indirgediği gözmerkezci deneyime değinilmiştir. Akla ve görmeye verilen ayrıcalıklı pozisyon, bedensel ve zamansal farkındalığı baskılayarak, çok geniş bir alanda mimari deneyimi ve öznenin mekansal deneyimi sırasında mekan ile oluşan karşılıklı etkileşimine gereken önemi vermemiştir. Oysa deneyim bedenin mekanla iletişim ve etkileşime girdiği anlardan itibaren anlamını kazanmaya başlamaktadır. Bu deneyimler ise birbiriyle etkileşen birçok duyudan ibarettir. Bu “çok duyulu” mekanlar, herkesin bedenine dokunan mekanlardır. Tüm duyular dikkate alınarak yapılan tasarım, mekanı zenginleştirip; aklın gözü için tasarlanmış bir strüktür, teknik bir kutu olmaktan uzaklaştırmaktadır. Bu nedenle tez kapsamında bedenin mekanın -dolayısıyla da deneyimlerin- merkezine alınması durumu ve çok duyulu mekan deneyimi konusu önemli bir yere sahiptir. Araştırma kapsamında, modern yaşamın getirdiği günlük hayatta yaşanılan, alışık olduğumuz mekan deneyiminin dışına çıkıp alternatif deneyim alanları aranmıştır. Bu arayış sırasında, mimarlığın konusu olan ‘mekan’ı; mekan, nesne ve beden kavramlarının etkileşimi içerisinde değerlendiren ve günümüzde mimarlıkla disiplinler arası çalışan ‘enstalasyon’ (yerleştirme) çalışmalarıyla karşılaşılmıştır. Endüstrileşmenin getirdiği seri üretim teknikleri, ‘özne’ ve ‘sanat eseri’ arasındaki ilişkinin dönüşümünde önemli bir etken olmuştur. Bu durum geleneksel sanat nesnesinin anlamını değiştirmi; mekandan bağımsız ele alınışına karşı duran yeni bir anlayış getirmiştir. Yani ‘sanat nesnesi’, ‘mekan’ ve ‘özne’ arasında özel bir ilişki, kendine has bir ilişki kurulmak istenmiştir. Kurulan bu ilişki için, çoğulcu bir ortamın varlığından, anlamların çokluğundan, açık uçluluktan, izleyicinin “seyreden” değil “katılımcı” olmasından, özne ve mekan etkileşiminden söz etmek mümkündür. Sanatın ve mimarlığın bu etkileşimlerle yarattığı “deneyimlenen mekanları” ve bu mekanların sunduğu farklı “mekansal deneyimleri” incelemek çalışmanın amacını oluşturur.
With the specifications of the space, can it be started off the body’s perceptual and experienced survey? What kind of different opportunities can the space offer? How and with what sort of different methods can a human being start an interaction with himself or herself and the space?  The research begins with these questions and  interrogates the concepts space-body-experience as well as the relationship potential among these items. In the first part of the research, space and body conceptions are being reviewed and it is associated with between these conceptions. In which ways the relationship between space and body, the fictions which is being appeared by body, the effects of body on space, and how the space experienced the body ,have been discussed. In the following part of this research experience conception which is being created by body-space impact has been examined in terms of phenomenological. The reductionist approach which is brought to Cartesian thought to body and space is reflected to experience concept, it is addressed to the eye centered experience that the experience of space is reduced to the eyes of the body. Given the privileged position of vision and mind did not give the essential importance a very wide range of architecture and mutual interaction comprising during the spatial experience of the subject. However, experience  starts gaining its meaning as from moments the body interact and communicate with space. These experiences consist of many senses interacting with each other. Multisensory spaces are spaces touched everyone’s body. Design, taking into consideration all the senses,by enhancing the space  removes from the space is a structure designed for the eye of mind and being a technical box. Therefore, the scope of research the position of the body is taken to the space – thereby the experience- center and the subject of multisensory spatial experience have a crucial importance. In the thesis content, the field of alternatives experience is sought getting out of the experience of space we are accustomed in daily life brought about by modern life. During this research, installation which study interdisciplinary nowadays and the space that the subject of architecture evaluate in the interaction of the concepts of space, object and body is encountered. New production techniques brought by industrialization has been an important factor to transformation of the relationship between the “subject” and “artwork”. This changed the meaning of the traditional art object and it has brought a new approach standing against to take hold of independently from space. So, a special relationship, a unique relationship, is intended to establish between the “art object”, “space” and “subject”. It is possible to talk for this established relationship from the existence of a pluralistic media, the multiplicity of meaning, open-endedness, audience is not  “spectator” but being “participants” and the interaction of subject and space. The purposes of the study constitute to examine “experienced spaces” which is created with this interaction by art and architecture and different “spatial experiences” offered by these spaces. The first part of the thesis describe method and problematic of the thesis, conceptual relations in thesis. In the second part, “body” and “space” notions are mentioned. Body-mind distinction caused by the Cartesian thought of western culture and body-space relationship based on developing ideas against the Cartesian thought, at first body and space are searched separately. Then, the integral relationship between body-space is searched from extensive perspective. The space in Cartesian thought is a space of coordinates, drawings made on the blank pages, plans, scale models and scale projection models. This thinking inside the box indicate that space is not produce in the field of intellectual representation and cannot be occurred in visible and readable area (Readable area means the space perceived by the senses of the body; haptic, sound, smell, taste, optic). On the other hand, body was detached from where the context to exist and it has been idealized focusing only on the body itself or the only observation of its components. Body was seen as a stationary object in a frozen moment. Relationships with its environment which effects its behavior has been ignored. Conversely, it has been opposed to the idea of body and space to be considered as separately from each other. The idea that between these two concepts is body-space/space-body swinging has been suggested. According to this view, the body can only be the space; the space can only exist with the body too. It is focused on this integral relationship between body and space in this research. In the third part of the thesis, the concept of experience resulting from the interaction of space and body is described. While this concept is being examined, it is firstly searched different approaches of the different thinkers with the literature research in order to understand the perspective regarding the experience concept. The concept of experience is  just being reduced  to the eye of the body with the Cartesian thought, the position of the body in space did not go beyond being beholder. Ocular-centrism experience has been addressed in the thesis and standing against this idea, the spatial experience which  puts the body into  the center is investigated.The breaking process of the state of ocular-centrism and the  examination of the body is taken to the space center is essential to search the experience in spaces which interact with the body. In this way, “experience” concept has been discussed whether or not “experience” concept  is different from the previously disscussed forms may occur in different way. During this research the place of  the concept of experience in contemporary art is mentioned. The concept of “installation” which brings together architecture and contemporary art focusing on spatial experience and the user’s perception issue are also mentioned. The description of installation concept has been made and how it is formed in the historical process and its  relations established by the space, which is the main product of the architectural space, are mentioned as well. Being this form of artistic work consisting of “experiential” and the work based on the perception that the people acquired experimentation result is stated. In the installation work, the space is no longer an item to be watched but an item to be experienced , the body is no longer an audience but a participant. In this way, space experience that the body created interaction and communication environmet are discussed. Because architecture, designed in the sovereignty of dominant eye placed ‘seeing’ in a prominent position ignored all the other senses. Even more importantly, this situation is increasingly getting used to by modern society, the sound of the space, smell, texture, to predict choreography for the body and taste has not been considered into as a determining criterion of architectural space attribute. However, space is not only with the eyes of the mind but also experienced with the interaction of the  whole body. In the fourth part spaces’ hard, solid, not to be intervened, the estimated limits of structure, seen as the opposite body, which interacts with the space, space samples have been examined through installation works. The relationship between body and space, fictions created by the body in space, the body and the effects of space have been assessed through selected examples. In the fifth chapter, the displayed problematics and the experince space interacting with  the body, which has been started to be questioned with it, have been discussed. In the thesis, the concept of current space from  past to present  to be revised up and the transmutation and transformation of space have been  tried to elucidate and the cases regarding the space and the studies which may contribute to  rethinking by both the person who designs it and the subjects experiencing it have been revealed.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2015
Anahtar kelimeler
Beden-Mekan-Deneyim-Etkileşim-Enstalasyon, Body-Space-Experience-Interaction-Installation