Geleneksel Yerleşimlerin Oluşumunda Güneşin Etkileri Ve Assos-behramkale'de Örnek Alan Çalışması

Çetindağ, Banu
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu çalışmada geleneksel yerleşimlerin oluşumunda, güneş ışınlarının ve yarattığı iklimsel koşulların önemli bir etkisi olduğu savı bilimsel yöntemlerle kanıtlanmaya çalışılmıştır. Birinci bölümde, konunun ele almış nedeni ve biçimi genel bir biçimde sunulmuş ve konuya giriş yapılmıştır. ikinci bölümde, geleneksel konut yerleşimlerinin oluşumunu etkileyen tüm faktörler genel olarak ele alınmıştır. Bu faktörler fiziksel sosyo-kültürel yapı başlıkları altındatoplanmış ve fiziksel yapının bileşenleri; iklim, topografya, malzeme olarak belirlenirken, sosyo- kültürelyapının bileşenleri; yaşama biçimi, din-mahremiyet, yapı teknolojisi, sosyal ilişkiler, ekonomi, savunma, estetik değerler olarak incelenmiştir. İklim bileşenleri; sıcaklık, güneş ışınımı, rüzgar, yağış-nem, alt başlıkları altında örneklerle açıklanmıştır. Topografya bölümünde ise çeşitli yeryüzü oluşumlarının yerleşimleri ne şekilde etkilediği incelenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, tüm bu kriterler arasından, güneşin geleneksel yerleşimlerdeki rolü örneklerle ortaya konulmuştur. Bu rol yerleşim ölçeğinde incelenmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde, güneş ışınlarının alımı açısından uygun bina aralıklarına ve yönlendirilişine ilişkin kavramlar ortaya konmuş ve uygun bina aralıklarının tespiti için kullanılacak yöntem tarif edilmiştir. DC Beşinci bölümde, Behramkale' de bina güneş ilişkisinin belirlenmesi için öncelikle yörenin genel tanımı yapılmış, ardından seçilen bir yapı adası üzerinde ısıtmanın istendiği (kış) ve istenmediği (yaz) dönemlere ait gölge şemaları oluşturulmuştur. Oluşturulan bu şemalar bir rapor halinde sunularak değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Altmcı bölümde, Behramkale' de seçilipüzerinde bina aralıklarının ve yönlendirilişinin uygunluğuna ilişkin tespitler yapılan yapı adasında, beşinci bölümde saptanan olumsuzlukların giderilmesine yönelik yeni bir düzenleme önerisi sunulmuştur. Bu yeni düzenleme, oluşumuetkileyen tüm diğer faktörler açısmda değerlendirilimiştir. Yedinci ve son bölümde ise güneş ve geneleksel yerleşimler arasındaki etkileşim açısmda varılan sonuçlar açıklanmıştır.
Human being has made a great achivement in the architectural area during the ages. There are several factors in the evaluation of architectural developments. Technical equipments, social - cultural structure of users and the physical circumstances on the area effect these factors of the resident of a settlement. There is a equilibrium between the physical and socio-cultural criteria, by the development of the vernacular architecture. In the first chapter, a introduction is made for the subject. In second chapter, all of the factors that effect the resident of vernacular settlements are described. In this description the factors are studied in three parts. First part is physical enviromental factors, second part is materials and construction technology, third part is socio-cultural factors. The physical environmental factors of a settlement includes, climate and topography. Heat, solar radiation, wind, rain and humidity are general characteristics of climate. Climate seriously effects the vernacular architecture. It is comprehended many years ago. Vitruvius mentioned in 3'th century, that architects should have knowledge about climate, characteristics of atmosphere, local water sources etc... He said that, a design without of thinking about the climate can not be successful. a Climate datums effected architecture seriously until the modern ages, but today, by the high tecnological possibilities, buildings are built without paying atention to the climate datums, because today it is easily possible to have the required internal climate. Another subtitle of physical environment is topography. Topography is analyzed in case of plateau, valley, slope, plane, stepped and residential areas settled near a river, lake or sea shore. The boundries of the ground, the incline, properties of water sources, plant cover, geological structur, are effective on the determining the shape of the settlement. According to the opportunities of those factors the shape of the settlement can be geometrical or organic, lineer or rayly, dense or wide apart, high or low. Various kinds of buildings which occur by effects of topography, are described in this part. Vernacular architecture is also effected by material sources that are used by native people. In the second part, it is said that materials sources, that are used by native people effect vernacular architecture. If the vernacular architecture is examined, it can be seen that, the used materials are usually the materials, wich are natural in the environment. In Anatolia the mostly used materials are, depanding on the area, baced soil, wood or rock. If there is more than one material on the settlemental area, native people usually coose one of them. For example, in the middle area of france, there is rock and wood together. In those areas it can be seen that sometimes wood and sometimes rock is used by native people. The construction tecnology of the residential period is also effective on it. The third part of the factors that effect the resident of vernacular settlement is social cultural structure of users. Sometimes it can be seen that in different places, wich have same climate datum, same topography and same material sources, native people built different kinds of buildings and settlements. The cause of this difference is the different social structure of the people. This structure is studied under those titles, life style, economy, defends and esthetic criteria. For example in Greece and Anatolia there is a important difference between the buildings. In Anatolia in the ground floor, xu it can not be seen any window but in Greece it is opposite. The couse of this difference is the different religional culture. In third chapter, from all of those factors, mentioned before, only the role of the sun by formation of vernacular settlements, is determined, in the scale of settlement. Civilizations tried to use the solar energy befor many centuries. Archimedes (287-212 B.C.) made a lot of researches about this kind of energy. For example; he succeed to burn ships of Marcellus, which surrounded Sirakuze since two years, by using huge concave mirrors. In this chapter the effects of the solar radiation is described by siyuation and orientation of settlement, by position of city squares and distance between each others. In fourth chapter the aspects of efficient distance between the buildings are described in the relation with the solar radiation. There are two factors of climate that can be changed by orientation; solar radiation and wind. When determining the efficient orientation of a building, the need of solar radiation, the using type and the geometrical properties of the building should be known. By determining efficient distance between the buildings, the regional characteristics like, factors about ground, about the building and factors that establish the relationship between building and solar radiation, should be known. Regional climate factors are important for formation of the criteria which is used by deteraiining the efficient distance between buildings. The orientation and the incline angle of the ground on which the settlements is situated are also important factors. It is obvious mat the solar radiation makes different effects and shadow depth on a inclined ground and smooth ground The latitude of settlement is important, because solar radiation makes various angles with facades of buildings according to the latitude. There are several angles which occur because of position of the settlement on the earth. XUl After describing of those angles, a process of a process of determining efficient distance between the buildings is presented. This process includes three steps. 1) To determine the characteristic day of the consideration. 2) To determine the profile angles. 3) To determine the depth of shadow, which occur before the building. In fifth chapter, Assos is recognized by the geographical situations, history, climate, economy, social life, building structure and types. Today the settlement is located near the Antique city. The oldest name of the city was Pedasos and the name of Assos was derived from it. Behram, the present name of the city is derived form of Makhram, a Byzantine official who came to Assos on duty. Assos was the most powerful and the most important city on the northern shores of Edremit when it was captured by the Lydians in 560 B.C. The increasing power of Athens. As a city the real development of Assos is in the Roman period, especially during the Pax Romana period Assos prospered as several cities in Anatolia did. The city became the target of several attacks during the Laitinian, The Seljukian and the Ottoman periods. Although Süleyman Shah captured Assos like the other peripheral settlements in 1080, Alexius Commenos, having sough an opportunity, sized the territories up to the Menderes River (1097) during the years that followed the crossing of the,First Crusade, and thus, Seljukians retreated from Troad. The pressure of the Ottoman turned into a permanent ruling in 1330 after the victory of Osman I at Limnos in 1288 and the region has been dominated by Turks uninterruptedly. The city of today is located on the land side of the hill on that the settlers can watch their field. Then, one residential area is selected in Assos XIV and schemas of shadows in winter and summer seasons for all day long is studied. This schemas depend of profile angle of the sun. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between solar radiation and the selected residential area. As a result of this study, the negative and the positive sides of this residential area according to the solar radiation is presented. In sixth chapter, a re-organisation of the selected area is suggested in that the negative sides of the areae according to the solar datums are destroyed. In this re-organization, the four criterias are those; l)Maximum solar radiation in winter 2)Minimum solar radiation in summer 3 Relationship between neighbour buildings 4)Building typology andurbanal tissue Finally, the new occurring plan is discussed in the scale of physical and social-cultural environmental factors and so it has been obvious that there are not big arrangements to improve the efficiency of solar radiation. As a result it is said that the native people constructed their houses in aspect to the reality of the sun using their subconscious knowledge.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1995
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1995
Anahtar kelimeler
Assos, Güneş radyasyonu, Yerleşim merkezleri ; Çanakkale-Behramkale, Assos ;, Solar radiation ;Settlement centers ; Çanakkale-Behramkale