Türk Halk Oyunlarında Oyun Teknikleri

Ercil, Şebnem
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Institute of Social Sciences
Türk insanının ihtiyaçlarını, yaşadıkları ortamı inanışlarını, gelenek ve göreneklerini anlatan kültürümüzün simgesi olan Türk Halk Oyunları her geçen gün önemini arttırmaktadır. Gün geçtikçe değer kazanan, akademik seviyeye yükselen Türk Halk Oyunları bir sanat dalı olduğu için teknik açıdan ele alınmalıdır. Teknik olabilmesi için de metodları ve belli kuralları olması gerekmektedir. Halk oyunları insan vücudunun anatomik yapısını da içine alır. Halk oyunları ile uğraşan kişiler yaptıkları hareketler karşısında hangi kas veya eklem harekete geçiyor bilmelidirler. Bilinmediği ve yanlış çalışmalar yapıldığı takdirde giderilmesi mümkün olan veya olmayan sakatlıklara yol açabilir. Bu tür sakatlıklara sebep olmamak için insan vücudunun anatomik yapısı incelenir. Anatomik yapıya göre insan vücudu dört ana bölüme ayrılır. Her bölümün hareketliliği ve hareket açıları farklıdır. Her bölümün hareketliliği ve hareket açıları farklıdır. Anatomik yapıya dayalı olarak, Türk Halk Oyunları analiz edilir ve her bölümün anatomik yapısına bağlı olan oyunlar açığa çıkartılır. Türk Halk Oyunları da diğer sanat dalları gibi belli kurallara dayandırılarak öğretilir ve uygulanır ise bilinçli ve yararlı bir çalışma elde edilebilir. Bu tezin hazırlanmasında bu konuların açığa çıkması amaç edinilmiştir.
Turkish folk dance which describes the needs of Turkish people, their environment, beliefs and traditions and which is a symbol of our culture is gaining more impoi - tance day by day. Turkish folk dance must be dealt technically as it is a barnch of art and gains more value and reaches academic level day by day. For it to be technical it should have metholds and set rules. Folk dance contains the anatomic structure of the human body. Those who are engaged in folk danca should know which muscles or joins are moved while dancing. Otherwise, wrong movements can cause injuries which can or can not be recovered. As not to cause such injuries the anatomic structure of the body should be known. Human body is divided into four parts according to anatomic structure. The dynamism and its angles of each part are different. Turkish folk dance is analyzed according to the anatomic structure and the dances that are related to the anatomic structure of each part are introduced. If Turkish folk dance is taught and applied on the basis of constant rules like the other branches of art, a very useful result can be obtained. In prepa ration of this thesis, it is aimed to put forward these subject matters. The movement system of human body is formed of 3 parts. Bones, joints, muscles. The movements of the body pass through bones from bones to joints and from joints to the muscles. This three parts are tied each other in continious succes sion. Movements system gives the body its evident shape and provide the system to change places. The movement structure of the body contains skeletion, band and tendons and muscles. Bones are tied by means of joints stretching or shortening of the muscles causes to move ment. In other words this can be called as changing place by means of movement system. The movement system consists three parts as bones, muscles and joints. 1 ) Bones.' In order to give support to the soft parts of the body by means of their hard construction 206 different bones are joined to form tha skeleton. Even if they seem to as welded most of them are only apraached each other in order to provide the body the movement. VII Part of the body Head Skull Face Body Spine Chest Pelvis Toppart Shoulder Arm Forearm Hand Belowpart Hip Thigh Leg Foot All the bones vhich forms the auman skeleton are 206 pieces. 2) joints : Joints are used for enable the body to move from one point to another, and with the means and necesiation to make a movement VIII 3) Muscles : When inspected under a microscope one can observe some of the muscle threads have dark and light shades while others have not. So the first group is called lined muscles (skeleton muscles performing voluntary movements) the second group is called unlined mucsles (for incoluntary movements). While explaining the movement of the body or part of the body particularly these expressions are used in order to show the direction and condition. 1) Anotomic position 2) Beginning position 3) Axes 4) Plains Basic movement in the turkish folk dances center of gravity of the body One of the main titles of the biomechanicm and dynamic science is center of gravity of the body and to find its relative place according to movement. IX Step on In the turkish folk dances every position in which the foot or both feet stands kon is called step on. Touch : To step lightly. The jouch of the foot which not carrying the weight of the body. Scpare : The touch and scrape of the foot along the floor. Walk : Walking is performed by step after step. Hop : To jump up with the foot which carries the weight of the body and faal down on it. Run : THe difference between walk and run is the foot gets away from the floor instantly. Jump : To spring up by qutting both feet from the floor. Spring : To jump up by kicking the floor hardly and instantly. Stretch : Elanquating the part of the body by force. Crouch : To sit on someones heels. The first thing to learn for the training of the Turkish folk dances for the students and teachers while performing, pergormers and rangers of these danges is the human body and capacity of movement. If, teachers, students and performers know which joints and muscles procure the movement it will be much easier for them to perceive the dance. Otherwise to know nothing of the human body not only cause to kperceiving hard should cause insuries which may result by choosing wrong movements. Every khuman body has a certain capacity of move ment. By taking into consideration of human body the teachers can help to maintain richt movements by giving relative exercises to their students. There are several movement technics inturkish folkl dances (mentioned above) by learning them one by one, one can distinguish them from each other and this will enable the people who are in folk dances either teacher or student, performer, arranger, to get the differences between the movement
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1994
Thesis (M.A.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 1994
Anahtar kelimeler
Güzel Sanatlar, Müzik, Halk oyunları, Oyun teknikleri, Oyunlar, Türk halk oyunları, Fine Arts, Music, Folk dances, Game techniques, Games, Turkish folk dances